# Generic function to avoid code duplication <# .SYNOPSIS Sets properties on an input object from a configuration stored in a JSON object. .DESCRIPTION The Set-SM365PropertiesFromConfigJson function takes an input object and a JSON configuration object and sets properties on the input object based on the JSON data. It can also set version-specific and option-specific properties as required. .PARAMETER InputObject The object on which the properties will be set. This object will be modified based on the properties found in the provided JSON configuration. .PARAMETER Json The JSON object containing configuration data. This should include both general properties and version-specific or option-specific properties if applicable. .PARAMETER Version Specifies the configuration version to use when setting properties. If no version is specified, the default behavior will be applied. The parameter defaults to `[SM365.ConfigVersion]::None`. .PARAMETER Option An array of configuration options that can be used to set option-specific properties from the JSON configuration. .EXAMPLE $inputObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = "Sample" } $jsonConfig = Get-Content -Path "C:\config.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json Set-SM365PropertiesFromConfigJson -InputObject $inputObject -Json $jsonConfig -Version "V1" -Option @("Option1", "Option2") This example reads a JSON configuration file, parses it, and sets the properties on an input object based on the configuration data for version "V1" and the specified options. .NOTES The function assumes that the JSON structure includes a "Version" section for version-specific properties and an "Option" section for option-specific settings. It skips setting properties if the specified version does not exist in the JSON structure. #> function Set-SM365PropertiesFromConfigJson { [CmdLetBinding()] Param ( [psobject] $InputObject, [psobject] $Json, [SM365.ConfigVersion] $Version = [SM365.ConfigVersion]::None, [SM365.ConfigOption[]] $Option ) if(!$json.Version.$version) { $InputObject.Skip = $true; } # Set all properties that aren't version specific $ | Foreach-Object { if ($_.Name -notin @("Version", "Name", "Option")) { $InputObject.$($_.Name) = $_.Value } } # Default version actually acts as default properties now if($json.Version["Default"]){ $json.Version["Default"] | Foreach-Object $InputObject.$($_.Name) = $_.Value } # Set the version specific properties, except if none has been requested if ($Version -ne [SM365.ConfigVersion]::None) { $json.Version.$ | Foreach-Object { $InputObject.$($_.Name) = $_.Value } } if($Option -and $json.Option) { $Option | Where-Object {$json.Option.$_} | ForEach-Object{ $Json.Option.$ | ForEach-Object{ $InputObject.$($_.Name) = $_.Value } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves inbound connector settings from a JSON configuration file. .DESCRIPTION The Get-SM365InboundConnectorSettings function reads inbound connector settings from a JSON file located in the specified path and returns the settings based on the specified connector type (e.g., Default or Partner). .PARAMETER Type Specifies the type of connector settings to retrieve. The valid values are 'Default' and 'Partner'. The parameter defaults to 'Default' if not specified. .EXAMPLE Get-SM365InboundConnectorSettings -Type 'Partner' This example retrieves the inbound connector settings for the 'Partner' type from the JSON configuration file. .EXAMPLE Get-SM365InboundConnectorSettings This example retrieves the default inbound connector settings, as the Type parameter defaults to 'Default'. .NOTES The function assumes that the JSON configuration file `Inbound.json` is located in the `..\ExOConfig\Connectors` directory relative to the script's location. The JSON structure should have keys corresponding to the valid types ('Default', 'Partner') for correct data retrieval. #> function Get-SM365InboundConnectorSettings { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [ValidateSet('Default','Partner')] [String]$Type = 'Default' ) begin { $ret = $null $raw = $null } process { Write-Verbose "Loading inbound connector settings for routingtype $Routing" $raw = (Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\..\ExOConfig\Connectors\Inbound.json" -Raw|Convertfrom-Json -AsHashtable) $ret = $raw.$Type } end { return $ret } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves outbound connector settings from a JSON configuration file. .DESCRIPTION The Get-SM365OutboundConnectorSettings function reads outbound connector settings from a JSON file located in the specified path and returns the settings based on the specified connector type (e.g., Default or Partner). .PARAMETER Type Specifies the type of connector settings to retrieve. The valid values are 'Default' and 'Partner'. The parameter defaults to 'Default' if not specified. .EXAMPLE Get-SM365OutboundConnectorSettings -Type 'Partner' This example retrieves the outbound connector settings for the 'Partner' type from the JSON configuration file. .EXAMPLE Get-SM365OutboundConnectorSettings This example retrieves the default outbound connector settings, as the Type parameter defaults to 'Default'. .NOTES The function assumes that the JSON configuration file `Outbound.json` is located in the `..\ExOConfig\Connectors` directory relative to the script's location. The JSON structure should have keys corresponding to the valid types ('Default', 'Partner') for correct data retrieval. #> function Get-SM365OutboundConnectorSettings { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [ValidateSet('Default','Partner')] [String]$Type = 'Default' ) begin { $ret = $null $raw = $null } process { Write-Verbose "Loading outbound connector settings" $raw = (Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\..\ExOConfig\Connectors\Outbound.json" -Raw|Convertfrom-Json -AsHashtable) $ret= $Raw.$Type } end { return $ret } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves transport rule settings from a JSON file and returns them as a hashtable. .DESCRIPTION The Get-SM365TransportRuleSettings function reads a JSON file specified by the user, parses its contents, and returns the transport rule settings found within the `default` section of the JSON as a hashtable. .PARAMETER File Specifies the path to the JSON file that contains the transport rule settings. This parameter is mandatory. .EXAMPLE Get-SM365TransportRuleSettings -File "C:\path\to\settings.json" This example reads the specified JSON file, extracts the `default` section, and returns it as a hashtable. .NOTES The function assumes that the JSON file is properly formatted and that it includes a `default` key at the top level. The function reads the entire file as a raw string and converts it into a hashtable for easy access and processing. #> function Get-SM365TransportRuleSettings { [CmdLetBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $File ) begin { $ret = $null $raw = $null } process { $raw = (Get-Content $file -Raw|Convertfrom-Json -AsHashtable) $ret = $raw.default return $ret } end { } } <# .SYNOPSIS Prompts the user to input a specified number of IP addresses and returns them as an array. .DESCRIPTION The Get-IPAddressArray function allows the user to enter a specified number of IP addresses. Each input is validated to ensure it matches the basic format of an IPv4 address. If an invalid IP address is entered, the function prompts the user to re-enter a valid IP address for that iteration. The function returns an array containing all the valid IP addresses provided. .PARAMETER Count The number of IP addresses the user wishes to input. This parameter is mandatory. .EXAMPLE Get-IPAddressArray -Count 3 This example prompts the user to enter three IP addresses. If the user enters any invalid IP address, they are prompted to enter it again until a valid address is provided. The function returns an array of the entered IP addresses. .NOTES This function performs a basic validation for IPv4 addresses using a regular expression. For more complex or accurate validation, consider using built-in .NET methods or modules for IP address parsing. #> function Get-IPAddressArray { [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Geben Sie die Anzahl der Adressen ein, die sie eingeben wollen." )] [int]$Count ) $ipArray = @() for ($i = 1; $i -le $Count; $i++) { $ip = Read-Host -Prompt "Geben Sie IP-Adresse Nr. $i ein" # Validierung der IP-Adresse (optionale einfache Validierung) if ($ip -match '^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$') { $ipArray += $ip } else { Write-Host "Ungültige IP-Adresse: $ip. Bitte geben Sie eine gültige IP-Adresse ein." $i-- # Wiederhole diese Schleifenrunde für eine erneute Eingabe } } return $ipArray } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds unique strings to an existing string array only if they do not already exist in the array. .DESCRIPTION The Add-UniqueStringsToArray function takes an existing string array and an array of new strings. It checks each new string to see if it already exists in the existing array. If a string is not already present, it adds the string to the array. The function returns the updated array. .PARAMETER ExistingArray The existing string array to which new unique strings will be added. If null or empty, the array is initialized as an empty array. .PARAMETER NewStrings The array of new strings to be added to the existing array if they do not already exist in it. .EXAMPLE $existingArray = @('', '') $newStrings = @('', '', '') $updatedArray = Add-UniqueStringsToArray -ExistingArray $existingArray -NewStrings $newStrings Write-Host "Updated Array: $updatedArray" This example takes an array containing '' and '', and adds '' and '' while skipping '' since it already exists in the existing array. The output will be: Updated Array: #> function Add-UniqueStringsToArray { param ( [string[]]$ExistingArray, [string[]]$NewStrings ) # Wenn das vorhandene Array null oder leer ist, initialisieren wir es if (-not $ExistingArray) { $ExistingArray = @() } # Durchlaufen der neuen Strings und Hinzufügen, wenn sie nicht bereits existieren foreach ($string in $NewStrings) { if ($ExistingArray -notcontains $string) { $ExistingArray += $string } } # Rückgabe des aktualisierten Arrays return $ExistingArray } # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIVzAYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIVvTCCFbkCAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor # BgEEAYI3AgEEoGswaTA0BgorBgEEAYI3AgEeMCYCAwEAAAQQH8w7YFlLCE63JNLG # KX7zUQIBAAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAxMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUABCC7YRY71Ew5pqbT # fis2qW8wLYZFv/4D/H/DEDK0kYNBgKCCEggwggVvMIIEV6ADAgECAhBI/JO0YFWU # jTanyYqJ1pQWMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBDAUAMHsxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkdCMRswGQYDVQQI # DBJHcmVhdGVyIE1hbmNoZXN0ZXIxEDAOBgNVBAcMB1NhbGZvcmQxGjAYBgNVBAoM # EUNvbW9kbyBDQSBMaW1pdGVkMSEwHwYDVQQDDBhBQUEgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUgU2Vy # dmljZXMwHhcNMjEwNTI1MDAwMDAwWhcNMjgxMjMxMjM1OTU5WjBWMQswCQYDVQQG # EwJHQjEYMBYGA1UEChMPU2VjdGlnbyBMaW1pdGVkMS0wKwYDVQQDEyRTZWN0aWdv # IFB1YmxpYyBDb2RlIFNpZ25pbmcgUm9vdCBSNDYwggIiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUA # A4ICDwAwggIKAoICAQCN55QSIgQkdC7/FiMCkoq2rjaFrEfUI5ErPtx94jGgUW+s # hJHjUoq14pbe0IdjJImK/+8Skzt9u7aKvb0Ffyeba2XTpQxpsbxJOZrxbW6q5KCD # J9qaDStQ6Utbs7hkNqR+Sj2pcaths3OzPAsM79szV+W+NDfjlxtd/R8SPYIDdub7 # P2bSlDFp+m2zNKzBenjcklDyZMeqLQSrw2rq4C+np9xu1+j/2iGrQL+57g2extme # me/G3h+pDHazJyCh1rr9gOcB0u/rgimVcI3/uxXP/tEPNqIuTzKQdEZrRzUTdwUz # T2MuuC3hv2WnBGsY2HH6zAjybYmZELGt2z4s5KoYsMYHAXVn3m3pY2MeNn9pib6q # RT5uWl+PoVvLnTCGMOgDs0DGDQ84zWeoU4j6uDBl+m/H5x2xg3RpPqzEaDux5mcz # mrYI4IAFSEDu9oJkRqj1c7AGlfJsZZ+/VVscnFcax3hGfHCqlBuCF6yH6bbJDoEc # QNYWFyn8XJwYK+pF9e+91WdPKF4F7pBMeufG9ND8+s0+MkYTIDaKBOq3qgdGnA2T # OglmmVhcKaO5DKYwODzQRjY1fJy67sPV+Qp2+n4FG0DKkjXp1XrRtX8ArqmQqsV/ # AZwQsRb8zG4Y3G9i/qZQp7h7uJ0VP/4gDHXIIloTlRmQAOka1cKG8eOO7F/05QID # AQABo4IBEjCCAQ4wHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUoBEKIz6W8Qfs4q8p74Klf9AwpLQwHQYD # 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c7DVEwQuyAi/gpO9kymPLYupHthu+ULXSKQXGV3OB0IrucssS4mJjkg5rFH0h2s0 # 7P51kBPJ5rL9p2RJbvfSSBAuJ+wK7GPz8erGjB3V2OaaAHCoM2aIYqYfQ1E+G5cG # WO4zl5/v9wYya3xNovX9Mw/46+BLPsJT1TbdJZmxkdGXjItowsBP1aRCLtx7VF/e # Hugbf5fqyq9RAfW5htiN29uAB/UvArXezJAZfSJD2SuzfjJm3LTGITojIPhxhdXI # ynKN5Ofb2ADvFb0jqjy09w== # SIG # End signature block |