# Global configuration variables $Global:LogConfig = $null $Global:MonitorConfig = $null function Get-MonitorCredentials(){ if(Get-Command "Get-AutomationPSCredential" -CommandType Cmdlet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){ # Running in Azure return $KeyData = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name 'Monitor' } else{ } } function Set-LogConfiguration{ <# .SYNOPSIS Defines a parameter set for the SATLogger. .DESCRIPTION SATLogger enables standardized log messages in JSON, CSV, or Text (Pipe delimited) Messages can be optionally routed to the console and external monitor. .PARAMETER Format [string] The format of the log message string (JSON, CSV, or Text). .PARAMETER JobName [string] The name of the job being logged. This should be a unique descriptive name that can serve as a key for searches. .PARAMETER LogToFile [bool] Boolean to log to a file. .PARAMETER LogDirectory [string] The directory to write logs into. Will be ignored if LogFile is specified. .PARAMETER LogFile [string] The full path to the log file, including the file name and extension. .PARAMETER LogToMonitor [bool] Boolean to route log messages to External Monitor. .PARAMETER MonitorLogLevel [int] Log threshold to capture in External Monitor. All logs below the selected threshold will be suppressed. Accepted levels: 0=DEBUG, 1=INFO, 2=WARN, 3=ERROR, 4=CRITICAL. .PARAMETER LogToConsole [bool] Boolean to display log messages in the console. This is required for azure automation jobs. .PARAMETER LogLevel [int] Log threshold to capture. All logs below the selected threshold will be suppressed. Accepted levels: 0=DEBUG, 1=INFO, 2=WARN, 3=ERROR, 4=CRITICAL. .PARAMETER RetentionDays [int] Number of days to retain old log files on disk. This is only applicable for SATLogger- managed log files. Not supported with the -Append or -LogFile switches. .PARAMETER Append [bool] Boolean to append to an existing log file. .EXAMPLE Set-LogConfiguration -Format JSON -JobName AddressBookUpdate -LogFile .\AddressBookUpdate.json -LogToMonitor:$true -LogToConsole:$true -LogLevel 2 .EXAMPLE Set-LogConfiguration -JobName InstallHotfix .OUTPUTS None #> param ( [Parameter(HelpMessage="Log message format. Options are 'CSV','JSON', or 'Text.'")] [ValidateSet('CSV','JSON','Text')] [string]$Format = 'Text', [Parameter(HelpMessage="Name of the Job your are logging.", Mandatory=$true)] [string]$JobName, [Parameter(HelpMessage="Set to TRUE if you would like to output to the console. This should be TRUE for all Azure Automation Jobs")] [bool]$LogToConsole = $true, [Parameter(HelpMessage="Set to TRUE to route logs to external Monitor.")] [bool]$LogToMonitor = $false, [Parameter(HelpMessage="Log threshold to capture. All logs below the selected threshold will be suppressed, 0=DEBUG, 1=INFO, 2=WARN, 3=ERROR, 4=CRITICAL.")] [ValidateSet(0,1,2,3,4)] [int]$MonitorLogLevel = 2, [Parameter(HelpMessage="Indicates if you would like to output to a file. Default is true. Set to False for most Azure automation jobs.")] [bool]$LogToFile = $true, [Parameter(HelpMessage="The directory to write logs into. Will be ignored if LogFile is specified.")] [string]$LogDirectory=$null, [Parameter(HelpMessage="A full or relative path to the log file, including the file name and extension.")] [string]$LogFile = $null, [Parameter(HelpMessage="Log threshold to capture. All logs below the selected threshold will be suppressed, 0=DEBUG, 1=INFO, 2=WARN, 3=ERROR, 4=CRITICAL.")] [ValidateSet(0,1,2,3,4)] [int]$LogLevel = 1, [Parameter(HelpMessage="Number of days to retain past log files. A value of 0 will retain all logs.")] [int]$RetentionDays = 0, [Parameter(HelpMessage="Append to an existing log file. Default is false.")] [bool]$Append = $false ) # If LogToFile is true, define the log file path. if($LogToFile){ if($LogFile -and $LogDirectory){ Write-Output "Specify either LogFile or LogDirectory. Deferring to LogFile parameter value." } if($LogFile -and ($RetentionDays -gt 0)){ Write-Output "Ambiguous option selected with LogFile path specified: RetentionDays." Write-Output "If you would like to enable log pruning, do not specify the LogFile value." Write-Output "The logger will automatically generate and maintain log files." Write-Output "Setting retention to 0 to disable log pruning." $RetentionDays = 0 } if($Append -and ($RetentionDays -gt 0)){ Write-Output "Ambiguous option selected with log pruning enabled: Append." Write-Output "Log pruning is not supported with the Append option." Write-Output "Setting retention to 0 to disable log pruning." $RetentionDays = 0 } if($null -eq $LogFile){ if($null -eq $LogDirectory){ $LogDirectory = "$(Split-Path $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath)\Logs" } if($Format -eq "Text"){ $Extension = ".txt" } elseif($Format -eq "CSV"){ $Extension = ".csv" } elseif($Format -eq "JSON"){ $Extension = ".json" } # If the append option is selected, use the job name only. # Otherwise, append the date to the log file name. if($Append){ $LogFileName = "$($JobName)$($Extension)" } else{ $LogDate = (Get-Date -Format yyy-MM-dd) $LogFileName = "$($JobName)_$($LogDate)$($Extension)" } $LogFile = "$logDirectory\$LogFileName" } if(-not (Test-Path $LogFile)){ try{ # Create the file if it doesn't exist. New-Item -ItemType File -Path $LogFile -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null # Write the CSV Header for new log files. if($Format -eq "CSV"){ [PSCustomObject]@{ "DateTime" = $Date "JobName" = $LogConfig.JobName "Severity" = $Type "Message" = $Message "Host" = $LogConfig.Host "Script" = $LogConfig.Script } | Select-Object DateTime,JobName,Severity,Message | Export-Csv $LogFile -NoTypeInformation } } catch{ Write-Output "Unable to create log file. Exception: $($error[0].Exception.Message)" Write-Output "Streaming log to console only." $LogToFile = $false } } # Clean old log files if($RetentionDays -gt 0){ if($LogDirectory -and $Extension){ $LogsToPurge = Get-ChildItem $LogDirectory "*$extension" | Where-Object {$_.CreationTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$RetentionDays)} foreach($Item in $LogsToPurge){ try{ Remove-Item $Item.FullName -Force -ErrorAction Stop Write-Output "Purged log based on retention policy: $($Item.FullName)" } catch{ Write-Output "Failed to purge log $($Item.FullName). Error: $($error[0].Exception.message)" } } } } } # Configure the if($LogToMonitor){ [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; # Check if we're running in Azure if(Get-Command "Get-AutomationPSCredential" -CommandType Cmdlet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){ try{ # Pull connection vars from Azure $Endpoint = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name "MonitorEndpoint" -ErrorAction Stop $KeyData = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name 'Monitor' -ErrorAction Stop $Url = $Endpoint.Username $ApiKey = $KeyData.Username $ApiSecret = $KeyData.GetNetworkCredential().Password Set-MonitorConfiguration -Url $url -ApiKey $ApiKey -ApiSecret $ApiSecret } catch{ Write-Output "Detected running in Azure. Failed to obtain the Monitor or MonitorEndpoint credential object. Ensure they exist." } } else{ # Check the secret vault for the "Monitor" secret if($MonitorCredentials = Get-Secret -Name "Monitor" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){ if($PSVersionTable.PSversion.Major -gt 5){ $ApiKey = $MonitorCredentials.apikey | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText $ApiSecret = $MonitorCredentials.apisecret | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText $Url = $MonitorCredentials.url | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText } elseif($PSVersionTable.PSversion.Major -le 5){ $BString = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($MonitorCredentials.apikey) $ApiKey = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BString) $BString2 = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($MonitorCredentials.apisecret) $ApiSecret = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BString2) $BString3 = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($MonitorCredentials.url) $Url = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BString3) } } elseif(Test-Path ~\.monitor){ # Check .monitor config file try{ $MonitorJSON = Get-Content ~\.monitor | ConvertFrom-Json $ApiKey = $MonitorJSON.apikey $ApiSecret = $MonitorJSON.apisecret $Url = $MonitorJSON.url } catch{ Write-Output "~\.monitor configuration file is inaccessible, in an invalid format, or missing configuration variables." } } else{ Write-Output "No external monitoring configuration found for $($ENV:USERNAME). Proceeding without logging to external monitor." } } if($ApiKey -and $ApiSecret -and $url){ $Monitor = @{ Url = $url ApiKey = $ApiKey ApiSecret = $ApiSecret } Set-MonitorConfiguration @Monitor } else{ $LogToMonitor = $false } } $Global:LogConfig = @{ "Format" = $Format "JobName" = $JobName "LogToFile" = $LogToFile "LogDirectory" = $LogDirectory "LogFile" = $LogFile "LogToMonitor" = $LogToMonitor "MonitorLogLevel" = $MonitorLogLevel "LogToConsole" = $LogToConsole "LogLevel" = $LogLevel "Host" = $env:COMPUTERNAME "Script" = $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath } } function New-LogMessage{ <# .SYNOPSIS Writes log messages to one or more output channels. .DESCRIPTION New-LogMessage accepts a message string and a severity indicator to route to one or more output channels in the log configuration. .PARAMETER Severity [int] The severity of the message being logged. Accepted levels: 0=DEBUG, 1=INFO, 2=WARN, 3=ERROR, 4=CRITICAL. .PARAMETER Message [string] The message to output. .EXAMPLE New-LogMessage -Severity 4 -Message "AUGGHHHHH!" .OUTPUTS None #> param ( [Parameter(HelpMessage="Severity of the message (0-4), 0=DEBUG, 1=INFO, 2=WARN, 3=ERROR, 4=CRITICAL. Default is 1 (INFO).")] [ValidateSet(0,1,2,3,4)] [int]$Severity = 1, [Parameter(HelpMessage="The string you would like to append to the log.", Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Message ) if(!($Global:LogConfig)){ Write-Output "Log configuration undefined. Define your configuration with 'Set-LogConfiguration' to use this function." Write-Output "Setting a default log configuration." $JobGuid = New-Guid $LogConfig = Set-LogConfiguration -Format Text -JobName $JobGuid -LogFile ".\$($JobGuid).txt" -LogToMonitor:$false -LogToConsole:$true -LogLevel 1 } $Date = get-date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss" $Type = $null switch ($Severity) { 0 { $Type = "DEBUG"} 1 { $Type = "INFO" } 2 { $Type = "WARN" } 3 { $Type = "ERROR" } 4 { $Type = "CRITICAL"} default {$Type = "INFO" } } # Only log if the severity is greater than or equal to the severity defined in the config if($Severity -ge $LogConfig.LogLevel){ # Set the log string based on the defined output type if($LogConfig.Format -eq "JSON"){ $LogString = @{ "DateTime" = $Date "JobName" = $LogConfig.JobName "Severity" = $Type "Message" = $Message "Host" = $LogConfig.Host "Script" = $LogConfig.Script } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 3 } elseif($LogConfig.Format -eq "CSV"){ $LogString = [PSCustomObject]@{ "DateTime" = $Date "JobName" = $LogConfig.JobName "Severity" = $Type "Message" = $Message "Host" = $LogConfig.Host "Script" = $LogConfig.Script } | Select-Object DateTime,JobName,Severity,Message | ConvertTo-Csv -NoHeader } elseif($LogConfig.Format -eq "Text"){ $LogString = $Date + " | " + $LogConfig.JobName + " | " + $Type + " | " + $Message + " | " + $LogConfig.Host + " | " + $LogConfig.Script } # Console and Stream output: if($LogConfig.LogToConsole){ Write-Output $LogString } # File output if($LogConfig.LogToFile){ $LogString | Out-File $LogConfig.LogFile -Append } # Route message to external Monitor if($LogConfig.LogToMonitor){ # Handle when a separate threshold defined for external Monitor if($LogConfig.MonitorLogLevel){ if($Severity -ge $LogConfig.MonitorLogLevel){ Write-MonitorLog -LogString $LogString } } else{ Write-MonitorLog -LogString $LogString } } } } function Set-MonitorConfiguration{ <# .SYNOPSIS Defines a parameter set for connecting to external monitor's log ingest API .DESCRIPTION Set-MonitorConfiguration is a function that defines a global hash table which contains the connection parameters for external monitor's ingest API. All parameters are required. .PARAMETER Url [string] The base URL for the monitor's rest API. .PARAMETER ApiKey [string] Monitor API Key. .PARAMETER ApiSecret [string] Monitor API Secret value. .EXAMPLE Set-MonitorConfiguration -ApiKey <API_KEY> -ApiSecret <API_Secret> -Url "" .OUTPUTS None #> param ( [Parameter(HelpMessage="The base URL for the monitor API.", Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Url, [Parameter(HelpMessage="Monitor API Key.", Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ApiKey, [Parameter(HelpMessage="Monitor API Secret value.", Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ApiSecret ) $Global:MonitorConfig = @{ "BaseURL" = $Url "ApiKey" = $ApiKey "ApiSecret" = $ApiSecret } } function Write-MonitorLog{ param ( [Parameter(HelpMessage="The formatted log string to send to external monitor.", Mandatory=$true)] [string]$LogString ) if(!($Global:MonitorConfig)){ $Global:LogConfig.LogToMonitor = $false New-LogMessage -Severity 2 -Message "External monitor is not configured. Define your configuration with 'Set-MonitorConfiguration' to log to external monitor." New-LogMessage -Severity 1 -Message "Disabled monitor logging in the log configuration." } $method = "POST" $base_url = $MonitorConfig.BaseURL $path = "/log/ingest" try{ $request_data = ConvertTo-Json @(@{"msg"=$LogString;"_lm.resourceId"=@{"system.jobName"=$LogConfig.JobName}}) -Depth 4 -Compress } catch{ $Global:LogConfig.LogToMonitor = $false New-LogMessage -Severity 2 -Message "Unable to convert log message data to JSON. Disabling external monitor logging. Error: $($Error[0].Exception.message)" return } $api_key = $MonitorConfig.ApiKey $api_secret = $MonitorConfig.ApiSecret $credential = New-Object pscredential($api_key, (ConvertTo-SecureString $api_secret -AsPlainText -Force)) # Get current time in milliseconds $epoch = [Math]::Round((New-TimeSpan -start (Get-Date -Date "1/1/1970") -end (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).TotalMilliseconds) # Concatenate Request Details $request_vars = $method + $epoch + $request_data + $path # Extract credentials $access_id = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().username $access_key = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().password # Construct Signature $hmac = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256 $hmac.Key = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($access_key) $signature_bytes = $hmac.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($request_vars)) $signature_hex = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($signature_bytes) -replace '-' $signature = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($signature_hex.ToLower())) $auth_key = "LMv1 $access_id`:$signature`:$epoch" $headers = @{ 'Content-Type'='application/json' 'Authorization'=$auth_key } try{ $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($base_url)$($path)" -Method $method -Headers $headers -Body $request_data if($response.errmsg){ $Global:LogConfig.LogToMonitor = $false New-LogMessage -Severity 2 -Message "External monitor returned an error: $($response.errmsg)." New-LogMessage -Severity 1 -Message "Disabled external monitor logging in the log configuration." } } catch{ $Global:LogConfig.LogToMonitor = $false New-LogMessage -Severity 3 -Message "Unable to route log message to external monitor. Error: $($error[0].Exception.Message)" } } |