
        This commandlet queries ryan air api for rountrip available flights
        This commandlet queries ryan air api for available flights during specific dates
    .PARAMETER Origin
        The IATA code of origin airport
    .PARAMETER Destination
        The IATA code of destination airport
    .PARAMETER DateOut
        The date of departure
        The date of return
    .PARAMETER FlexDaysOut
        The number of extra days to include with DateOut
    .PARAMETER FlexDaysIn
        The number of extra days to include with DateIn
        Get-RyanAirFlights -Origin BRU -Destination SXF -DateOut $date
        Get-RyanAirAvailability -Origin BRU -Destination SXF -DateOut $date -FlexDaysOut 1
        Get-RyanAirFlights -Origin BRU -Destination SXF -DateOut $date -DateIn ($date.AddDays(2))
        Get-RyanAirFlights -Origin BRU -Destination SXF -DateOut $date -FlexDaysOut 1 -DateIn ($date.AddDays(2)) -FlexDaysIn 1
        The IATA code of origin airport
        The available flights

function Get-RyanAirFlights{
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline = $true,ParameterSetName = "Default Param Set")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline = $true,ParameterSetName="RoundTrip")]
        [string] $Origin,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "Default Param Set")]
        [string] $Destination,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "Default Param Set")]
        [DateTime] $DateOut,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName = "Default Param Set")]
        [int] $FlexDaysOut,
        [DateTime] $DateIn,
        [int] $FlexDaysIn
    Begin {
        Write-Debug $ryanAirApi


    Process {
            Write-Debug $queryParameters
            $json=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$ryanAirApi" -Body $queryParameters -Method Get
            Write-Debug $json
            foreach($tripJson in $json.trips)
                foreach($dateJson in $tripJson.dates)
                    foreach($flightJson in $

                        $flightHash["From"]=Get-Date $flightJson.time[0]
                        $flightHash["To"]=Get-Date $flightJson.time[1]
                        $flightHash["FromUTC"]=Get-Date $flightJson.timeUTC[0]
                        $flightHash["ToUTC"]=Get-Date $flightJson.timeUTC[1]

                        $flightHash["RegularFare"]=$flightJson.regularFare.fares |Where-Object {$_.Type -eq "ADT"}|Select-Object -ExpandProperty amount
                        $flightHash["BusinessFare"]=$flightJson.businessFare.fares |Where-Object {$_.Type -eq "ADT"}|Select-Object -ExpandProperty amount
                        New-Object PSObject â€“Prop $flightHash
            Write-Error $_

    End {