The PowerShell SDK for the Runway API
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
Runway Software. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- ThePoShWolf
Add-RwInvitationToSet Add-RwInvitationUserToGroup Add-RwSetToSet Add-RwTag Build-RwJob Close-RwClientStream Complete-RwRunnerDissolveRunner Connect-Runway Enable-RwJob Get-RwAccountAsset Get-RwAccountAssetCount Get-RwAccountAssetQueryCount Get-RwAccountAssetQuerySchema Get-RwAccountAssetTag Get-RwAssetQuerySchema Get-RwAuthenticationCurrentNodeStatus Get-RwAuthenticationCurrentUser Get-RwAuthenticationPasswordStrength Get-RwConnection Get-RwConnectionByName Get-RwConnectionCount Get-RwConnectionQueryCount Get-RwConnectionQuerySchema Get-RwConnectionTag Get-RwContentPublicDownload Get-RwContentPublicFileInfo Get-RwEndpointAsset Get-RwEndpointAssetCount Get-RwEndpointAssetQueryCount Get-RwEndpointAssetQuerySchema Get-RwEndpointAssetTag Get-RwEndpointByTag Get-RwGroup Get-RwGroupCount Get-RwGroupEx Get-RwGroupHierarchy Get-RwGroupHierarchyEx Get-RwGroupQueryCount Get-RwGroupQuerySchema Get-RwGroupTag Get-RwInvitation Get-RwInvitationCount Get-RwInvitationQueryCount Get-RwInvitationQuerySchema Get-RwInvitationTag Get-RwJob Get-RwJobAssignedRunners Get-RwJobByName Get-RwJobCount Get-RwJobQueryCount Get-RwJobQuerySchema Get-RwJobRandomJobName Get-RwJobTag Get-RwJobThread Get-RwJobThreadAutoSpawnThread Get-RwJobThreadCount Get-RwJobThreadEnabledStatus Get-RwJobThreadLastLog Get-RwJobThreadNodeName Get-RwJobThreadQueryCount Get-RwJobThreadQuerySchema Get-RwJobThreadTag Get-RwQueryAcAssetCount Get-RwRepository Get-RwRepositoryActionContentInfo Get-RwRepositoryCount Get-RwRepositoryQueryCount Get-RwRepositoryQuerySchema Get-RwRepositoryTag Get-RwRole Get-RwRoleCount Get-RwRoleQueryCount Get-RwRoleQuerySchema Get-RwRoleTag Get-RwRunner Get-RwRunnerByName Get-RwRunnerCount Get-RwRunnerQueryCount Get-RwRunnerQuerySchema Get-RwRunnerTag Get-RwSetMember Get-RwSetMemberCount Get-RwTag Get-RwUser Get-RwUserByGroup Get-RwUserCount Get-RwUserQueryCount Get-RwUserQuerySchema Get-RwUserTag Initialize-RwAuthentication Invoke-RwAnswerInvitation Invoke-RwBeginRunnerDissolveRunner Invoke-RwDissolveEndpointAssetEndpoint Invoke-RwDownloadContent Invoke-RwDownloadContentPublicFile Invoke-RwDownloadJobThreadResult Invoke-RwDownloadRepositoryAction Invoke-RwEnrollAuthentication Invoke-RwHasInvitation Invoke-RwInviteInvitationUser Invoke-RwLiveAuthenticationSignup Invoke-RwLoginAuthentication Invoke-RwLogoutAuthentication Invoke-RwMapAsset Invoke-RwPowerShellCommand Invoke-RwQueryAssetMap Invoke-RwQueryConnection Invoke-RwQueryEndpointAsset Invoke-RwQueryGroup Invoke-RwQueryGroupEx Invoke-RwQueryInvitation Invoke-RwQueryJob Invoke-RwQueryJobThread Invoke-RwQueryRepository Invoke-RwQueryRole Invoke-RwQueryRunner Invoke-RwQueryUser Invoke-RwShellRemoteShellCancel Invoke-RwShellRemoteShellPing Invoke-RwShellRemoteShellWrite Invoke-RwSignupAuthentication Invoke-RwSocket2Client Invoke-RwSocketClient Invoke-RwUploadContent Invoke-RwVersionContent New-RwAuthenticationUtilityNode New-RwConnection New-RwEnrollmentSession New-RwGroup New-RwJob New-RwJobScheduleObject New-RwRepositoryAction New-RwRole New-RwSet New-RwUser Ping-RwAuthentication Remove-RwAccountAsset Remove-RwConnection Remove-RwEndpointAsset Remove-RwGroup Remove-RwGroupUserFromGroup Remove-RwInvitation Remove-RwJob Remove-RwJobThread Remove-RwRepository Remove-RwRole Remove-RwRunner Remove-RwSet Remove-RwSetFromSet Remove-RwTag Remove-RwUser Rename-RwAuthenticationPassword Request-RwLog Request-RwResultActionResult Reset-RwAuthentication Reset-RwAuthenticationPassword Save-RwAccountAssetQueryToSet Save-RwConnectionQueryToSet Save-RwEndpointAssetQueryToSet Save-RwGroupQueryToSet Save-RwInvitationQueryToSet Save-RwJobQueryToSet Save-RwJobThreadQueryToSet Save-RwRepositoryQueryToSet Save-RwRoleQueryToSet Save-RwRunnerQueryToSet Save-RwUserQueryToSet Send-RwResultActionResultReady Send-RwResultDownload Send-RwResultDownloadError Set-RwConnection Set-RwGroup Set-RwJobAction Set-RwJobSchedule Set-RwRole Set-RwUser Start-RwJobThread Step-RwJobThread Test-RwAuthenticationEmailUnique Test-RwResultActionResult *
This module has no dependencies.
- Runway.nuspec
- Runway.format.ps1xml
- Runway.psd1
- Runway.psm1
- bin\Runway.private.dll
- bin\Runway.private.deps.json
- internal\Runway.internal.psm1
- custom\Connect-Runway.ps1
- custom\Get-RwConnectionByName.ps1
- custom\Get-RwEndpointByTag.ps1
- custom\Get-RwJobAssignedRunners.ps1
- custom\Get-RwJobByName.ps1
- custom\Get-RwRunnerByName.ps1
- custom\Get-RwSetMember.ps1
- custom\Get-RwUserByGroup.ps1
- custom\Invoke-RwPowerShellCommand.ps1
- custom\Runway.custom.psm1
- custom\autogen-model-cmdlets\New-RwJobScheduleObject.ps1
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- exports\ProxyCmdletDefinitions.ps1
- utils\Unprotect-SecureString.ps1
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
0.2.0 (current version) | 383 | 4/15/2022 |