#Requires -Version 3 function Get-RscNasShare { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves Nas Shares present in Rubrik Security Cloud. .DESCRIPTION Use this cmdlet to retrieve Network Attached Storage (NAS) shares connected to Rubrik Security Cloud (RSC). .LINK Schema reference: .PARAMETER Name The Name of the Nas Share object. .PARAMETER Id The Rubrik UUID of the Nas Share object. .PARAMETER List Switch to list all NAS Share objects. .PARAMETER NasSystem The object representing the NAS system. .PARAMETER AsQuery Instead of running the command, the query object is returned. .EXAMPLE Retrieve list of NAS shares. Get-RscNasShare or Get-RscNasShare -List .EXAMPLE Retrieve all NAS shares with the name containing "foo". Get-RscNasShare -Name "foo" or Get-RscNasShare "foo" .EXAMPLE Get details of the NAS share with specified ID. Get-RscNasShare -Id "d93ddffc-5a70-53f4-9cfa-be54ebeaa5cb" .EXAMPLE Get details of all the Nas shares for a given Nas System. Get-RscNasSystem -Id "72859a28-6276-555a-9a66-d93fe99d2751" | Get-RscNasShare #> [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = "List" )] Param( # The name of the NAS share to filter on. [Parameter( ParameterSetName = "Name", Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$Name, # The Rubrik UUID of the Nas Share object. [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Id" )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$Id, # Retrieve list of NAS systems. [Parameter( ParameterSetName = "List", Mandatory = $false )] [Switch]$List, # The object representing the NAS system. [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "NasSystem", ValueFromPipeline = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.NasSystem]$NasSystem, # Should Cmdlet return the query object instead of running it [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Switch]$AsQuery ) Process { function InitializeNasSystemFields { Param ($NasSystemField) $NasSystemField.Id = "FETCH" $NasSystemField.Name = "FETCH" $NasSystemField.VendorType = "FETCH" $NasSystemField.OsVersion = "FETCH" $NasSystemField.IsSmbSupported = $true $NasSystemField.IsNfsSupported = $true $NasSystemField.ShareCount = -2147483648 $NasSystemField.VolumeCount = -2147483648 } function InitializeDescendantConnectionNodes { Param ($Nodes) $Nodes = New-Object -TypeName RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.NasFileset $Nodes.Id = "FETCH" $Nodes.Name = "FETCH" $Nodes.TemplateFid = "FETCH" $Nodes.OnDemandSnapshotCount = -2147483648 $Nodes.IsPassThrough = $true $Nodes.IsRelic = $true $Nodes.PathsIncluded = @() $Nodes.PathsExcluded = @() $Nodes.PathsExceptions = @() $Nodes.CdmId = "FETCH" $Nodes.SlaPauseStatus = $true $Nodes.SymlinkResolutionEnabled = $true $Nodes.ReplicatedObjectCount = -2147483648 return $Nodes } function InitializeCluster { Param ($ClusterField) $ClusterField.Id = "FETCH" $ClusterField.Name = "FETCH" $ClusterField.Version = "FETCH" } function InitializeNasShareOutputFields { Param ($Field) $Field.NasSystem = New-Object -TypeName RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.NasSystem InitializeNasSystemFields -NasSystemField $Field.NasSystem $Field.DescendantConnection = New-Object -TypeName ` RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.NasShareDescendantTypeConnection $Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes = @(InitializeDescendantConnectionNodes) $Field.Cluster = New-Object -TypeName RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Cluster InitializeCluster -ClusterField $Field.Cluster } Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "Id" { $query = New-RscQueryNas -Operation Share ` -RemoveField ObjectType ` -AddField ShareType, ` ExportPoint, ` HostAddress, ` HostIdForRestore, ` PrimaryFileset # Set query variables. $query.Var.Fid = $Id # Specify additional fields not in default field profile. InitializeNasShareOutputFields -Field $query.Field } "Name" { $query = New-RscQueryNas -Operation Shares $InputObj = New-Object -TypeName RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Filter $InputObj.Field = "Name" $InputObj.Texts = @($Name) $query.Var.Filter = @($InputObj) # Specify additional fields not in default field profile. $query.Field.Nodes[0].HostAddress = "FETCH" InitializeNasShareOutputFields -Field $query.Field.Nodes[0] } "List" { $query = New-RscQueryNas -Operation Shares # Specify additional fields not in default field profile. $query.Field.Nodes[0].HostAddress = "FETCH" InitializeNasShareOutputFields -Field $query.Field.Nodes[0] } "NasSystem" { $query = New-RscQueryNas -Operation System ` -RemoveField ObjectType ` -AddField ShareCount, ` OsVersion, ` VendorType, ` VolumeCount # Set query variables. $query.Var.Fid = $NasSystem.Id # Specify additional fields not in default field profile. $query.Field.DescendantConnection = New-Object -TypeName ` RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.NasSystemDescendantTypeConnection $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes = @(New-Object -TypeName ` RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.NasShare) $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].Id = "FETCH" $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].Name = "FETCH" $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].IsStale = $true $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].IsNasShareManuallyAdded = $true $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].ShareType = "FETCH" $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].ExportPoint = "FETCH" $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].IsChangelistEnabled = $true $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].IsHidden = $true $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].IsRelic = $true $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].CdmId = "FETCH" $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].HostAddress = "FETCH" $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].HostIdForRestore = "FETCH" $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].ConnectedThrough = [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.ConnectedThroughEnumType]::SRC_UNSPECIFIED $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].SlaAssignment = [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.SlaAssignmentTypeEnum]::Derived $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].SlaPauseStatus = $true $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].EffectiveSlaDomain = New-Object -TypeName RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.globalSlaReply $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].EffectiveSlaDomain.Id = "FETCH" $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].EffectiveSlaDomain.Name = "FETCH" $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].EffectiveSlaDomain.Version = "FETCH" $query.Field.DescendantConnection.Nodes[0].EffectiveSlaDomain.IsRetentionLockedSla = $true $query.Field.Cluster = New-Object -TypeName RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Cluster InitializeCluster -ClusterField $query.Field.Cluster } } if ($AsQuery) { return $query } $result = Invoke-Rsc -Query $query if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "NasSystem") { $result = $result.DescendantConnection.Nodes } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Name" -or $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "List") { $result = $result.Nodes } $result | Remove-NullProperties } } |