
#Requires -Version 3
function Get-RscMssqlInstance{
    Returns information about the SQL Server Instances connected to Rubrik Security Cloud
    Returns information about the SQL Server Instances connected to Rubrik Security Cloud
    Schema reference:
    Uses the latest recovery point date and time that Rubrik has for a database
    .PARAMETER HostName
    Host name of the SQL Server Instance
    .PARAMETER WindowsClusterName
    Windows Cluster Name of the SQL Server Instance
    .PARAMETER InstanceName
    SQL Server Instance Name. If not provided, we default to MSSQLSERVER
    Used to return a specific SQL Server Instance based on the Id assigned inside of Rubrik
    .PARAMETER RscCluster
    RscCluster object retrieved via Get-RscCluster
    .PARAMETER Detail
    Changes the data profile. This can affect the fields returned
    Returns a list of all SQL Server Instances connected to RSC
    Get-RscMssqlInstance -List
    Returns information about the default instance of SQL on a specific host
    $HostName = ""
    $RscMssqlInstance = Get-RscMssqlInstance -HostName $HostName
    Returns information about a specific instance of SQL on a specific host
    $HostName = ""
    $RscMssqlInstance = Get-RscMssqlInstance -HostName $HostName -InstanceName DEV01
    Returns information about a specific instance of SQL on a Windows Cluster
    $WindowsClusterName = "rp-winfcsql"
    $RscMssqlInstance = Get-RscMssqlInstance -WindowsClusterName $WindowsClusterName -InstanceName DEV01
    Return a RscMssqlInstance Object based on a specific MssqlInstance Id
    Get-RscMssqlInstance -Id "86da734b-2fee-4fdc-bdc8-a73ab5648f"

        DefaultParameterSetName = "List"
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "List",Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByHostName", Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByWindowsClusterName", Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByHostName", Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByWindowsClusterName", Mandatory = $false)]
        [String]$InstanceName = "MSSQLSERVER",
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Id", Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Process {
        Write-Verbose "-Running Get-RscMssqlInstance"
        #region Create Query
                Write-Verbose "- Creating List Query"
                $query = New-RscQueryMssql -Op TopLevelDescendants 
                $query.Var.typeFilter = @()
                $query.Var.typeFilter += "PhysicalHost"
                $query.Var.typeFilter += "WindowsCluster"
            {($_ -eq "ByHostName") -or ($_ -eq "ByWindowsClusterName")}{
                $Name = ""
                if($HostName){$Name = $HostName}
                if($WindowsClusterName){$Name = $WindowsClusterName}
                $query = New-RscQueryMssql -Operation TopLevelDescendants 
                $query.Var.filter = @()
                $query.Field.Nodes[3].PhysicalChildConnection.Nodes[5].Cluster = New-Object RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Cluster
                $query.Field.Nodes[3].PhysicalChildConnection.Nodes[5].PhysicalPath = New-Object RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PathNode
                $query.field.Nodes[4].LogicalChildConnection = New-Object RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.WindowsClusterLogicalChildTypeConnection
                $query.Field.Nodes[4].LogicalChildConnection.Nodes[0].PhysicalPath = New-Object RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PathNode
                $nameFilter = New-Object -TypeName RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Filter
                $nameFilter.Field = [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]::NAME_EXACT_MATCH
                $nameFilter.texts = $Name
                $query.Var.filter += $nameFilter
                Write-Verbose "- Creating Id Query"
                $query = New-RscQueryMssql -Operation Instance 
                $query.Field.PhysicalPath = New-Object RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.PathNode
                $query.Var.filter = @()
                $query.Var.fid = $id
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RscCluster')) {
            Write-Verbose "- Creating Cluster Filter"
            $clusterFilter = New-Object -TypeName RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.Filter
            $clusterFilter.Field = [RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.HierarchyFilterField]::CLUSTER_ID
            $clusterFilter.texts = $RscCluster.Id
            $query.Var.filter += $clusterFilter
        $results = $query.Invoke()
            {($_ -eq "ByHostName") -or ($_ -eq "ByWindowsClusterName")}{
                        $results = $results.Nodes.PhysicalChildConnection.Nodes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $InstanceName}
                        $results = $results.Nodes.LogicalChildConnection.Nodes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $InstanceName}