
#Requires -Version 3
function Get-RscAccount {
    Retrieve info about the current RSC account in use
    Combines the output of 2 queries:
    - New-RscQueryAccount -Op Id : to retrieve the account id
    - New-RscQueryAccount -Op Owners : to retrieve the account owner
    Not all account owner fields are returned.
    Schema reference:
    The User type (returned by New-RscQueryAccount -Op Owner)

    Process {
        $outputObj = @{}
        # Add Account Id:
        $outputObj["AccountId"] = (New-RscQueryAccount -Op Id).Invoke()

        $owner = (New-RscQueryAccount -Op Owners -FieldProfile FULL -RemoveField AllOrgs.AllClusterCapacityQuotas).Invoke()

        $owner | Get-Member -MemberType Properties | ForEach-Object {
            $propName = $_.Name
            $propValue = $owner.$propName
            if ($propName -eq "PasskeyMetadata") {
                $outputObj["AccountOwnerIsPasskeyEnabled"] = $propValue.IsPasskeyEnabled
            elseif ( $propName -eq "LockoutState") {
                $outputObj["AccountOwnerIsLocked"] = $propValue.IsLocked
            # We do not go down into the composite types;
            # composite types renders their ToString() method to
            # their type name, like "RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.TotpStatus"
            # so we skip them.
            elseif ( $null -ne $propValue -and -not $propValue.ToString().StartsWith("RubrikSecurityCloud.Types")) {
                $outputObj["AccountOwner$propName"] = $propValue

        # Convert the hashtable to PSCustomObject and return
