
#Requires -Version 3
function New-RscSla
    Creates a new Rubrik SLA Domain

    The New-RscSla cmdlet will create a new SLA Domain. Rubrik SLA Domains are policies that define the frequency, retention, and rules for acrhival and replication.

    Schema reference:

    Create a Snapshot schedule to take a snapshot every 1 hour and retain that snapshot for 7 days. Then create the SLA Domain with that schedule.
    $hourlySchedule = New-RscSlaSnapshotSchedule -Type Hourly -Frequency 1 -Retention 7 -RetentionUnit DAYS
    New-RscSla -Name "Platinum" -HourlySchedule $hourlySchedule -ObjectType VSPHERE_OBJECT_TYPE

    # SLA Domain Name

    # Hourly Schedule object

    # Weekly Schedule object

    # Monthly Schedule object

    # Quarterly Schedule object

    # Yearly Schedule object

    # Yearly Schedule object
    Process {

        $query = New-RscMutation -GqlMutation createGlobalSla
        $query.Var.Input = New-Object -TypeName RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.CreateGlobalSlaInput
        $ = $Name
        $query.Var.Input.SnapshotSchedule = New-Object -TypeName RubrikSecurityCloud.Types.GlobalSnapshotScheduleInput
        $query.Var.Input.ObjectTypes = @($ObjectType)

        if ($HourlySchedule) {
            $query.var.input.SnapshotSchedule.Hourly = $HourlySchedule
        if ($MonthlySchedule) {
            $query.var.input.SnapshotSchedule.Monthly = $MonthlySchedule
        if ($QuarterlySchedule) {
            $query.var.input.SnapshotSchedule.Quarterly = $QuarterlySchedule
        if ($YearlySchedule) {
            $query.var.input.SnapshotSchedule.Yearly = $YearlySchedule
        $result = Invoke-Rsc -Query $query