
     Apply expressions to audio frequencies
    Apply arbitrary expressions to samples in frequency domain.
    Edit-Media .\a.mp3 -FrequencyExpression -FrequencyExpressionReal "hypot(re,im)*sin(0)" -FrequencyExpressionImaginary "hypot(re,im)*cos(0)" -FrequencyExpressionWindowSize 512 -FrequencyExpressionOverlap 0.75

[Management.Automation.Cmdlet('(?>Edit|Show)', 'Media')]

    # Apply arbitrary expressions to samples in frequency domain.

    Set channels real expressions.

    Each expression in real and imag can contain the following constants and functions:
    |sr|sample rate|
    |b|current frequency bin number|
    |nb|number of available bins|
    |ch|channel number of the current expression|
    |chs|number of channels|
    |pts|current frame pts|
    |re|current real part of frequency bin of current channel|
    |im|current imaginary part of frequency bin of current channel|
    |real(b, ch)|Return the value of real part of frequency bin at location (bin,channel)|
    |imag(b, ch)|Return the value of imaginary part of frequency bin at location (bin,channel)|

    Set channels imaginary expressions.

    Each expression in real and imag can contain the following constants and functions:
    |sr|sample rate|
    |b|current frequency bin number|
    |nb|number of available bins|
    |ch|channel number of the current expression|
    |chs|number of channels|
    |pts|current frame pts|
    |re|current real part of frequency bin of current channel|
    |im|current imaginary part of frequency bin of current channel|
    |real(b, ch)|Return the value of real part of frequency bin at location (bin,channel)|
    |imag(b, ch)|Return the value of imaginary part of frequency bin at location (bin,channel)|

    # set window size
    [ValidateRange(16, 131072)]
    # set window function
        'rect','bartlett','hann', 'hanning','hamming','blackman','welch','flattop',
    # set window overlap
    [ValidateRange(0, 1)]

$filterName = 'afftfilt'
$myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
$filterArgs = @(
    foreach ($kv in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) {
            foreach ($paramAlias in $myCmd.Parameters[$kv.Key].Aliases) {
                $m = [Regex]::Match($paramAlias, '_(?<p>.+)$')
                if ($m.Success) {
        if ($match.Success) {
            $v = $kv.Value
            $p = $match.Value -replace '^_'
            if ($v -is [switch]) {
                $v = ($v -as [bool] -as [int]).ToString().ToLower()
            if ($v -is [string] -and $myCmd.Parameters[$kv.Key].ValidateSet) {
                $v = $v.ToLower()
            if ($v -is [string[]]) {
                $v = $v -join '|'
                $v = "'$v'"
) -join ':'

"$filterName=$filterArgs" -replace "=$"