<# .SYNOPSIS Shows audio waveform. .DESCRIPTION Shows a waveform of the audio, using the [showwaves filter](https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#showwaves) .LINK https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#showwaves .EXAMPLE Show-Media -InputPath .\a.mp3 -ShowWaveform .EXAMPLE Edit-Media -InputPath .\a.mp3 -ShowWaveform -OutputPath .\a.mp4 #> [Management.Automation.Cmdlet("(?>New|Edit|Show)", "Media")] param( # If set, will show a line waveform [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias('ShowWaves')] [switch] $ShowWaveform, # Set display mode [Alias('showwaves_mode')] [ValidateSet("point","line","p2p","cline")] [string] $ShowWaveformMode, # Specify the video size for the output. Default value is 600x200 [Alias('showwaves_size', 'ShowWavesSize')] [string] $ShowWaveformSize, # Set if channels should be drawn separately or overlap [Alias('showwaves_split_channel')] [switch] $ShowWaveformSplitChannel, # Show waves color [Alias('showwaves_colors', 'ShowWavesColor')] [string[]] $ShowWaveformColor, # Set amplitude scale. [Alias('showwaves_scale','ShowWavesScale')] [ValidateSet('lin','log','sqrt','cbrt')] [string] $ShowWaveformScale ) if ($PSBoundParameters['ShowWaveformColor']) { $PSBoundParameters['ShowWaveformColor'] = $PSBoundParameters['ShowWaveformColor'] -join '|' } $myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand $filterArgs = @( foreach ($kv in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { $match= foreach ($paramAlias in $myCmd.Parameters[$kv.Key].Aliases) { $m = [Regex]::Match($paramAlias, '_(?<p>.+)$') if ($m.Success) { $m;break } } if ($match.Success) { $v = $kv.Value $p = $match.Value -replace '^_' if ($v -is [switch]) { $v = ($v -as [bool] -as [int]).ToString().ToLower() } if ($v -is [string] -and $myCmd.Parameters[$kv.Key].ValidateSet) { $v = $v.ToLower() } "$p=$($v)" } } ) -join ':' if ($commandName -eq 'Edit-Media') { $null = $outputPath -match '\.[^\.]+$' $outputPathExtension = $matches.0 $null = $inputPath -match '\.[^\.]+$' $inputPathExtension = $matches.0 if ($inputPathExtension -and $inputPathExtension -eq $outputPathExtension) { $inputCodecType = @((Get-Media -InputPath $inputPath).CodecTypes)[0] if ($inputCodecType -eq 'Audio') { [psvariable]::new('OutputPath', ($outputPath -replace '\.[^\.]+$','.mp4')) } } "-filter_complex" "[0:a]showwaves=${filterargs},format=$pixelFormat[v]", "-map", "[v]", "-map", '0:a', '-c:v', 'libx264', '-c:a', 'copy' } else { "-f" "lavfi" "$inputAudioMovieFilter,asplit=2[out1][a];[a]showwaves=${filterargs},format=yuv420p[out0]" } |