
    Adjust Pitch by a factor
    Adjust audit pitch by a factor.

    This is done by:
    * Resampling the audio
    * Resetting the sample rate
    * Adjusting the tempo.
    Edit-Media -InputPath .\a.mp3 -PitchFactor 1.25 # Adjust pitch by 125% (making audio more high pitched)
    Edit-Media -InputPath .\a.mp3 -PitchFactor 0.9 # Adjust pitch by 90% (making audio lower pitched)

[Management.Automation.Cmdlet('(?>Edit|Show)', 'Media')]
# The Pitch Factor.

# The pitch factor sample rate.
# When using Edit-Media, this will be automatically be detected from the first audio stream.
# When using Show-Media, this defaults to 44100

$PitchFactorSampleRate = 
    if ($PitchFactorSampleRate) {
    } elseif ($mediaInfo) {
        $mediaInfo.streams |
            Where-Object codec_type -eq 'audio' |
            Where-Object sample_rate |
            Select-Object -first 1 -expand sample_rate

    } else {
