
    Mix Video
    Video mixing.

[Management.Automation.Cmdlet('Join', 'Media')]
    # Video mixing.
    # Number of inputs. If unspecified, defaults to 2.
    [ValidateRange(1, 1024)]
    # How to determine the end-of-stream.
    [ValidateSet('longest','shortest', 'first')]
    # Set weight for each input.

    # Specify scale, if it is set it will be multiplied with sum of each weight multiplied with pixel values to give final destination pixel value.
    # By default scale is auto scaled to sum of weights.

$filterName = 'mix'
$myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
$filterArgs = @(
    foreach ($kv in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) {
            foreach ($paramAlias in $myCmd.Parameters[$kv.Key].Aliases) {
                $m = [Regex]::Match($paramAlias, '_(?<p>.+)$')
                if ($m.Success) {
        if ($match.Success) {
            $v = $kv.Value
            $p = $match.Value -replace '^_'
            if ($v -is [switch]) {
                $v = ($v -as [bool] -as [int]).ToString().ToLower()
            if ($v -is [string] -and $myCmd.Parameters[$kv.Key].ValidateSet) {
                $v = $v.ToLower()
) -join ':'
"$filterName=$filterArgs" -replace "=$"