
    Scales video.
    Scale the input video size and/or convert the image format.

[Management.Automation.Cmdlet('(?>Edit|Show)', 'Media')]

    # Scale the input video size and/or convert the image format.
    # Output video width
    # Output video height
    # Flags to pass to libswscale.
    # See the [ffmpeg-scalar manual](https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-scaler.html#sws_005fflags)
    # Set interlacing
    # * 1 : forces interlaced aware scaling
    # * 0 : Do not apply interlaced scaling
    # * -1 : Select interlaced aware scaling depending on whether the source frames are flagged as interlaced or not.
    # set input YCbCr type
    [ValidateSet('auto','bt709','fcc','bt601','bt470','smpte170m','smpte240m', 'bt2020')]
    # set output YCbCr type
    [ValidateSet('auto','bt709','fcc','bt601','bt470','smpte170m','smpte240m', 'bt2020')]
    # set input color range
    # set output color range
    # input vertical chroma position in luma grid/256
    # input horizontal chroma position in luma grid/256
    # output vertical chroma position in luma grid/256
    # output horizontal chroma position in luma grid/256
    # decrease or increase w/h if necessary to keep the original AR
    # Scaler param 0
    # Scaler param 1
    # set the number of slices
    # Specify when to evaluate expressions. Either initially or every frame.

$filterName = 'scale'
$myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
$filterArgs = @(
    foreach ($kv in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) {
            foreach ($paramAlias in $myCmd.Parameters[$kv.Key].Aliases) {
                $m = [Regex]::Match($paramAlias, '_(?<p>.+)$')
                if ($m.Success) {
        if ($match.Success) {
            $v = $kv.Value
            $p = $match.Value -replace '^_'
            if ($v -is [switch]) {
                $v = ($v -as [bool] -as [int]).ToString().ToLower()
            if ($v -is [string] -and $myCmd.Parameters[$kv.Key].ValidateSet) {
                $v = $v.ToLower()
) -join ':'

"$filterName=$filterArgs" -replace "=$"