<# .Synopsis Rotates a video .Description Applies the rotate filter to rotate a video. .LINK https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#rotate .LINK https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#transpose-1 #> [Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()] # It's an extension [Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Edit","Media")] # that extends Edit-Media, Convert-Media, and Show-Media [Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Convert","Media")] [Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Show","Media")] # that is inherited [ComponentModel.Inheritance("Inherited")] param( # If provided, the video file will be rotated [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Rotate, [string] $RotateFillColor, # The Output Width [string] $OutputWidth, # The Output Height [string] $OutputHeight ) $intRotate = $Rotate -as [int] if ($Rotate) { # If we're going to rotate the video "-vf" if ($null -ne $intRotate -and -not ($intRotate % 90)) { # And the angle is an int and a factor of 90 degrees # Use the [transpose videofilter](https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#transpose-1) $intRotate = $intRotate % 360 "`"transpose=$(if ($intRotate -eq 90) { 1 } elseif ($intRotate -eq 180) { 2 } elseif ($intRotate -eq 270) { 3})`"" } else { $filterArgs = @( "a=$rotate" if ($OutputWidth) { "ow=$outputWidth" } if ($OutputHeight) { "oh=$outputHeight" } if ($RotateFillColor){ "fillcolor=$rotateFillColor" } ) -join ':' "rotate='$filterArgs'" } } |