<# .SYNOPSIS ColorContrast Extension .DESCRIPTION Adjusts color contrast .LINK https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#colorcontrast #> [Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Edit","Media")] [Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Show","Media")] param( # If set, will adjust color contrast [Parameter(Mandatory)] [switch] $ColorContrast, # The constrast between Red and Cyan. Valid between -1 and 1. [ValidateRange(-1,1)] [float] $RedCyanColorContrast, # The constrast between Green and Magenta. Valid between -1 and 1. [ValidateRange(-1,1)] [float] $GreenMagentaColorContrast, # The constrast between Blue and Yellow. Valid between -1 and 1. [ValidateRange(-1,1)] [float] $BlueYellowColorContrast, # The weight of the constrast between Red and Cyan. Valid between 0 and 1. [ValidateRange(0,1)] [float] $RedCyanConstrastWeight, # The weight of the constrast between Green and Magenta. Valid between 0 and 1. [ValidateRange(0,1)] [float] $GreenMagentaConstrastWeight, # The weight of the constrast between Blue and Yellow. Valid between 0 and 1. [ValidateRange(0,1)] [float] $BlueYellowConstrastWeight, # The amount of lightness that should be preserved. Valid between 0 and 1. [ValidateRange(0,1)] [float] $ColorContrastPreserveLightness ) $filterArgs = @( if ($RedCyanColorContrast) {"rc=$RedCyanColorContrast"} if ($GreenMagentaColorContrast) {"gm=$GreenMagentaColorContrast"} if ($BlueYellowColorContrast) {"by=$BlueYellowColorContrast"} if ($RedCyanConstrastWeight) { "rcw=$RedCyanConstrastWeight"} if ($GreenMagentaConstrastWeight) {"gmw=$GreenMagentaConstrastWeight"} if ($BlueYellowConstrastWeight) {"byw=$BlueYellowConstrastWeight"} if ($ColorContrastPreserveLightness) {"pl=$ColorContrastPreserveLightness"} ) -join ':' "-vf" "colorcontrast=$filterArgs" -replace '=$' |