
    Mix successive video frames.
    Mix successive video frames, using the tmix filter.
    Edit-Media -InputPath .\TestSource.gif -TimeMix 5

# The number of successive frames to mix.

# Specify weight of each input video frame.
# If number of weights is smaller than number of frames last specified weight will be used for all remaining unset weights.

# Specify scale, if it is set it will be multiplied with sum of each weight multiplied with pixel values to give final destination pixel value.
# By default scale is auto scaled to sum of weights.

# Set which planes to filter. Default is all. Allowed range is from 0 to 15.

$filterArgs = @(
    if ($TimeMix -gt 0) {
    if ($TimeMixFrameWeight) {
        "weights=$($TimeMixFrameWeight -join ' ')"
    if ($TimeMixScale) {
    if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey("TimeMixPlane")) {
) -join ':'

"tmix=$filterArgs" -replace '=$'