param() $callStackPeek = Get-PSCallStack | Select-Object -Skip 1 -First 1 $InvoationInfo = $callStackPeek.InvocationInfo $myModulePath = # Determine the module path if ($InvoationInfo.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.Path) { $psd1Path = $InvoationInfo.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.Path -replace '\.psm1', '.psd1' if (Test-Path $psd1Path) { $psd1Path } else { $InvoationInfo.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.Path } } else { Join-Path ($psScriptRoot | Split-path) "RoughDraft.psd1" } $myCommandName = $InvoationInfo.MyCommand.Name # and the command name. $JobDefinition = [ScriptBlock]::Create({param([Hashtable]$Arguments) # Use it to create a job definition. }.ToString() + " `$myArgs = @{} + `$arguments Import-Module '$myModulePath' Set-Location `$myArgs.pwd `$myArgs.Remove('pwd') $myCommandName @myArgs ") $null= $InvoationInfo.BoundParameters.Remove("AsJob") # Remove the AsJob parameter # Pass the current directory $InvoationInfo.BoundParameters.PWD = "$pwd" # Keep track of how many jobs we've launched per command. if (-not $script:JobCounter) { $script:JobCounter = @{} } if (-not $script:JobCounter[$myCommandName]) { $script:JobCounter[$myCommandName] = 1 } else { $script:JobCounter[$myCommandName]++ } # Launch the job and return. if ($ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Start-ThreadJob', 'All')) { Start-ThreadJob $JobDefinition -Name "$myCommandName$($script:JobCounter[$myCommandName])" -argumentlist $InvoationInfo.BoundParameters } else { Start-Job $JobDefinition -Name "$myCommandName$($script:JobCounter[$myCommandName])" -argumentlist $InvoationInfo.BoundParameters } return |