
    Pixelate effect
    Applies a pixelation effect, by using a chain of two scale filters

[Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()]          # It's an extension
[Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Edit","Media")]  # that extends Edit-Media
# If set, will pixelate a video

# The pixelation width. This is the number of effective pixels wide. By default, 64
$PixelationWidth = 64,

# The pixelation width. This is the number of effective pixels tall. If not provided, this will be the pixelationwidth

if (-not $PixelationHeight) { $PixelationHeight = $PixelationWidth }

"`"scale='$($PixelationWidth):$PixelationHeight',scale='$($mediaInfo.Resolution -replace 'x', ':'):flags=neighbor'`""