
    Detects silence in an audio stream
    Detects silence in an audio stream, using the silencedetect filter.

# It's an extension
# that extends Get-Media
    # If set, will find silences within an audio.

    # The duration of quiet that is considered silence. By default a half second.
    $SilenceDuration = "00:00:00.5",

    # The noise tolerance (by default 0.1%)
    # If this is a number between 0 and 1 it will be treated as an amplitude ratio.
    # Otherwise, it will be treated as a decibal value.
    $NoiseThreshold = 0.001,
    # If set, will find silence within any channel of audio
    # (this passes the ironically named mono parameter to the silencedetect filter of FFMPEG).

$filterArgs = 
    "n=$(if ($NoiseThreshold -ge 0 -and $NoiseThreshold -le 1){$NoiseThreshold} else {"${NoiseThreshold}dB"})",
    "$(if ($AnyChannel) {'m=true'})" -join ":"

$ffArgs = @(
    '-i', "`"$ri`"", "-af", "silencedetect=$filterArgs", '-f', 'null', '-'

Use-FFMpeg -FFMpegPath $ffMpegPath -FFMpegArgument $ffArgs |
. {

    process {
        $theSilence = @([Regex]::Matches($line, "(?<Key>silence_\S{1,})\s{0,}:\s{0,}(?<Value>[^\s]{1,})"))
        if ($theSilence) {
            foreach ($foundSilence in $theSilence) {
                $theKey = $foundSilence.Groups["Key"].Value
                $theValue = $foundSilence.Groups["Value"].Value
                if ($theKey -eq 'silence_start') {
                    $silenceStart = [Timespan]::FromSeconds($theValue)
                if ($theKey -eq 'silence_end' -and $silenceStart) {
                    $SilenceEnd = [Timespan]::FromSeconds($theValue)
                        InputPath = "$ri"
                        FilterName = 'silencedetect'
                        Start    = $silenceStart
                        End      = $silenceEnd
                        SilenceDuration = ($silenceEnd - $silenceStart)
                    $silenceStart = $null

                    if ($theDuration -and $progId) {
                        $perc = $silenceEnd.TotalMilliseconds * 100 / $theDuration.TotalMilliseconds
                        Write-Progress "$ri - $filterName" " " -PercentComplete $perc -Id $ProgId
