
    Draw subtitles on top of input video
    Draw subtitles on top of input video using the libass library

# It's an extension for Edit-Media
# Set the filename of the subtitle file to read. It must be specified.

# Specify the size of the original video, the video for which the ASS file was composed.

# Set a directory path containing fonts that can be used by the filter.
# These fonts will be used in addition to whatever the font provider uses.

# Process alpha channel, by default alpha channel is untouched.

# Set subtitles input character encoding. subtitles filter only. Only useful if not UTF-8.

# Set subtitles stream index. subtitles filter only.

# Override default style or script info parameters of the subtitles.
# It accepts a string containing ASS style format KEY=VALUE couples separated by ",".

$filterArgs  =@(
    if ($SubtitleFile) {
        $resolvedSubtitleFile = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($SubtitleFile)
        "filename='$("$resolvedSubtitleFile".Replace('\', "'\\\\'").Replace("'","'\''").Replace(":", "'\\:'"))'"
    if ($SubtitleFontDirectory) {
        "fontsdir='$($SubtitleFontDirectory.Replace('\', "'\\\\'").Replace("'","'\''").Replace(":", "'\\:'"))'"
    if ($SubtitleAlpha) { 
    if ($SubtitleCharacterEncoding) {
    if ($SubtitleStreamIndex) {
    if ($SubtitleStyle) {
        "force_style='$($subtitleStyle.Replace('\', "'\\\\'").Replace("'","'\''").Replace(":", "'\\:'"))'"

if ($SubtitleFile -like '*.ass') {
    $filterArgs = @($filterArgs -notlike 'charenc=*' -notlike 'stream_index=*') -join ':'
} else {
    "subtitles=$($filterArgs -join ':')"