<# .SYNOPSIS Color Expression .DESCRIPTION Applies an expression to each color. Color Expressions can be used to tweak color in a single video stream, and can also be used to join two streams together based on the values of each pixel. #> [Management.Automation.Cmdlet("(?>Edit|Show|Join)","Media")] param( <# Up to four Color Expressions. Color Expressions can use the following variables: |Name|Description| |-|-| |w/h|The input width/height.| |val|The input value for the pixel component.| Color Expressions on a single source without blending frames can also use: |Name|Description| |-|-| |maxval|The maximum value for the pixel component.| |minval|The minimum value for the pixel component.| |negval|The negated value for the pixel component value, clipped to the minval-maxval range; it corresponds to the expression "maxval-clipval+minval".| |clip(val)|The computed value in val, clipped to the minval-maxval range.| |gammaval(gamma)|The computed gamma correction value of the pixel component value, clipped to the minval-maxval range. It corresponds to the expression "pow((clipval-minval)/(maxval-minval)\,gamma)*(maxval-minval)+minval"| Color Expressions that combine sources or blend frames can also use: |Name|Description| |-|-| |x|The first value for the pixel component.| |y|The second value for the pixel component.| |bdx|The first input video bit depth.| |bdy|The second input video bit depth.| #> [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]] $ColorExpression, # The color expression color space. Ignored when joining files. [ValidateSet('rgb','yuv')] [string] $ColorExpressionColorSpace, # If set, will blend sucessive frames together. Ignored when joining files. [switch] $BlendFrameColor ) if ($commandName -eq 'Join-Media') { $filterName = 'lut2' } else { if ($ColorExpressionColorSpace) { $filterName = "lut$($ColorExpressionColorSpace.ToLower())" } elseif ($BlendFrameColor) { $filterName = "tlut2" } } if ($commandName -eq 'Join-Media') { '-filter_complex' } else { '-vf' } "$filterName='$($colorExpression -join ':')'" |