
    Evaluates Audio Expressions
    Generate or Modify an audio signal using an expression.

    All Expressions can use the following variables:

    |ch |channel number of the current expression|
    |n |number of the evaluated sample, starting from 0|
    |s |sample rate|
    |t |time of the evaluated sample expressed in seconds|
    |nb_out_channels|input and output number of channels|
    |val(CH) |the value of input channel with number CH|
    Show-Media -AudioExpression "-2+random(0)" # Play white noise
    Show-Media -AudioExpression "0.5*tan(PI*(360-2.5/2)*t)"
    New-Media -AudioExpression "0.5*sin(PI*(720-2.5/2)*t)","0.5*cos(2*PI*(360+2.5/2)*t)" -OutputPath .\Test.mp3 -Duration "00:00:15"
    Edit-Media -AudioExpression "val(0)","-val(1)" -InputPath .\Test.mp3

[Management.Automation.Cmdlet("(?>Edit|New|Show)", "Media")]
# The audio expression.

# Set the channel layout. The number of channels in the specified layout must be equal to the number of specified expressions.

# Set the number of samples per channel per each output frame, default to 1024.

# Specify the sample rate, default to 44100.

$filterArgs = @(
    "exprs=$($AudioExpression -join '|')"
    if ($AudioExpressionChannelLayout) {
        "channel_layout=$($AudioExpressionChannelLayout -join '|')"
    if ($AudioExpressionSampleCount) {
    if ($AudioExpressionSampleRate) {
) -join ':'

if ($command -eq 'Edit-Media') {
    "aeval=$filterArgs" -replace '=$'
} else {
    "aevalsrc=$filterArgs" -replace '=$'