function Get-Media { <# .Synopsis Gets media metadata .Description Gets metadata about a media file, using FFProbe. .Example Get-Media -InputPath $home\Music\ASong.mp3 .Example Get-Media -InputPath $home\Video\AVideo.mp4 .Link Set-Media .Link Get-RoughDraftExtension .Link Use-RoughDraftExtension #> [OutputType('RoughDraft.Media', [Management.Automation.Job], [PSObject])] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Probe')] param( # One or more input paths. # If none are provided, all files in the current directory will be passed to Get-Media. [Parameter(Position=0,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Fullname')] [string[]] $InputPath, # The path to FFProbe.exe. Download it from [string] $FFProbePath, # The path to FFMpeg.exe. Download it from [string] $FFMpegPath, # A list of streams . # For example, to show only audio streams, use 'a' [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Probe')] [string[]] $Stream, # A list of entries. # By default, shows information about streams and formats. # For more information about sections, visit []( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Probe')] [string[]] $Entry = @('streams', 'format'), # If set, will output packets [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Probe')] [switch] $OutputPacket, # If set, will output data [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Probe')] [switch] $OutputData, # If set, will output frames [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Probe')] [switch] $OutputFrame, # The number of times to retry reading the file. [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Probe')] [int] $ProbeTryCount = 3, # If set, will run this in a background job [Switch] $AsJob ) dynamicParam { $myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand Use-RoughDraftExtension -CommandName $myCmd -DynamicParameter } begin { $allInputsFiles = [Collections.ArrayList]::new() $culture = Get-Culture } process { if ($AsJob) { # If -AsJob was passed, return & $StartRoughDraftJob # start a background job. } if ($InputPath) { $allInputsFiles.AddRange($InputPath) } else { $allInputsFiles.AddRange((Get-ChildItem -File | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Fullname)) } } end { $ffProbe = Get-FFProbe -ffProbePath $FFProbePath if (-not $ffProbe) # If we still don't a FFProbe command, { Write-Error "ffprobe not found. Must provide -ffprobePath at least once or include it in the path." # error return # out. } $ffMpeg = Get-FFMpeg -ffmpegpath $FFMpegPath if (-not $ffMpeg) # If we still don't a FFProbe command, { Write-Error "ffmpeg not found. Must provide -ffMpegPath at least once or include it in the path." # error return # out. } $count,$total, $progressId = 0, $allInputsFiles.Count, [Random]::new().Next() if (-not $allInputsFiles) { $allInputsFiles.AddRange(@(0)) $total = 1 } :nextFile foreach ($in in $allInputsFiles) { #region Resolve the Input Path $ri = if ([IO.File]::Exists($In)) { ([IO.FileInfo]$in).FullName } elseif ($in) { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($In) | Get-Item -LiteralPath { $_ }| Select-Object -ExpandProperty Fullname } #endregion Resolve the Input Path $paramSetShortName = ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -split "\$([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)")[-1] -replace '\.(rd|RoughDraft)\.(ext|extension)\.ps1$' -replace 'probe' $count++ Write-Progress 'Getting Media Info' "$ri $( if ($paramSetShortName) { "- $paramSetShortName"})" -PercentComplete ($count * 100 / $total) -Id $progressId #region Handle Extensions $PSBoundParameters['InputPath'] = "$in" Use-RoughDraftExtension -CommandName $myCmd -CanRun -ExtensionParameter (@{} + $PSBoundParameters) | . { process { $ext = $_ $ExtensionParameter = ([Ordered]@{}) foreach ($kv in $ext.ExtensionParameter.getEnumerator()) { if ($ext.ExtensionCommand.Parameters[$kv.Key]) { $ExtensionParameter[$kv.Key] = $kv.Value } } . $ext.ExtensionCommand @ExtensionParameter continue nextFile } } #endregion Handle Extensions if (-not $ri) { continue } $outObject = [Ordered]@{} $outObject.InputPath = "$ri" $entryList = $Entry -join ':' $selectionAndOutputFormat = @( '-hide_banner' if ($stream) { "-select-streams" $stream } if ($ListSection) { '-sections' } '-show_entries' $entryList if ($OutputPacket) { '-show_packets' } if ($OutputData) { '-show_data' } if ($OutputFrame) { '-show_frames' } '-of' 'json' ) $tries = $ProbeTryCount do { $metadataJson = & $ffprobe "$ri" @selectionAndOutputFormat 2>&1 $jsonOutput = $metadataJson[$metadataJson.IndexOf("{")..$metadataJson.IndexOf("}")] -join [Environment]::NewLine if ($jsonOutput) { $metadataJson | Write-Verbose $jsonObject = try { $jsonOutput | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $tries-- } } } while (-not $jsonOutput -and $tries -ge 0) if ($jsonObject) { foreach ($prop in $ { if ($prop.Value) { $outObject[$prop.Name] = $prop.Value if ($prop.value.tags -and $ -eq 'format') { foreach ($tagProp in $ { if (-not $outObject[$tagProp.Name]) { $outObject[$tagProp.Name] = $tagProp.Value } else { $outObject[$tagProp.Name] = @() + $outObject[$tagProp.Name] + $tagProp.Value } } } } } } $outObject.FileSize = ($ri -as [IO.FileInfo]).Length $durations = @( :gotDuration do { $durations = foreach ($streamInfo in $outObject.streams) { if ($streamInfo.duration) { [Timespan]::FromSeconds($streamInfo.duration) } elseif ($streamInfo.tags.duration) { $streamInfo.tags.duration -replace '0{0,6}$' -as [Timespan] } elseif ($streamInfo.tags."DURATION-$($culture.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName.ToLower())") { $streamInfo.tags."DURATION-$($culture.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName.ToLower())" -replace '0{0,6}$' -as [Timespan] } elseif ($streamInfo.tags."DURATION-eng") { $streamInfo.tags.'DURATION-eng' -replace '0{0,6}$' -as [Timespan] } } if ($durations) { $durations continue gotDuration } if ($outObject.format.duration) { $outObject.format.duration -replace '0{0,6}$' -as [Timespan] } elseif ($outObject.format."DURATION-$($culture.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName.ToLower())") { $outObject.format."DURATION-$($culture.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName.ToLower())" -replace '0{0,6}$' -as [Timespan] } elseif ($outObject.format."DURATION-eng") { $outObject.format.'DURATION-eng' -replace '0{0,6}$' -as [Timespan] } } while (0) ) $codecTypes = if($outObject.streams) { $outObject.streams | Select-Object -ExpandProperty codec_type -Unique } else {$null } $codecs = if($outObject.streams) { $outObject.streams | Select-Object -ExpandProperty codec_name -Unique } else {$null } if ($codecs) { $outObject.CodecTypes = $codecTypes $outObject.Codecs = $codecs } $resolutions = @( foreach ($streamInfo in $outObject.Streams) { if ($streamInfo.Width -and $streamInfo.Height) { $streamInfo.Width, $streamInfo.Height } } ) $duration = $durations | Select-Object -ExpandProperty TotalMilliseconds | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum if ($duration) { $outObject.Duration = [Timespan]::FromMilliseconds($duration) } if ($resolutions) { $outObject.Width = $resolutions[0] $outObject.Height = $resolutions[1] $outObject.Resolution = "$($resolutions[0])x$($resolutions[1])" } $outObject.PSTypeName = 'RoughDraft.Media' [PSCustomObject]$outObject } Write-Progress 'Getting Media Info' " " -Completed -Id $progressId } } |