
    Hue Extension
    Adjusts the Hue of a video source

[Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Edit", "Media")]
# If set, will change hue levels.

# The adjustment to the hue (in degrees). Can include expressions. Mutually exclusive with -HueRadian.

# The adjustment to the hue (in radians). Can include expressions. Mutually exclusive with -HueDegree.

# The adjustment to the saturation. Can include expressions.

# The adjustment to the brightness. Can include expressions.

$filterArgs = @(
    if ($HueDegree)       {"H=$hueDegree"}
    elseif ($HueRadian)   {"h=$hueRadian"}
    if ($Saturation) {"s=$Saturation"}
    if ($Brightness) {"b=$brightness"}
) -join ':'
"hue=$filterArgs" -replace '=$'