function Edit-Media { <# .Synopsis Edits media files .Description Modifies media files to apply advanced filters .Notes Edit-Media will return the output file, which can in turn be piped into the next Edit-Media. Each parameter set of Edit-Media will perform one and only one action. Using Edit-Media in a fluent pipeline will allow you to easily control the order in which actions are applied. .Example Get-Item a.mp4 | Edit-Media -FadeIn | Edit-Media -Rotate 90 .Link Convert-Media .Link Get-Media .Link Get-RoughDraftExtension .Link Use-RoughDraftExtension #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='None',SupportsShouldProcess)] [OutputType([IO.FileInfo])] param( # The input path [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Fullname')] [string[]] $InputPath, # The output path. If not provided, the output path will be named for the current edit action, i.e. 1_FadeIn.mp4 [Parameter(Position=1,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $OutputPath, # The output map. This can be provided to map multiple outputs from a single input. [Collections.IDictionary] $OutputMap, # The coded used for the conversion [Parameter(Position=2,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $Codec, # The path to FFMpeg.exe. By default, checks in Program Files\FFMpeg\. Download FFMpeg from http://ffmpeg.org/. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $FFMpegPath, # The metadata to put in the converted file [Collections.IDictionary] $MetaData, # The timespan to start [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Timespan] $Start, # The time span to end [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Timespan] $End, # A series of video filters. The key is the name of the filter, and the value can either be the direct string value of the filter, or a hashtable containing the filter components. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='CustomVideoFilter', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Collections.IDictionary] $VideoFilter, # A series of audio filters. The key is the name of the filter, and the value can either be the direct string value of the filter, or a hashtable containing the filter components. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='CustomAudioFilter', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CustomVideoFilter', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Collections.IDictionary] $AudioFilter, # A series of complex filters. The key is the name of the filter, and the value can either be the direct string value of the filter, or a hashtable containing the filter components. [Collections.IDictionary[]] $ComplexFilter ) dynamicParam { $myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand Use-RoughDraftExtension -CommandName $myCmd -DynamicParameter } begin { $ErrorList = @() $progId = Get-Random $processFFMpegOutput = { $line = $_ $progress = $line | & ${?<FFMpeg_Progress>} -Extract if ($progress -and $progress.Time.Totalmilliseconds -and $theDuration.TotalMilliseconds ) { $perc = $progress.Time.TotalMilliseconds * 100 / $theDuration.TotalMilliseconds $frame, $speed, $bitrate = $progress.FrameNumber, $progress.Speed, $progress.Bitrate if ($perc -gt 100) { $perc = 100 } $progressMessage = @("$($progress.Time)".Substring(0,8), "$theDuration".Substring(0,8) -join '/' "Frame: $frame","Speed $speed","Bitrate $bitrate" -join ' - ' ) -join ' ' $timeLeft = $theDuration - $progress.Time Write-Progress "$uro " $progressMessage -PercentComplete $perc -Id $ProgId -SecondsRemaining $timeLeft.TotalSeconds Write-Verbose "$_" } else { if ($_ -like "*error*" -or $_ -like "*unable*" -or $inErrorState) { $inErrorState = $true $ErrorList += "$_".Trim() Write-Verbose "$_" } else { Write-Verbose "$_" } } } $endFFMpegOutput = { if ($ErrorList.Count) { Write-Error "$($ErrorList -join ([Environment]::NewLine))" } } } process { #region Find FFMpeg $ffmpeg = Get-FFMpeg -FFMpegPath $ffMpegPath if (-not $ffmpeg) { return } #endregion Find FFMpeg $myParams = [Ordered]@{} + $PSBoundParameters $ri = if ([IO.File]::Exists($InputPath[0])) { $InputPath[0] } else { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($InputPath[0]) } if (-not $OutputPath -and -not $OutputMap.Count) { $inputItem = Get-Item -LiteralPath $ri $paramSetShortName = ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -split "\$([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)")[-1] -replace '\.(rd|RoughDraft)\.(ext|extension)\.ps1$' $OutputPath = $inputItem.Fullname.Substring(0, $inputItem.FullName.Length - $inputItem.Extension.Length) + "_$paramSetShortName" + $inputItem.Extension } $uro = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($OutputPath) $mediaInfo = Get-Media -InputPath $ri if (-not $start) { $start = [Timespan]::FromMilliseconds(0) } if (-not $end -and $mediaInfo.Duration) { $end = $MediaInfo.Duration } $theDuration = $End - $Start $ffmpegParams = @() if ($Codec) { $foundSeparator = $false $codecList = Get-FFMpeg -ListCodec $matchingCodec = $codecList | Where-Object {$_.Codec -like $codec -or $_.FullName -like $codec } | Select-Object -First 1 if (-not $matchingCodec) { Write-Error "Codec not found. Try one of the following items $($codecList | Where-Object {$_.CanEncode } | Select-Object Codec, Fullname | Out-String)" return } $ffmpegParams += "-c" $ffmpegParams += "$($matchingCodec.Codec)" } $filterParams = @() if ($MetaData) { foreach ($kv in $metaData.GetEnumerator()) { $filterParams += "-metadata" $filterParams+= "`"$($kv.Key)`"=`"$($kv.Value)`"" } } if ($VideoFilter) { foreach ($kv in $VideoFilter.GetEnumerator()) { $filterParams += "-vf" $filterString = "$($kv.Key)=".ToLower() if ($kv.Value -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { $filterString += '"' $filterString += @(foreach ($ikv in $kv.Value.GetEnumerator()) { "$($ikv.Key)=$($ikv.Value.ToString().Replace(',','\,').Replace(':','\:'))" }) -join ':' $filterString += '"' } elseif ($kv.Value.ToString().Trim()) { $filterString += "$($kv.Value.ToString().Replace(',','\,').Replace(':','\:'))" } $filterParams += $filterString } } if ($AudioFilter) { foreach ($kv in $AudioFilter.GetEnumerator()) { $filterParams += "-af" $filterString = "$($kv.Key)=".ToLower() if ($kv.Value -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { $filterString += '"' $filterString += @(foreach ($ikv in $kv.Value.GetEnumerator()) { "$($ikv.Key)=$($ikv.Value.ToString().Replace(',','\,').Replace(':','\:'))" }) -join ':' $filterString += '"' } elseif ($kv.Value.ToString().Trim()) { $filterString += "$($kv.Value.ToString().Replace(',','\,').Replace(':','\:'))" } $filterParams += $filterString } } if ($ComplexFilter) { foreach ($cf in $ComplexFilter) { $filterParams += "-filter_complex" $filterParams += @(foreach ($kv in $cf.GetEnumerator()) { "$($kv.Key)=".ToLower() + $(if ($kv.Value -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { @(foreach ($ikv in $kv.Value.GetEnumerator()) { "$($ikv.Key)=$($ikv.Value.ToString().Replace(',','\,').Replace(':','\:'))" }) -join ':' } elseif ($kv.Value.ToString().Trim()) { "$($kv.Value.ToString().Replace(',','\,').Replace(':','\:'))" }) }) -join ',' } } $ffInFiles = @( foreach ($in in $InputPath) { if ([IO.File]::Exists($In)) { '-i' ([IO.FileInfo]$in).FullName } else { '-i' "$($ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($in) | Get-Item |Select-Object -ExpandProperty Fullname)" } } ) $outParams = @( if ($OutputPath -and $uro) { $uro '-y' } elseif ($OutputMap.Count) { foreach ($kv in $OutputMap.GetEnumerator()) { '-map' if ($kv.Key -match '\[\w+\]') { $kv.Key } else { "[$($kv.Key)]" } $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($kv.Value).ToString() } '-y' } ) #region Handle Extensions Use-RoughDraftExtension -CommandName $myCmd -CanRun -ExtensionParameter $myParams | . Use-RoughDraftExtension -Run | . { process { $inObj = $_ if ($inObj.ExtensionOutput) { Write-Verbose "Adding Filter Parameters from Extension '$extensionCommand'" Write-Verbose "$extensionOutput" $FilterParams += $extensionOutput } if ($inObj.Done) { continue nextFile } } } #endregion Handle Extensions # Write the arguments out to verbose Write-Verbose "FFMpeg Arguments -i $ri -ss `"$start`" -to `"$end`" $($filterParams -join ' ') $uro -y $($ffmpegParams -join ' ')" $ffMpegFullArgs = @( $ffInFiles '-ss' "$start" if ("$end") { '-to' "$end" } $filterParams $OutParams $ffmpegParams ) $timeArgs = @( '-ss' "$start" if ("$end") { '-to' "$end" } ) if ($WhatIfPreference) { return $ffMpegFullArgs } # If -WhatIf was passed, return the FFMpeg Arguments if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($ffMpegFullArgs -join ' ')")) { return } # Otherwise, check ShouldProcess & $ffmpeg @ffInFiles @timeArgs @filterParams @outParams @ffmpegParams 2>&1 | ForEach-Object -Process $processFFMpegOutput -End $endFFMpegOutput if ($uro) { # If we had a single output Get-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -LiteralPath $uro # get it. } elseif ($OutputMap.Count) { # If we had an output map foreach ($kv in $OutputMap.GetEnumerator()) { $rp = # Find each file in the map try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($kv.Value) } catch { $null } if ($rp) { Get-Item -LiteralPath $rp } # and output it. } } } } |