
# Matches Progress Lines in FFMpeg output
^frame= # frame=
\s{0,}(?<FrameNumber>\d+)\s{0,} # Followed by the Frame Number
fps= # fps=
\s{0,}(?<FramesPerSecond>[\d\.]+)\s+ # Followed by Frames Per Second
q= # q=
(?<QuanitizerScale>[\d\.]+)\s+ # Followed by the Quanitizer Scale
L?size= # size=
\s+(?<Size>\d{1,}\wB)\s+ # Followed by the Size
time= # time=
(?<Time>[\d\:\.]+)\s{0,} # Followed by the Time
bitrate= # bitrate=
\s{0,}(?<Bitrate>[\d\.exN/A]+)kbits/s\s{0,} # Followed by the Bitrate
speed= # speed=
\s{0,}(?<Speed>[\d\.N/A+]+)x\s{0,} # Followed by the Speed