<# .Synopsis Generates a Sierpinski fractal .Description Generates a Sierpinski fractal, using the sierpinski filter .Link https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#sierpinski #> # It's an extension [Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()] # that extends New-Media [Management.Automation.Cmdlet("New","Media")] # that extends Show-Media [Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Show","Media")] param( # If set, will generate a Sierpinksi fractal [Parameter(Mandatory)] [switch] $Sierpinski, # Set seed which is used for random panning [int] $SierpinksiSeed, # Set max jump for single pan destination. Allowed range is from 1 to 10000. [ValidateRange(1,10000)] [double] $SierpinksiJump, # Set fractal type, can be default carpet or triangle [ValidateSet('carpet', 'triangle')] [string] $SierpinksiType ) '-f' 'lavfi' '-i' "sierpinski=$(@( if ($Resolution) { "s=$Resolution" } if ($SierpinksiSeed) { "seed=$SierpinksiSeed" } if ($SierpinksiJump) { "jump=$SierpinksiJump" } if ($SierpinksiType) { "type=$($SierpinksiType.ToLower())" } ) -join ':')" |