
RoughDraft is a fun PowerShell Module for Multimedia.

It provides pipeline-aware command to create, convert, query, edit, and join multimedia files.

## RoughDraft -Media Commands

The core of RoughDraft are the -Media commands:

|Name |Description |
|Convert-Media|Converts media between formats |
|Edit-Media |Edits media files |
|Get-Media |Gets media metadata |
|Join-Media |Joins media files |
|New-Media |Creates media files |
|Set-Media |Sets media metadata |

These commands are built atop of [FFMpeg](https://ffmpeg.org)

### Examples

#### Convert-Media

# Converts a Movie.mkv to MP4
Convert-Media .\Movie.mkv mp4

# Converts an .mp4 file to an .mp3
Convert-Media .\Movie.mp4 .\Soundtrack.mp3

# Get rid of flac files
Convert-Media .\Song.flac .mp3

# Convert all .flac files to .mp3
Get-ChildItem -Path $home\Music -Recurse |
    Where-Object Extension -eq '.flac' |
    Convert-Media .mp3

#### Edit-Media

# Adds a sepia effect to an .mp4
Edit-Media .\Movie.mp4 -Sepia

# Increases the audio by 4 decibals.
Edit-Media .\Song.mp3 -AudioGain 4db

#### Get-Media

# Get metadata about an mp3
Get-Media .\Song.mp3

# Detect silences within a song
Get-Media .\Song.mp3 -SilenceDetect

# Gets metadata about a movie.
Get-Media .\Movie.mp4

#### Join-Media

# Make a timelapse from a directory of pictures
dir *.jpg | Join-Media -OutputPath .\Timelapse.mp4 -Timelapse

# Join an audio and video file
Join-Media -InputPath .\Silent.mp4, .\Soundtrack.mp3 -OutputPath .\Movie.mp4

# Join mp3s into an album
dir *.mp3 | Join-Media -Output ..\Album.mp3

# Join various video files into a longer movie
dir | Where-Object Extension -in '.mkv', '.mp4' | Join-Media -Output ..\Movie.mp4

#### New-Media

# Create a red jpg
New-Media -Color Red -OutputPath .\Red.jpg

# Create a 15 second cyan mp4 at 1080p
New-Media -Color Cyan -OutputPath .\Cyan.mp4 -Duration '00:00:05' -Resolution '1920x1080'

# Create an RGB test source
New-Media -TestSource rgbtestsrc -OutputPath .\rgbtestsrc.mp4 -Duration '00:00:10'

#### Set-Media

# Set metadata about a video
Set-Media .\Movie.mp4 -Property @{title='My Movie'}

# Sets metadata about a music file.
Set-Media .\Song.mp3 -Property @{title='My Song';artist='me';'lyrics-eng' = 'My Lyrics'}

# Sets album artwork
Set-Media .\Song.mp3 -AlbumArt .\Cover.jpg

## Additional RoughDraft commands:

|Name |Description |
|ConvertTo-Gif |Converts video to high-quality GIFs|
|ConvertTo-Waveform |Converts audio to visualizations |
|Get-FFMpeg |Gets FFMpeg |
|Get-FFPlay |Gets FFPlay |
|Get-FFProbe |Gets FFProbe |
|Get-FFProbe |Uses FFProbe directly |
|Get-RoughDraftExtension|Gets RoughDraftExtensions |
|Use-FFMpeg |Uses FFMpeg directly |
|Use-FFPlay |Uses FFPlay directly |
|Use-FFProbe |Uses FFProbe directly |
|Use-RoughDraftExtension|Uses RoughDraftExtensions |

### Additional examples:

# List available codecs
Get-FFMpeg -ListCodec

# List available codecs
Get-FFMpeg -ListCaptureDevice

# List available filters
Get-FFMpeg -ListFilter

# Get information about a filter
Get-FFMpeg -FilterName

## Extending RoughDraft

RoughDraft is built extensibly. This is so that complex FFMpeg operations can be abstracted into small amounts of code.

You can see the current set of extensions with:


### Extension Scripts

Extensions are simple scripts files named with the regular expression ```\.(rd|RoughDraft)\.(ext|extension)\.ps1$```.

They can exist in any module that adds the tag "RoughDraft".

Extensions should include the following attributes above their parameter block:

# It's an extension
# that extends Edit-Media
# (Change this to indicate which command you'd like to extend)
# (Add additional Cmdlet attributes one to extend more commands)
# that is inherited (this is the default).
# (an extension that is 'Inherited' will return control to the main function when it is done.)
# (an extension that is 'NotInherited' will run and return directly)
# At least one parameter of the extension should be mandatory.

### Commands that can be extended:

The following commands can currently be extended:

* Convert-Media
* Get-FFMpeg
* Get-Media
* Edit-Media