function Format-Image { <# .Synopsis Formats an image at various resolutions .Description Resizes an image into various resolutions and image formats. #> param( # The path to the image [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('Fullname')] [string] $ImagePath, # The resolutions requested. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ $x, $y = $_ -split "x" if (0, 1 -notcontains $y.Count) { throw "Not a resolution" } if (0, 1 -notcontains $x.Count) { throw "Not a resolution" } if (-not ($x -as [Uint32]) -and ($y -as [Uint32])) { throw "Not a resolution" } return $true })] [string[]] $Resolution, # The JPEG Quality [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Jpeg')] [int]$JpegQuality = 100, # The dots per inch [Alias('DPI')] [int]$DotsPerInch = 96, [ValidateSet('Jpeg','jpg','Png','Tiff', 'Gif')] [string] $AsType = "Png", # The output path. If this is not set, it will be saved to a randomly named file in the # current directory. [string]$OutputPath, [Switch]$DoNotPreserveAspectRatio ) process { $resolvedImagePath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($ImagePath) $imageFile = Get-Item "$resolvedImagePath" $nameMinusExtension = $imageFile.Name.Substring(0, $ImageFile.Name.Length - $imageFile.Extension.Length) foreach ($res in $Resolution) { if (-not $res) { continue } # Loop thru each potential image size $w, $h = $res -split "x" if (-not $psBoundParameters.OutputPath) { if (-not $psBoundParameters.AsType) { $ASType = $imageFile.Extension.TrimStart(".") } $outputPath = Join-Path $imageFile.Directory "${nameMinusExtension}_${res}.${asType}" } #region Actual Resize $image = New-Object -ComObject Wia.ImageFile $image.LoadFile($imageFile.FullName) $filter = New-Object -ComObject Wia.ImageProcess $index = $filter.Filters.Count + 1 $scale = $filter.FilterInfos.Item("Scale").FilterId $filter.Filters.Add($scale) $filter.Filters.Item($index).Properties.Item("PreserveAspectRatio") = "$(-not $DoNotPreserveAspectRatio)" $filter.Filters.Item($index).Properties.Item("MaximumWidth") = $w $filter.Filters.Item($index).Properties.Item("MaximumHeight") = $h $image = $filter.Apply($image.PSObject.BaseObject) $image.SaveFile($OutputPath) #endregion Actual Resize Get-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -LiteralPath $OutputPath } } } |