
<!-- Generated with EZOut 2.0.5: Install-Module EZOut or -->


begin {
    $ProgressId = Get-Random
    $LayerCounter = 0
    $LayerStartTimes = [Ordered]@{}
    $LayerMessages = [Ordered]@{}
    $BuildStartTime = [DateTime]::Now

process {
    $lineOut = "$content"
    if ($lineOut -match 'The handle is invalid.\s{0,}$') { return }
    if ($lineOut -match '^\#(?&lt;Layer&gt;\d+)') {
        $layerNumber = $matches.Layer -as [int]
        if ($layerNumber -gt $LayerCounter) {
            $LayerCounter = $layerNumber
        if (-not $LayerStartTimes["$layerNumber"]) {
            $LayerStartTimes["$layerNumber"] = [DateTime]::Now
        if (-not $LayerMessages["$layerNumber"]) {
            $LayerMessages["$layerNumber"] = @()
        $LayerMessages["$layerNumber"] += $lineOut
        $layerProgressId = $ProgressId + $layerNumber
        $timeSince = [DateTime]::Now - $BuildStartTime
        if ($lineOut -match '^\#\d+\s{1,}done\s{1,}(?&lt;t&gt;[\d\.]+)s') {
            # Layer is done, now is a good time to output
            Write-Progress -Activity "$LayerNumber @ $timeSince" -Status "$lineOut" -id $layerProgressId -Completed
        } else {
            Write-Progress -Activity "$LayerNumber @ $timeSince" -Status "$lineOut" -id $layerProgressId
    } else {
        $layerProgressId = $ProgressId
    if ("$lineOut" -match "\[(?&lt;StageNumber&gt;\d+)/(?&lt;StageCount&gt;\d+)\]") {
        $MatchInfo = [Ordered]@{} + $matches
        $MatchInfo.StageNumber = $MatchInfo.StageNumber -as [int]
        $MatchInfo.StageCount = $MatchInfo.StageCount -as [int]
        $PercentComplete = [math]::Round(($MatchInfo.StageNumber / $MatchInfo.StageCount) * 100)
        Write-Progress -Activity "@ $timeSince $lineOut" -Status "$(
            if ($MatchInfo.StageNumber) {"[$($matchInfo.StageNumber)/$($matchInfo.StageCount)]"}
            ' '
        )" -id $layerProgressId -PercentComplete $PercentComplete

end {

# The Container ID.

if ($ContainerID) {

                        $this.CreatedAt -replace
    '(?&lt;=\d)\s(?=\d)', 'T' -replace
    '\s', ':' -replace
    ':([\-\+])','$1' -replace
    ':\w{3}$' -replace
    '\d{2}$', ':$0' -as [DateTime]
                        @($this.Size -replace '\s' -split '[\(\)]')[0] -as [long]
                        [DateTime]::Now - $this.CreationTime
                        @($this.Size -replace '\s' -split '[\(\)]')[1] -replace 'virtual' -as [long]
# The Container ID.

if ($ContainerID) {



begin {
    $dockerCommandPattern = '^\s{2}(?&lt;CmdName&gt;\w+)(?&lt;IsPlugin&gt;\*)?\s+(?&lt;Description&gt;.+$)'
    $DockerOptionsPattern = '\s{2,}(?:\-{1,2}\w+)'
    $CurrentOutput = $null
    $DockerCommandHelp = [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
                                 PSTypeName = 'Docker.Help'
                                 CommandLine = $CommandLine
                                 Usage = ''
                                 Description = ''
                                 Options = @()
                                 Commands = @()

    $inOptions = $false
    $inCommands = $false

process {
    foreach ($line in $content -split '[\r\n]+') {
        if (($line -match '^Usage\:') -and (-not $DockerCommandHelp.Usage)) {
            $DockerCommandHelp.Usage = $line -replace '^Usage\:\s{0,}'
        elseif ($line -match '^\S+' -and $line -notmatch '^.+?\:$') {
            if (-not $DockerCommandHelp.Description) {
                $DockerCommandHelp.Description = $line
            } else {
                $DockerCommandHelp.Description += ([Environment]::NewLine + $line)
        if ($line -match $DockerOptionsPattern) {
            if ($CurrentOutput) {
                $DockerCommandHelp.Options += $CurrentOutput
            $inOptions = $true
            if ($line -match '--[\w\-]+\s(?&lt;type&gt;\S+)') {
                $CurrentOutput =
                                            PSTypeName = 'Docker.Argument'
                                            OptionName = $(@($line -split '\s' -match '^-{2}')[0]) -as [string]
                                            OptionFlag = $line -split '\s' -match '^-\w' -replace '\,\s{,0}$'
                                            Type = $matches.type
                                            CommandLine = $CommandLine
                                            Description = @($line -split '\s{2,}')[-1]
            } else {
                $CurrentOutput =
                                            PSTypeName = 'Docker.Argument'
                                            OptionName = $(@($line -split '\s' -match '^-{2}')[0]) -as [string]
                                            OptionFlag = $line -split '\s' -match '^-\w' -replace '\,\s{,0}$'
                                            CommandLine = $CommandLine
                                            Description = @($line -split '\s{2,}')[-1]
        elseif ($line -match $dockerCommandPattern) {
            $inCommands = $true
            if ($matches.CmdName -eq 'docker') { continue }

            if ($CurrentOutput) {
                if ($CurrentOutput.OptionName) {
                    $DockerCommandHelp.Options += $CurrentOutput
                } else {
                    $DockerCommandHelp.Commands += $CurrentOutput
            $CurrentOutput =
                                    PSTypeName = 'Docker.Command'
                                    CommandName = $matches.CmdName
                                    Description = $matches.Description
                                    IsPlugin = $matches.IsPlugin -as [bool]
            if ($CurrentOutput.CommandName -match '^\s{0,}$') {
                $CurrentOutput = $null
        elseif ($line -match '^\s{8,}' -and $CurrentOutput) {
            $CurrentOutput.Description += ($line -replace '^\s{8,}', ' ')

end {
    if ($CurrentOutput) {
        if ($CurrentOutput.CommandName) {
            $DockerCommandHelp.Commands += $CurrentOutput
        } else {
            $DockerCommandHelp.Options += $CurrentOutput

                        @(foreach ($cmd in $this.Commands) {
}) -ne '' -as [string[]]
                        @(foreach ($opt in $this.Options) {
}) -ne '' -as [string[]]
                        return (
    ($this.Options.OptionName -match '--format') -as [bool]

# The Image Name.

if ($Image) {

                        $this.CreatedAt -replace
    '(?&lt;=\d)\s(?=\d)', 'T' -replace
    '\s', ':' -replace
    ':([\-\+])','$1' -replace
    ':\w{3}$' -replace
    '\d{2}$', ':$0' -as [DateTime]
# The Container ID.

if ($ContainerID) {

# The Container ID.

if ($ContainerID) {

                        $this.CreatedAt -replace
    '(?&lt;=\d)\s(?=\d)', 'T' -replace
    '\s', ':' -replace
    ':([\-\+])','$1' -replace
    ':\w{3}$' -replace
    '\d{2}$', ':$0' -as [DateTime]

if (-not $Dictionary.Count) { return }
foreach ($keyValuePair in $Dictionary.GetEnumerator()) {
    # If it's a path, treat it as a --volume
    if ($keyValuePair.Key -match '[\\/]')
    # Otherwise, treat it as an environment variable

    Adds to Rocker
    Adds commands to Rocker.

$unrolledArgs =
    $args | . { process {
        if ($_ -is [Alias]) {
            foreach ($aliasName in $_.AliasNames) {
                $aliasApp = $executionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($aliasName,'Application')
                if ($aliasApp) { $aliasApp }
        } else {
    } }

foreach ($arg in $unrolledArgs) {
    if ($arg -is [Management.Automation.ApplicationInfo]) {
        if (-not $this.'.ApplicationMap') {
            Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '.ApplicationMap' -Value (
            ) -InputObject $this -Force
        $this.'.ApplicationMap'[$arg.Name] = $arg
    elseif ($arg -is [Management.Automation.FunctionInfo]) {
        if (-not $this.'.FunctionMap') {
            Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '.FunctionMap' -Value (
            ) -InputObject $this -Force
        $this.'.FunctionMap'[$arg.Name] = $arg
                        param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition)

if (-not $this) {
    $this = $Rocker

if ($this -and -not $this.'.CompletionCache') {
    $this | Add-Member NoteProperty '.CompletionCache' ([Ordered]@{}) -Force
$CompletionCache = $this.'.CompletionCache'
if ((-not $wordToComplete) -and $CompletionCache["$CommandAst"]) {
    return $CompletionCache["$CommandAst"]

$commandHelp = if ($commandAst.CommandElements.Count -eq 1) {
    } elseif ($commandAst.CommandElements.Count -ge 2) {
        for ($commandElementIndex = $commandAst.CommandElements.Count; $commandElementIndex -ge 0; $commandElementIndex--) {
            $combinedElements = @($commandAst.CommandElements[0..$commandElementIndex].Value) -notmatch '^\-'
            $commandHelp = $rocker.GetApplicationHelp($combinedElements)
            if ($commandHelp) {
        if ($commandHelp) {

if ($commandHelp) {
    if ($wordToComplete) {
        if ($wordToComplete -match '^\-') {
            return @($commandHelp.Options.OptionName) -like "$wordToComplete*"
        } else {
            return @($commandHelp.Commands.CommandName) -like "$wordToComplete*"
    } else {
        $CompletionCache["$CommandAst"] = @($commandHelp.Commands.CommandName) -like '?*'
        return $CompletionCache["$CommandAst"]

# Unroll our arguments, so we can accept freeform input.
$unrolledArgs = $args | . { process { $_ }}

# Join our arguments into a single string, and treat this as the command line
$commandLine = $unrolledArgs -join ' '

# The first of these arguments should be the name of the actual executable.
$ExecutableName, $CommandNames = $unrolledArgs

# If we don't have an executable, return
if (-not $ExecutableName) { return }

# If we have a command name, we need to make sure it's not 'help' (to avoid recursion and duplicates)
$commandNames = @(@($commandNames) -ne 'help')

# If we don't have a help cache, create one.
if (-not $this.'.HelpCache') {
    $this | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '.HelpCache' -Value ([Ordered]@{}) -Force

# Determine the key in the help cache
$propertyName = ".$commandLine help"

# If we don't have a cached help object, create one.
if (-not $this.'.HelpCache'.$propertyName) {
    # Get the actual executable
    $actualExecutable = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($ExecutableName,'Application')
    # If we don't have an actual executable, return
    if (-not $actualExecutable) { return }

    # Create an empty object so we can easily access it's parser.
    $dockerHelp = [PSCustomObject]@{PSTypeName=''}

    # Call the executable and pass it's output to the parser.
    $parsedHelp =
        if (-not $CommandNames) {
            &amp; $actualExecutable help *&gt;&amp;1 | &amp; $dockerHelp.Parse.Script -CommandLine $commandLine
        } else {
            # If we have a command name, pass it to the executable, too
            $commandNames = @($commandNames)
            &amp; $actualExecutable help @commandNames *&gt;&amp;1 | &amp; $dockerHelp.Parse.Script -CommandLine $commandLine

    # If we have options or commands, add them to the help cache.
    if ($parsedHelp.Options -or $parsedHelp.Commands) {
        $this.'.HelpCache'[$propertyName] = $parsedHelp

# Return the cached help object.
return $this.'.HelpCache'.$propertyName



$currentInputObject = $InputObject

@(:nextInputMethod foreach ($inputMethod in $inputMethods) {
    $function:InputMethodFunction = $inputMethod.Script
    # We turn each input method into a function
    $InputMethodFunction = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('InputMethodFunction', 'Function')
    $inputMethodSplat = [Ordered]@{}

    # and then we can get the input parameters
    foreach ($potentialInputParameter in $InputMethodFunction.Parameters.Values) {
        # and try to get the values from the current input object.
        if ($null -ne $CurrentInputObject.($potentialInputParameter.Name)) {
            $inputMethodSplat[$potentialInputParameter.Name] = $CurrentInputObject.($potentialInputParameter.Name)
        } elseif ($potentialInputParameter.Aliases) {
            # (if we fail, we can try to find each of the aliases in the current object)
            foreach ($aliasName in $potentialInputParameter.Aliases) {
                if ($null -ne $CurrentInputObject.$aliasName) {
                    $inputMethodSplat[$potentialInputParameter.Name] = $CurrentInputObject.$aliasName

    # If any parameters were found, we can run the input method
    if ($inputMethodSplat.Count) {
        $[PSNoteProperty]::new('Command', $inputMethod.Script))



$currentInputObject = $InputObject

@(:nextInputMethod foreach ($inputMethod in $inputMethods) {
    $function:InputMethodFunction = $inputMethod.Script
    # We turn each input method into a function
    $InputMethodFunction = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('InputMethodFunction', 'Function')
    $inputMethodSplat = [Ordered]@{}

    # and then we can get the input parameters
    foreach ($potentialInputParameter in $InputMethodFunction.Parameters.Values) {
        if ($potentialInputParameter.ParameterType -in [string], [switch], [bool]) { continue }

        if ($currentInputObject -as $potentialInputParameter.ParameterType) {
            $inputMethodSplat[$potentialInputParameter.Name] = $currentInputObject

    # If any parameters were found, we can run the input method
    if ($inputMethodSplat.Count) {
        $[PSNoteProperty]::new('Command', $inputMethod.Script))

                        [ValidatePattern('--format \{\{json \.\}\}')]


begin {
    $myLine = $CommandLine
    $myFirstWords = @($myLine -split '\s' -match '^\w[\w\-]+$')
    $myTypeNames = @(for ($wordNumber = $myFirstWords.Length - 1; $wordNumber -ge 0 ; $wordNumber--) {
        $myFirstWords[0..$wordNumber] -join '.'

process {
    try {

        $dockerCommandOutput = $content | ConvertFrom-Json

        foreach ($dockerCmdOut in $dockerCommandOutput) {
            foreach ($myTypeName in $myTypeNames) {
    } catch {
        $convertError = $_
        Write-Debug "Error Converting from JSON: $($_ | Out-String)"

                        $Wildcard = '?*ocker*'
$Pattern = 'Parse'
$TypeName = 'Rocker.Parser'
$CollectionTypeName = 'Rocker.Parsers'

$Collection = [Ordered]@{PSTypeName=$CollectionTypeName}

    foreach ($typeData in Get-TypeData -TypeName $Wildcard) {
        $potentialParsers = @($typeData.Members.Keys -match $Pattern)
        foreach ($potentialParser in $typeData.Members[$potentialParsers]) {
            if ($potentialParser -is [management.automation.runspaces.ScriptMethodData]) {
                $parserFullName = "$($typeData.TypeName).$($potentialParser.Name)"
                $Collection[$parserFullName] = $potentialParser |
                    Add-Member NoteProperty TypeName $typeData.TypeName -Force -PassThru |
                    Add-Member NoteProperty Name $parserFullName -Force -PassThru

    $foundCommands = @($ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommands($Wildcard, 'Alias,Function,Cmdlet', $true) -match $Pattern)
    if ($foundCommands) {
        foreach ($commandFound in $foundCommands) {
            if (-not $commandFound.Name) { continue }
            $Collection[$commandFound.Name] = $commandFound

    Gets module taglines
    Gets module taglines. A tagline is an alternate description often used for posts and articles.

    Modules can only have one description, but can have as many taglines as they want.
) -ne $null | &amp; { process { $_ } }


$ThisScriptBlock = if ($this.Script) {
} elseif ($this.ScriptBlock) {

$validationAttributes =
    foreach ($attribute in $ThisScriptBlock.Attributes) {
        if ($attribute -is [ValidateScript]) {
        if ($attribute -is [ValidatePattern]) {

if (-not $validationAttributes) { return $true}

:SomethingIsValid do {

    foreach ($attribute in $validationAttributes) {
        if ($attribute -is [ValidateScript]) {
            $this = $_ = $Argument
            $isValid = &amp; $attribute.ScriptBlock $this
            if ($isValid) {
                break SomethingIsValid
        if ($attribute -is [ValidatePattern]) {
            if (
                [Regex]::new($attribute.RegexPattern, $attribute.Options, "00:00:00.1").IsMatch("$Argument")
            ) {
                break SomethingIsValid

    return $false

} while ($false)

return $true


foreach ($parser in $this.All) {
    if ($parser.Validate -and $parser.Validate($commandLine)) {
                        @(foreach ($property in $ {
    if (-not $property.IsInstance) { continue }
    if (-not $property -is [psnoteproperty]) { continue }
