set-strictmode -version 3.0 function Set-DataverseRecordsFolder { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)][string] $OutputPath, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [PSObject] $InputObject, [switch] $withdeletions, [string[]]$idproperties = @("Id") ) begin { if (-not (test-path $OutputPath)) { new-item -type directory $OutputPath | out-null } if ($withdeletions) { if (-not (test-path $OutputPath/deletions)) { new-item -type directory $OutputPath/deletions | out-null } } elseif (test-path $OutputPath/deletions) { remove-item -recurse $OutputPath/deletions } $newfiles = @() } process { $name = ($idproperties | ForEach-Object { $InputObject.$_ }) -join "-" # Replace invalid filenam chars $name = $name.Split([IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join '_' $filename = "${name}.json" $InputObject | convertto-json -depth 100 | out-file -encoding utf8 (join-path $OutputPath $filename) if ($newfiles -contains $filename) { throw "The properties $idproperties do not result in a unique filename. The value ''$filename' was generated more than once." } $newfiles += $filename } end { # Find files which we didn't just overwrite and create deletion get-item $OutputPath/*.json | Where-Object { $newfiles -notcontains $_.Name } | ForEach-Object { if ($withdeletions) { move-item $_ $OutputPath/deletions } else { remove-item $_ } } if ($withdeletions) { # Find files that have been recreated and remove the deletion get-item $OutputPath/deletions/*.json | Where-Object { $newfiles -contains $_.Name } | Remove-Item if (-not (test-path "$OutputPath/deletions/*.json")) { "This file ensures the directory is kept when in source control system" | out-file $OutputPath/deletions/ } elseif (test-path $OutputPath/deletions/ { remove-item $OutputPath/deletions/ } } if (-not (test-path "$OutputPath/*.json")) { "This file ensures the directory is kept when in source control system" | out-file $OutputPath/ } elseif (test-path $OutputPath/ { remove-item $OutputPath/ } } } |