using module '../Common/Result' Import-Module -Name @(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot .. |Join-Path -ChildPath Util | Join-Path -ChildPath Util) Import-Module -Name @(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot .. |Join-Path -ChildPath Util | Join-Path -ChildPath MigrationUtil) Import-Module -Name @(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot .. |Join-Path -ChildPath Common | Join-Path -ChildPath Wrappers | Join-Path -ChildPath Wrappers) function Search-RMInteractiveMigration { param () $Page = 0 $Size = 25 $PageNumber = 1 $FilterFlag = Read-RMBoolean -UserMessage "Do you want to apply a keyword filter?" -DefaultValue $false if ($FilterFlag) { $Filter = Read-RMString -UserMessage "Enter source hostname, move group or migration id" -DefaultValue "None" -IsRequired $false ` -ParameterName "Filter" } $Action = Read-RMString -UserMessage "Enter search action" -Options "Active", "Scheduled", "Archived" -DefaultValue "Active" -IsRequired $false ` -ParameterName "Action" if ("Active" -ieq $Action) { return Search-RMActivateOrArchivedMigration -Page $Page -Size $Size -PageNumber $PageNumber -Filter $Filter -Archived $false } elseif ("Scheduled" -ieq $Action) { return Search-RMScheduledMigration -Page $Page -Size $Size -PageNumber $PageNumber -Filter $Filter } elseif ("Archived" -ieq $Action) { return Search-RMActivateOrArchivedMigration -Page $Page -Size $Size -PageNumber $PageNumber -Filter $Filter -Archived $true } } function Search-RMActivateOrArchivedMigration { param( [int] $Page, [int] $Size, [int] $PageNumber, [string] $Filter, [bool] $Archived ) $FilterFlag = Read-RMBoolean -UserMessage "Do you want to apply any filters?" -DefaultValue $false if ($FilterFlag) { $OSType = Read-RMString -UserMessage "Enter OS Type" -Options "windows", "linux" -DefaultValue "None" -IsRequired $false ` -ParameterName "OS Type" $CloudType = Read-RMString -UserMessage "Enter cloud type" -Options "AWS", "Azure", "vsphere", "OpenStack", "GoogleCloud" ` -DefaultValue "None" -IsRequired $false -ParameterName "Cloud Type" if (!$Archived) { $TypeOptions = @("Full", "Differential", "Continuous", "DOM", "DataOnly", "NetAppFilesFull", "NetAppFilesDifferential", "OSModernization", "RevertFromSnapshot", "RemoveSnapshot") $MigrationType = Read-RMString -UserMessage "Enter migration type" -Options $TypeOptions -DefaultValue "None" -IsRequired $false ` -ParameterName "Migration Type" } $StateOptions = @("InProgress", "Paused", "Completed", "Failed", "Cancelled", "Pending") $State = Read-RMString -UserMessage "Enter migration state" -Options $StateOptions -DefaultValue "None" -IsRequired $false ` -ParameterName "Migration State" } $Size = Read-RMInt -UserMessage "Page size" -Options 10, 25, 50, 100 -DefaultValue $Size -IsRequired $false ` -ParameterName "Size" return Show-RMActivateOrArchivedMigration -OSType $OSType -CloudType $CloudType -MigrationType $MigrationType -State $State -Archived $Archived ` -Filter $Filter -Page $Page -Size $Size -PageNumber $PageNumber -IsInteractive $true } function Search-RMScheduledMigration { param ( [int] $Page, [int] $Size, [int] $PageNumber, [string] $Filter ) $SizeFlag = Read-RMBoolean -UserMessage "Would you like to adjust the displayed migration size?" -DefaultValue $false if ($SizeFlag) { $Size = Read-RMInt -UserMessage "Change size" -Options 10, 25, 50, 100 -DefaultValue $Size -IsRequired $false ` -ParameterName "Size" } return Show-RMScheduledMigration -Page $Page -Size $Size -PageNumber $PageNumber -Filter $Filter -IsInteractive $true } function Search-RMNonInteractiveMigration { param ( [string] $OSType, [string] $CloudType, [string] $MigrationType, [string] $State, [bool] $Archived, [bool] $Scheduled, [string] $Filter, [int] $Page, [int] $Size ) if ($Size -lt 1) { $Size = 25 } if ($Page -lt 1) { $Page = 0 $PageNumber = 1 } else { if ($Page -gt 0) { $PageNumber = $Page $Page -- } } if (!$Scheduled) { return Show-RMActivateOrArchivedMigration -OSType $OSType -CloudType $CloudType -MigrationType $MigrationType -State $State -Archived $Archived ` -Filter $Filter -Page $Page -Size $Size -PageNumber $PageNumber -IsInteractive $false } else { return Show-RMScheduledMigration -Page $Page -Size $Size -PageNumber $PageNumber -Filter $Filter -IsInteractive $false } } function Show-RMScheduledMigration { param ( [int] $Page, [int] $Size, [int] $PageNumber, [string] $Filter, [bool] $IsInteractive ) [RMReturn] $RMReturn = [RMReturn]::new() $Response = Get-RMScheduledMigration -Page $Page -Size $Size -Filter $Filter while ($true) { if ($Page -lt $Response.page.totalPages) { $Page ++ $Result = @() foreach($Migration in $Response.content) { $MigrationMethod = $null -ieq $Migration.source.collection_type ? "OS-Based" : "vm" -ieq $Migration.source.collection_type ? "VM-Based" : "data_store" -ieq $Migration.source.collection_type ? "NetApp" :"" $TargetCloudType = "rivermeadow_standalone" -ieq $Migration.cloud_type ? "vsphere" : $Migration.target_cloud_type $MigrationObject = [ScheduledMigration]::new($Migration.id, $MigrationMethod, $Migration.source_hostname, $Migration.os_type, $Migration.schedule_list, $TargetCloudType) $Result += $MigrationObject } $TotalPages = $Response.page.totalPages Write-Output "Page $PageNumber of $TotalPages" $Result | Select-Object MigrationId, MigrationMethod, Source, Cloud, ScheduledFor, State | Format-Table | Out-Host if ($Result.Count -gt 0) { $RMReturn.SetOutputData(@{"Result" = $Result;}) } if ($IsInteractive -and $PageNumber -lt $Response.page.totalPages) { $NextPage = Read-RMBoolean -UserMessage "Do you want go to the next page?" -DefaultValue $false if ($NextPage) { $PageNumber++ $Response = Get-RMScheduledMigration -Page $Page -Size $Size -Filter $Filter } else { break } } else { break } } elseif ((!$IsInteractive -and ($Page -gt $Response.page.totalPages -or $Page -ieq $Response.page.totalPages)) ` -or $Response.page.totalPages -ieq 0) { $TotalPages = $Response.page.totalPages Write-Output "Page Count: $TotalPages" break } } return $RMReturn } function Show-RMActivateOrArchivedMigration { param ( [string] $OSType, [string] $CloudType, [string] $MigrationType, [string] $State, [bool] $Archived, [string] $Filter, [int] $Page, [int] $Size , [int] $PageNumber, [bool] $IsInteractive ) [RMReturn] $RMReturn = [RMReturn]::new() if ($Archived) { $MigrationType = $null } $Response = Get-RMMigrationsByFilter -OSType $OSType -CloudType $CloudType -MigrationType $MigrationType ` -State $State -Archived $Archived -CombinedSearch $Filter -Page $Page -Size $Size while ($true) { if ($Page -lt $Response.page.totalPages) { $Page ++ $Result = @() foreach($Migration in $Response.Content) { $MigrationMethod = $null -ieq $Migration.source.collection_type ? "OS-Based" : "vm" -ieq $Migration.source.collection_type ? "VM-Based" : "data_store" -ieq $Migration.source.collection_type ? "NetApp" :"" $TargetCloudType = "rivermeadow_standalone" -ieq $Migration.target_cloud_type ? "vsphere" : $Migration.target_cloud_type if ($Archived) { $MigrationObject = [Migration]::new($Migration.id, $MigrationMethod, $Migration.os_type, $Migration.source_hostname, $TargetCloudType, $Migration.target_hostname, $Migration.started, $Migration.state) } else { $MigrationType = Get-RMDisplayMigrationType -Name $Migration.migration_type -Migraiton $Migration $MigrationObject = [Migration]::new($Migration.id, $MigrationMethod, $Migration.os_type, $Migration.source_hostname, $TargetCloudType, $Migration.target_hostname, $Migration.started, $MigrationType, $Migration.state) } $Result += $MigrationObject } $TotalPages = $Response.page.totalPages Write-Output "Page $PageNumber of $TotalPages" if ($Archived) { $Result | Select-Object MigrationId, MigrationMethod, OSType, SourceName, CloudType, TargetName, Started, State | Format-Table | Out-Host } else { $Result | Select-Object MigrationId, MigrationMethod, OSType, SourceName, CloudType, TargetName, Started, MigrationType, State | Format-Table | Out-Host } if ($Result.Count -gt 0) { $RMReturn.SetOutputData(@{"Result" = $Result;}) } if ($IsInteractive -and $PageNumber -lt $Response.page.totalPages) { $NextPage = Read-RMBoolean -UserMessage "Do you want go to the next page?" -DefaultValue $false if ($NextPage) { $PageNumber++ $Response = Get-RMMigrationsByFilter -OSType $OSType -CloudType $CloudType -MigrationType $MigrationType ` -State $State -Archived $Archived -CombinedSearch $Filter -Page $Page -Size $Size } else { break } } else { break } } elseif ((!$IsInteractive -and ($Page -gt $Response.page.totalPages -or $Page -ieq $Response.page.totalPages)) ` -or $Response.page.totalPages -ieq 0) { $TotalPages = $Response.page.totalPages Write-Output "Page Count: $TotalPages" break } } return $RMReturn } class Migration { [string] $MigrationId [string] $MigrationMethod [string] $OSType [string] $SourceName [string] $CloudType [string] $TargetName [string] $Started [string] $MigrationType [string] $State Migration([string] $MigrationId, [string] $MigrationMethod, [string] $OSType, [string] $SourceName, [string] $CloudType, [string] $TargetName, [string] $Started, [string] $MigrationType, [string] $State) { $this.MigrationId = $MigrationId $this.MigrationMethod = $MigrationMethod $this.OSType = $OSType $this.SourceName = $SourceName $this.CloudType = $CloudType $this.TargetName = $TargetName $this.Started = $Started $this.MigrationType = $MigrationType $this.State = $State } Migration([string] $MigrationId, [string] $MigrationMethod, [string] $OSType, [string] $SourceName, [string] $CloudType, [string] $TargetName, [string] $Started, [string] $State) { $this.MigrationId = $MigrationId $this.MigrationMethod = $MigrationMethod $this.OSType = $OSType $this.SourceName = $SourceName $this.CloudType = $CloudType $this.TargetName = $TargetName $this.Started = $Started $this.State = $State } } class ScheduledMigration { [string] $MigrationId [string] $MigrationMethod [string] $Source [string] $Cloud [string] $ScheduledFor [string] $State ScheduledMigration([string] $MigratonId, [string] $MigrationMethod, [string] $Source, [string] $Cloud, [string] $ScheduledFor, [string] $State) { $this.MigrationId = $MigratonId $this.MigrationMethod = $MigrationMethod $this.Source = $Source $this.Cloud = $Cloud $this.ScheduledFor = $ScheduledFor $this.State = $State } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Search-RMInteractiveMigration, Search-RMNonInteractiveMigration |