We originally had the below modules in the "RequiredModules" of the file RiverMeadow.Release.Migrate.psd1 but PS 5.1 was unable to load these modules; we tried using $PSScriptRoot in the above mentioned file which worked and the modules were getting loaded but the cmdlet "Publish-Module" doesn't allow $PSScriptRoot in the .psd1 file https://github.com/dfinke/NameIT/issues/24 So, as a workaround we are loading the modules in this file and invoking this script from "ScriptsToProcess" attribute of the RiverMeadow.Release.Migrate.psd1 #> using module './Migration/vSphere/RiverMeadow.VSphereNetworkConfiguration' using module './Migration/vSphere/RiverMeadow.VSphereVMTag' Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\RiverMeadow.Release.Login Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\RiverMeadow.Release.Organization Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\RiverMeadow.Release.Source |