Import-Module -Name @(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot .. | Join-Path -ChildPath Util | Join-Path -ChildPath Util) function New-RMAWSMigrationProfile { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Object] $CloudAccount, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Object] $Entitlement, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Object] $CloudAttributes, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Object] $ScheduledAt, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Object] $Source, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $TargetVMName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Object[]] $SelectedMount, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [bool] $EncryptVolume, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $VolumeType, [System.Object] $ResizeMountPoint, [string] $TransferMethod, [string] $IOPS, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Region, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $VPCID, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $SubnetID, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [bool] $AutoAssignPublicIP, [string] $StaticPrivateIP, [string] $Tenancy, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $InstanceType, [bool] $EnforceTargetNetworkIsolation, [hashtable] $SecurityGroup, [string] $IAMRole, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [bool] $ShouldCreateAMI, [hashtable] $InstanceTag, [System.Object] $UpgradeOSVersion, [bool] $InPlaceUpgrade, [bool] $DisableTargetDNSRegistration, [string] $MigrationExtension, [string] $MigrationExtensionId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [bool] $ShutdownSource, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [bool] $ShutdownTarget, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [bool] $RemoveRMSAgent, [hashtable] $MigrationInstruction, [bool] $IgnoreValidationError, [string] $KMSKey ) $Subnet = Get-SubnetById -SubnetId $SubnetID -CloudAttributes $CloudAttributes if ($null -eq $Subnet) { throw "Subnet with ID '$SubnetID' does not exists" } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UpgradeOSVersion)) { $UpgradeOSVersion = $null } if ("" -ieq $ScheduledAt) { # To run "now", FE requires that the $ScheduledAt to be null $ScheduledAt = $null } if ($null -ieq $InstanceTag) { $InstanceTag = @{} } if ($null -ieq $SecurityGroup) { $SecurityGroup = $null } $MigrationExtensionIdArray = @() if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($MigrationExtensionId)) { $MigrationExtensionIdArray += $MigrationExtensionId } $MigrationExtensionArray = @() if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($MigrationExtension)) { $MigrationExtensionArray += $MigrationExtension } $CurrentTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss" $MigrationProfile = @{ "name"= "powershell-" + $Source.host + "-" + $CurrentTime "tags"= @() "entitlement"=$Entitlement.id "cloud_account"=$CloudAccount.id "is_data_only"= $false "is_vdi"= $false "appliance_id"=$CloudAccount.appliance.id "schedule"= $ScheduledAt "transfer_mode"="run-once" "sources"= @( @{ "binary_asset_groups" = @( @{ "binary_assets" = $MigrationExtensionIdArray } @{ "binary_asset_names" = $MigrationExtensionArray } ) "source"= $Source.id "transfer_type" = $TransferMethod "target_config"= @{ "vm_details"= @{ "vm_name"= $TargetVMName "vapp_name"= $TargetVMName "tags"= $InstanceTag "flavor"= @{ "flavor_type"= $InstanceType "volume_type"= $VolumeType "iops"= if ("" -eq $IOPS) { $null } else { $IOPS } } "security"= @{ "vpc_id"= $VPCID "security_group_ids"= if ($EnforceTargetNetworkIsolation) { @() } else {$SecurityGroup.Keys} "security_group_names"= $SecurityGroup.Values } "encrypt_volumes"= $EncryptVolume "encrytion_key_arn" = $KMSKey "capture_ami"= $ShouldCreateAMI "iam_instance_profile"= $IAMRole } "properties"= @{ "network"= @{ "interfaces"= @{ "eth0"= @{ "ip_type"= "dhcp" "type"= "Ethernet" "network_name"= $SubnetID "assign_public_ip"= $AutoAssignPublicIP "ip_addr"= $StaticPrivateIP } } "automatic_dns_registration"= !$DisableTargetDNSRegistration } "selected_mounts"= $SelectedMount "name"= $TargetVMName "mounts_new_size"= $ResizeMountPoint } "options"= @{ "region"= $Region "az"= $Subnet.availability_zone "power_on"= $true "tenancy"= "default" "affinity"= $null "host_id"= $null } } "verify_ssl_certificates"= $false "publish_migration_hub"= $false "os_type"= $Source.os_type "name"= $Source.hostname "collection_type"= $null "shutdown_source"= $ShutdownSource "shutdown_target"= $ShutdownTarget "remove_target_agent"= $RemoveRMSAgent "in_place_upgrade"= $InPlaceUpgrade "upgrade_os_version"= $UpgradeOSVersion "migration_instructions"= $MigrationInstruction "data_transfer_port"= 5995 "ignore_validation_errors"= $IgnoreValidationError "preflight_warning"= $false } ) } # Giving max depth otherwise the cmdlet 'ConvertTo-Json' will truncate the JSON $MigrationProfileJson = $MigrationProfile |ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $RMLoginResult = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-UserLogin" -ValueOnly $Uri = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-ReactorURI" -ValueOnly $Headers = @{ Accept = "application/rm+json" "X-Auth-Token" = $RMLoginResult.token } $Params = @{ Method = "Post" Uri = $Uri + "/migrationprofiles" Body = $MigrationProfileJson ContentType = "application/json" Headers = $Headers } return Invoke-RMRestMethod -Params $Params } function New-RMAWSVMBasedMigrationProfile { param( [System.Object] $CloudAccount, [System.Object] $CloudAttributes, [System.Object] $Entitlement, [System.Object] $Source, [string] $SourceVMName, [string] $ScheduledAt, [string] $TargetVMName, [System.Object[]] $SelectedDisk, [bool] $EncryptAllVolume, [string] $KMSKey, [string] $VolumeType, [string] $IOPS, [string] $Region, [string] $VPCID, [string] $SubnetID, [bool] $AutoAssignPublicIP, [string] $StaticPrivateIP, [string] $InstanceType, [bool] $EnforceTargetNetworkIsolation, [hashtable] $SecurityGroup, [bool] $DisableAutomaticDNSRegistrationOnTheTarget, [string] $AddIAMRole, [bool] $CreateAMI, [hashtable] $InstanceTag, [bool] $ShutdownSource, [bool] $ShutdownTarget, [bool] $FinalizeMigration, [hashtable] $MigrationInstruction, [bool] $IgnoreValidationError, [bool] $OverrideExistingMigration ) $CurrentTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss" $PowerOn = $false if ($Source.power_state -ieq "poweredOn") { $PowerOn = $true } if ("" -ieq $ScheduledAt) { $ScheduledAt = $null } $Subnet = Get-SubnetById -SubnetId $SubnetID -CloudAttributes $CloudAttributes $MigrationProfile = @{ "name" = "powershell-" + $Source.host + "-" + $CurrentTime "tags" = @() "entitlement" = $Entitlement.id "cloud_account" = $CloudAccount.id "is_data_only" = $false "is_vdi" = $false "appliance_id" = $CloudAccount.appliance.id "schedule" = $ScheduledAt "transfer_mode" = "run-once" "sources" = @(@{ "source" = $Source.id "target_config" = @{ "vm_details" = @{ "vm_name" = $TargetVMName "vapp_name" = $TargetVMName "tags" = $InstanceTag "flavor" = @{ "flavor_type" = $InstanceType "volume_type" = $VolumeType "iops" = if ("" -eq $IOPS) { $null } else { $IOPS } } "security" = @{ "vpc_id" = $VPCID "security_group_ids" = if ($EnforceTargetNetworkIsolation) { @() } else {$SecurityGroup.Keys} "security_group_names" = $SecurityGroup.Values } "encrypt_volumes" = $EncryptAllVolume "capture_ami" = $CreateAMI "encrytion_key_arn" = $KMSKey "iam_instance_profile" = $AddIAMRole } "properties" = @{ "network" = @{ "interfaces" = @{ "eth0" = @{ "ip_type" = "dhcp" "type" = "Ethernet" "network_name" = $SubnetID "assign_public_ip" = $AutoAssignPublicIP "ip_addr" = $StaticPrivateIP } } } "selected_mounts" = $SelectedDisk "name" = $TargetVMName "mounts_new_size" = @{} #Always empty for VM based } "options" = @{ "region" = $Region "az" = $Subnet.availability_zone "power_on" = $PowerOn "tenancy" = "default" #TODO - Dedicated host is currently not supported in PS "affinity" = $null #TODO - Dedicated host is currently not supported in PS "host_id" = $null #TODO - Dedicated host is currently not supported in PS } } "verify_ssl_certificates" = $false "drive_mapping" = @() "os_type" = $Source.os_type "name" = $Source.hostname "collection_type" = "vm" "shutdown_source" = $ShutdownSource "shutdown_target" = $ShutdownTarget "finalize_target" = $FinalizeMigration "in_place_upgrade" = $false # always false for VM based "upgrade_os_version" = $null # always null for VM based "migration_instructions" = $MigrationInstruction "ignore_validation_errors" = $IgnoreValidationError "preflight_warning" = $false } ) } return Invoke-RMMigrationProfilePost -MigrationProfile $MigrationProfile } function Get-SubnetById { param( [string] $SubnetId, [System.Object] $CloudAttributes ) $VPCS = $CloudAttributes.properties.regions[0].vpcs foreach ($VPC in $VPCS) { foreach ($Subnet in $VPC.subnets) { if ($SubnetId -eq $Subnet.id) { return $Subnet } } } return $null } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-RMAWSMigrationProfile, New-RMAWSVMBasedMigrationProfile |