Import-Module -Name @(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot .. | Join-Path -ChildPath .. | Join-Path -ChildPath MigrationProfile | Join-Path -ChildPath AWSMigrationProfile) Import-Module -Name @(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot .. | Join-Path -ChildPath .. | Join-Path -ChildPath Util | Join-Path -ChildPath Util) Import-Module -Name @(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot .. | Join-Path -ChildPath .. | Join-Path -ChildPath RiverMeadow.Release.Source | Join-Path -ChildPath SourceUtil | Join-Path -ChildPath SourceUtil) function Start-RMAWSOSBasedMigration { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Object] $CloudAccount, [System.Object] $Entitlement ) $Source = $null $SourceIP = Read-Host "Enter the IP address of the source machine to be migrated" if ("" -eq $SourceIP) { throw "Source IP address is required to start a migration." } else { $Source = Get-RMSourceByIP -IPAddress $SourceIP } $TargetVMName = Read-Host "Enter target VM Name" $MountPoints = Get-MountPoint -Source $Source if (0 -eq $MountPoints.count) { throw "Source has no mount points, cannot be migrated" } $MountPointsAsString = $MountPoints.values -join ", " Write-Output "Mount points to be migrated [$MountPointsAsString]" | Out-Host $ExcludedMountPoints = Get-RMExcludedMountPoint -OSType $Source.os_type -MountPoints $MountPoints.Values $SelectedMountPoints = $MountPoints if ("" -ne $ExcludedMountPoints) { $ExcludedList = $ExcludedMountPoints.Split(",").Trim() $SelectedMountPoints = Get-RMSelectedMount -MountPoints $MountPoints -DifferenceList $ExcludedList -IncludeEqual $false } $EncryptVolumes = $false $ReadValue = Read-Host "Enable EBS encryption on all volumes (true/false)[false]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $EncryptVolumes = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($ReadValue) } $VolumeType = "ssd2" $IOPS = $null $ReadValue = Read-Host "Enter volume type (Magnetic, GP2, GP3, IO1, IO2)[GP2]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $VolumeType = Get-RMVolumeType -VolumeType $ReadValue if ("io1" -ieq $ReadValue) { $IOPS = Read-Host "Enter the IOPS value between 100 and 700 (50:1)" } elseif ("io2" -ieq $ReadValue) { $IOPS = Read-Host "Enter the IOPS value between 100 and 7000 (500:1)" } } $Region = Read-Host "Enter region" $VPCID = $CloudAccount.appliance.cloud_properties.vpc $ReadValue = Read-Host "Enter VPC ID [$VPCID]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $VPCID = $ReadValue } $SubnetID = $CloudAccount.appliance.cloud_properties.network.interfaces.eth0.network_name $ReadValue = Read-Host "Enter subnet ID [$SubnetID]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $SubnetID = $ReadValue } $AutoAssignPublicIP = $false $ReadValue = Read-Host "Auto assign public IP (true/false)[false]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $AutoAssignPublicIP = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($ReadValue) } $StaticPrivateIP = Read-Host "Enter static private IP to be assigned to target [None]" #TODO: Add tenancy. $InstanceType = Read-Host "Enter instance type" $EnforceTargetNetworkIsolation = $true $ReadValue = Read-Host "Enforce target network isolation (true/false)[true]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $EnforceTargetNetworkIsolation = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($ReadValue) } $SecurityGroups = @("RM-Migration-TargetWorker-" + $CloudAccount.appliance.cloud_properties.vpc) if (!$EnforceTargetNetworkIsolation) { $ReadValue = Read-Host "Enter one or more security groups separated by commas" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $SecurityGroups += $ReadValue.Split(",").Trim() } } $IAMRole = $null $IAMRole = Read-Host "Enter IAM role name to add [None]" #TODO: prepare proper ARN $ShouldCreateAMI = $false $ReadValue = Read-Host "Create an AMI from the target instance (true/false)[false]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $ShouldCreateAMI = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($ReadValue) } $ReadValue = Read-Host "Enter one or more instance tags in the format 'key=value' and separated by commas [None]" $InstanceTags = Get-RMStringAsHashtable -InputString $ReadValue $ShutdownSource = $false $ReadValue = Read-Host "Shutdown source after data is fully migrated (true/false)[false]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $ShutdownSource = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($ReadValue) } $ShutdownTarget = $false $ReadValue = Read-Host "Shutdown target after data is fully migrated (true/false)[false]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $ShutdownTarget = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($ReadValue) } $RemoveRMSAgent = $false $ReadValue = Read-Host "Remove RMS agent post migration (true/false)[false]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $RemoveRMSAgent = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($ReadValue) } $ReadValue = Read-Host "Enter migration instructions in the format 'key=value' and separated by commas [None]" $MigrationInstructions = Get-RMStringAsHashtable -InputString $ReadValue #TODO: Add Ignore validation errors after we add the preflight cmdlet $HashArguments = @{ CloudAccount = $CloudAccount Entitlement = $Entitlement Source = $Source TargetVMName = $TargetVMName SelectedMounts = $SelectedMountPoints EncryptVolumes = $EncryptVolumes VolumeType = $VolumeType IOPS = $IOPS Region = $Region VPCID = $VPCID SubnetID = $SubnetID AutoAssignPublicIP = $AutoAssignPublicIP StaticPrivateIP = $StaticPrivateIP InstanceType = $InstanceType EnforceTargetNetworkIsolation = $EnforceTargetNetworkIsolation SecurityGroups = $SecurityGroups IAMRole = $IAMRole ShouldCreateAMI = $ShouldCreateAMI InstanceTags = $InstanceTags ShutdownSource = $ShutdownSource ShutdownTarget = $ShutdownTarget RemoveRMSAgent = $RemoveRMSAgent MigrationInstructions = $MigrationInstructions } $Response = New-RMAWSMigrationProfile @HashArguments $RMLoginResult = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-UserLogin" $Uri = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-ReactorURI" $Headers = @{ Accept = "application/rm+json" "X-Auth-Token" = $RMLoginResult.Value.token } $Params = @{ Method = "Post" Uri = $Uri.Value + "/migrationprofiles/" + $Response.id + "/migrations" Headers = $Headers ContentType = "application/json" } return Invoke-RMRestMethod -Params $Params } Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-RMAWSOSBasedMigration |