using module '../Common/Result' Import-Module -Name @(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot .. | Join-Path -ChildPath Util | Join-Path -ChildPath Util) Import-Module -Name @(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot .. | Join-Path -ChildPath Common | Join-Path -ChildPath Common) Import-Module -Name @(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot .. | Join-Path -ChildPath Common | Join-Path -ChildPath Wrappers | Join-Path -ChildPath Wrappers) function Switch-RMProject { param( [Alias("on")] [string] $OrganizationName, [Alias("pn")] [string] $ProjectName ) try { $LoginStatus = Test-UserLoggedIn if ($LoginStatus.ReturnCode -eq [RMReturn]::ERROR) { return $LoginStatus } [RMReturn] $RMReturn = [RMReturn]::new() $OrgsAndProjectsMap = (Get-RMUserOrgAndProjectAsHashtable)[1] if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OrganizationName) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProjectName)) { Write-Output "User's Organizations and Projects:" | Out-Host (Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-UserOrganizations").Value | Format-Table @{Label="Organization Name"; Expression={if (!$_.is_project) { $_.name}else{ ""}}}, ` @{Label="Project Name"; Expression={if ($_.is_project){$_.name}else{""}}} -AutoSize -Wrap | Out-Host $RMReturn.SetOutputData(@{"User_Orgs_Projects" = $OrgsAndProjectsMap;}) $RMReturn.SetReturnCode([RMReturn]::SUCCESS) return $RMReturn } $Errors = Confirm-RMUserInput -OrganizationName $OrganizationName -ProjectName $ProjectName -UserOrgAndProject $OrgsAndProjectsMap if ($Errors.Count -gt 0) { Out-RMUserParameterResult -ErrorMessage $Errors Add-RMErrorAndWarning -RMReturnObject $RMReturn -ErrorMessage $Errors return $RMReturn } $ProjectObj = Get-RMProjectByName -OrganizationName $OrganizationName -ProjectName $ProjectName $Uri = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-ReactorURI" $RMLoginResult = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-UserLogin" $Headers = @{ Accept = "application/rm+json" "X-Auth-Token" = $RMLoginResult.Value.token } $Params = @{ Method = "Put" Uri = $Uri.Value + "/users/" + $RMLoginResult.Value.user_id + "/organization/" + $ProjectObj.id + "/switch" Headers = $Headers } Invoke-RMRestMethod -Params $Params | Out-Null Set-Variable -Name "RMContext-CurrentOrganizationName" -Value $OrganizationName -Scope Global Set-Variable -Name "RMContext-CurrentParentOrganizationId" -Value $ProjectObj.parent_organization_id -Scope Global Set-Variable -Name "RMContext-CurrentProjectName" -Value $ProjectName -Scope Global Set-Variable -Name "RMContext-CurrentProjectId" -Value $ProjectObj.id -Scope Global Write-Output "Current organization set to: $OrganizationName" | Out-Host Write-Output "Current project set to: $ProjectName" | Out-Host $RMReturn.SetReturnCode([RMReturn]::SUCCESS) $RMReturn.SetOutputData(@{"Current_Organization" = $OrganizationName; "Current_Project" = $ProjectName;}) return $RMReturn } catch { Show-RMError -ErrorObj $PSItem return Build-RMError -ErrorObj $PSItem } } function Confirm-RMUserInput { param( [string] $OrganizationName, [string] $ProjectName, [hashtable] $UserOrgAndProject ) $Errors = @() if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OrganizationName) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProjectName)) { $Errors += "Please provide the Organization Name" } if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OrganizationName) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProjectName)) { $Errors += "Please provide the Project Name" } if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OrganizationName)) { if (!$UserOrgAndProject.ContainsKey($OrganizationName)) { $Errors += "Organization '$OrganizationName' does not exist" } elseif (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProjectName) -and !$UserOrgAndProject[$OrganizationName].Contains($ProjectName)) { $Errors += "Project '$ProjectName' does not exist" } } return $Errors } function Get-RMProjectByName { param( [string] $OrganizationName, [string] $ProjectName ) $UserOrgs = (Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-UserOrganizations").Value $OrgFound = $false foreach ($UserOrg in $UserOrgs) { if ($UserOrg.name -eq $OrganizationName) { $OrgFound = $true continue } # Default project is present in all Orgs, so we need to # make sure that the org is found and only then check # the project. The Data returned by FE is ordered by Org # followed by the projects of the Org; so we expect to find # Org first. if ($OrgFound -and $UserOrg.name -eq $ProjectName) { return $UserOrg } } return $null } function Get-RMUserOrgAndProjectAsHashtable { $UserOrgs = (Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-UserOrganizations").Value $OrgsAndProjectsMap = @{} $CurrentOrg foreach($UserOrg in $UserOrgs) { if (!$UserOrg.is_project) { $CurrentOrg = $UserOrg.name $OrgsAndProjectsMap.Add($UserOrg.name, @()) continue } $OrgProjects = $OrgsAndProjectsMap[$CurrentOrg] $OrgProjects += $UserOrg.name $OrgsAndProjectsMap[$CurrentOrg] = $OrgProjects } return $OrgsAndProjectsMap } Export-ModuleMember -Function Switch-RMProject |