Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\Wrappers\Wrappers Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\..\Util\Util function Confirm-RMCommonParameter { param ( [hashtable] $UserParameter ) $Errors = @() $Warnings = @() if (!$UserParameter.ContainsKey("CloudAccountName") -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UserParameter["CloudAccountName"])) { $Errors += "CloudAccountName is required" } if (!$UserParameter.ContainsKey("SourceIP") -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UserParameter["SourceIP"])) { $Errors += "SourceIP is required" } if (!$UserParameter.ContainsKey("TargetVMName") -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UserParameter["TargetVMName"])) { $Warnings += "TargetVMName has not been provided, source hostname will be used as the target VM name" } return $Errors, $Warnings } function Confirm-RMCommonParameterWithSource { param ( [hashtable] $UserParameter, [System.Object] $Source ) $Errors = @() if ($UserParameter.ContainsKey("UpgradeOSVersion") -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UserParameter["UpgradeOSVersion"])) { $SourceOSMMapping = Get-RMOSMMappingBySource -Source $Source $OSMLabels = $SourceOSMMapping.keys -join ", " $UpgradeOSVersion = $UpgradeOSVersion.Trim('"') $UpgradeOSVersion = $UpgradeOSVersion.Trim("'") if ($SourceOSMMapping.keys -notcontains $UpgradeOSVersion) { $Errors += "UpgradeOSVersion should be one of '$OSMLabels'" } } return $Errors } function Out-RMUserParameterResult { param ( [string[]] $ErrorMessage, [string[]] $WarningMessage ) foreach ($Warning in $WarningMessage) { Write-Warning -Message $Warning } if ($ErrorMessage.Count -eq 0) { return } Write-RMError -Message "The following required parameters were not provided:" foreach ($Error in $ErrorMessage) { Write-RMError -Message $Error } } |