Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\..\..\MigrationProfile\VSphereMigrationProfile Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\..\..\DifferentialProfile\DifferentialProfile Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\..\..\Util\Util Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\..\..\Source\SourceUtil\SourceUtil function Start-RMNonInteractiveVsphereOsBasedMigration { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $CloudAccountName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $SourceIP, [bool] $RefreshSourceAttributes, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $TargetVMName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]] $MountPoints, [string[]] $ResizeMountPoints, [ValidateSet("file-based", "block-based", "")] [string] $TransferMethod, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $CoresPerSocket, [bool] $OverrideMemory, [int] $OverrideMemorySize, [Int64] $DataTransferPort, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $DatacenterName, [bool] $EnableDestinationNetworkIsolation, [string] $MigrationNetworkName, [ValidateSet("static", "dhcp", "")] [string] $IpType, [string] $IpAddress, [string] $Netmask, [string] $DefaultGateway, [string] $PrimaryDNS, [string] $SecondaryDNS, [string] $IsolatedNetworkName, [ValidateSet("static", "dhcp", "")] [string] $IsolatedIpType, [string] $IsolatedIpAddress, [string] $IsolatedNetmask, [string] $IsolatedDefaultGateway, [string] $IsolatedPrimaryDNS, [string] $IsolatedSecondaryDNS, [bool] $DisableAuthomaticDNSRegistrationOnTheTarget, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Cluster, [string] $ResourcePool, [string] $FolderName, [string] $DatastoreCluster, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $DatastoreLocations, [string] $DisksProvisioningType, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $HardwareVersion, [bool] $ShutdownSource, [bool] $ShutdownTarget, [bool] $RemoveRMSAgent, [hashtable] $MigrationInstructions, [string] $UpgradeOSVersion ) $Entitlement = Get-RMEntitlement $UserInput = @{} $CloudAccount = Get-RMCloudAccountByName -CloudAccountName $CloudAccountName $CloudAttributes = Get-RMCloudAttribute -CloudAccount $CloudAccount -RefreshCloudAttributes $false if ($null -eq $CloudAccount) { $ProjectName = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-CurrentProjectName" -ValueOnly $OrgName = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-CurrentOrganizationName" -ValueOnly throw "Cloud account '$CloudAccountName' does not exist in current project '$ProjectName' of organization '$OrgName'" } $UserInput.Add("CloudAccount", $CloudAccount) $UserInput.Add("CloudAttributes", $CloudAttributes) $UserInput.Add("Entitlement", $Entitlement) $Source = $null if ("" -eq $SourceIP) { throw "Source IP address is required to start a migration." } else { $Source = Get-RMSourceWithAttribute -IPAddress $SourceIP -RefreshSourceAttributes $RefreshSourceAttributes } $UserInput.Add("Source", $Source) if ("" -eq $TargetVMName) { throw "Target VM name is required." } $UserInput.Add("TargetVMName", $TargetVMName) $SourceMountPoints = Get-MountPoint -Source $Source Compare-RMMountPoint -Source $Source -SourceMountPoints $SourceMountPoints -UserInputMountPoints $MountPoints $SelectedMountPoints = Get-RMSelectedMount -MountPoints $SourceMountPoints -DifferenceList $MountPoints -IncludeEqual $true $UserInput.Add("SelectedMounts", $SelectedMountPoints) $MountsResize = @() if ("" -ne $ResizeMountPoints) { $MountsResize = Get-RMResizeMountsPoint -ResizeMountPoints $ResizeMountPoints -SelectedMountPoints $SelectedMountPoints -Source $Source if ("" -ne $TransferMethod -and "block-based" -eq $TransferMethod ) { throw "Transfer method can't be 'block-based' if you want to do resize partitions." } else { $TransferMethod = "file-based" } } elseif ("" -eq $TransferMethod) { $TransferMethod = Get-TransferType -Source $Source } $UserInput.Add("MountsResize", $MountsResize) $UserInput.Add("TransferType", $TransferMethod) if ("" -eq $CoresPerSocket) { throw "Cores per socket is required." } $UserInput.Add("CoresPerSocket", $CoresPerSocket) if ("" -ne $OverrideMemory -and $OverrideMemory) { if (0 -eq $OverrideMemorySize ) { throw "Override memory size is required" } } $UserInput.Add("OverrideMemory", $OverrideMemory) $UserInput.Add("OverrideMemorySize", $OverrideMemorySize) if ($Source.os_type -eq "windows") { if ($DataTransferPort -eq 0) { $DataTransferPort = 5995 } $UserInput.Add("DisableAuthomaticDNSRegistrationOnTheTarget", $DisableAuthomaticDNSRegistrationOnTheTarget) $UserInput.Add("DataTransferPort", $DataTransferPort) } else { $UserInput.Add("DisableAuthomaticDNSRegistrationOnTheTarget", $false) $UserInput.Add("DataTransferPort", 5995) } if ("" -eq $DatacenterName) { throw "Datacenter Name is required, please provide the datacenter name." } $UserInput.Add("DatacenterName", $DatacenterName) $UserInput.Add("EnableDestinationNetworkIsolation", $EnableDestinationNetworkIsolation) if ($Source.os_type -eq "windows" -and "" -ne $EnableDestinationNetworkIsolation -and $EnableDestinationNetworkIsolation) { if ("" -eq $IpType) { throw "IP type is required." } else { $UserInput.Add("IpType", $IpType) if ($IpType -eq "static") { if ("" -eq $IpAddress) { throw "IP Address is requeired." } $UserInput.Add("IpAddress", $IpAddress) if ("" -eq $Netmask) { throw "Netmask is required." } $UserInput.Add("Netmask", $Netmask) if ("" -eq $DefaultGateway) { throw "Default Gateway is required." } $UserInput.Add("DefaultGateway", $DefaultGateway) if ("" -eq $PrimaryDNS) { throw "Primary DNS is required." } $UserInput.Add("PrimaryDNS", $PrimaryDNS) $UserInput.Add("SecondaryDNS", $SecondaryDNS) } } if ("" -eq $MigrationNetworkName) { throw "Migration network name is required." } [string[]] $networkNames = $MigrationNetworkName -split "/" if ($networkNames.Count -eq 2) { $MigrationNetworkName = $networkNames[1] $DvSwitchName = $networkNames[0] } $UserInput.Add("MigrationNetworkName", $MigrationNetworkName) $UserInput.Add("DvSwitchName", $DvSwitchName) if ("" -eq $IsolatedNetworkName) { throw "Isolated network name is required." } [string[]] $networkNames = $IsolatedNetworkName -split "/" if ($networkNames.Count -eq 2) { $IsolatedNetworkName = $networkNames[1] $IsolatedDvSwitchName = $networkNames[0] } $UserInput.Add("IsolatedNetworkName", $IsolatedNetworkName) $UserInput.Add("IsolatedDvSwitchName", $IsolatedDvSwitchName) if ("" -eq $IsolatedIpType) { throw "Isolated ip type id required." } else { $UserInput.Add("IsolatedIpType", $IsolatedIpType) if ($IsolatedIpType -eq "static") { if ("" -eq $IsolatedIpAddress) { throw "Isolated IP Address is requeired." } $UserInput.Add("IsolatedIpAddress", $IsolatedIpAddress) if ("" -eq $IsolatedNetmask) { throw "Isolated Netmask is required." } $UserInput.Add("IsolatedNetmask", $IsolatedNetmask) if ("" -eq $IsolatedDefaultGateway) { throw "Isolated Default Gateway is required." } $UserInput.Add("IsolatedDefaultGateway", $IsolatedDefaultGateway) if ("" -eq $IsolatedPrimaryDNS) { throw "Isolated Primary DNS is required." } $UserInput.Add("IsolatedPrimaryDNS", $IsolatedPrimaryDNS) $UserInput.Add("IsolatedSecondaryDNS", $IsolatedSecondaryDNS) } } } else { if ("" -eq $MigrationNetworkName) { throw "Destination network name is required" } [string[]] $networkNames = $DestinationNetworkName -split "/" if ($networkNames.Count -eq 2) { $MigrationNetworkName = $networkNames[1] $DvSwitchName = $networkNames[0] } $UserInput.Add("MigrationNetworkName", $MigrationNetworkName) $UserInput.Add("DvSwitchName", $DvSwitchName) if ("" -eq $IpType) { throw "IP type is required" } else { $UserInput.Add("IpType", $IpType) if ($IpType -eq "static") { if ("" -eq $IpAddress) { throw " IP Address is requeired." } $UserInput.Add("IpAddress", $IpAddress) if ("" -eq $Netmask) { throw "Netmask is required." } $UserInput.Add("Netmask", $Netmask) if ("" -eq $DefaultGateway) { throw "Default Gateway is required." } $UserInput.Add("DefaultGateway", $DefaultGateway) if ("" -eq $PrimaryDNS) { throw "Primary DNS is required." } $UserInput.Add("PrimaryDNS", $PrimaryDNS) $UserInput.Add("SecondaryDNS", $SecondaryDNS) } } } if ("" -eq $Cluster) { throw "Cluster is required" } $UserInput.Add("Cluster", $Cluster) $UserInput.Add("ResourcePool", $ResourcePool) $UserInput.Add("FolderName", $FolderName) $UserInput.Add("DatastoreCluster", $DatastoreCluster) if ("" -eq $DatastoreLocations) { throw "Datastore is required" } if ("" -eq $DisksProvisioningType) { $DisksProvisioningType = "thin" } [System.Collections.ArrayList] $DatastoreLocationsList = @() [System.Collections.ArrayList] $DisksProvisioningTypeList = @() $SourceMountPoints | ForEach-Object { $DatastoreLocationsList += $DatastoreLocations $DisksProvisioningTypeList += $DisksProvisioningType } $UserInput.Add("DatastoreLocations", $DatastoreLocationsList) $UserInput.Add("DisksProvisioningType", $DisksProvisioningTypeList) if ("" -eq $HardwareVersion) { throw "Hardware VM version is required" } $UserInput.Add("HardwareVersion", $HardwareVersion) $ToolsPackage = Get-Tools-Package -CloudAccount $CloudAccount -HardwareVersion $HardwareVersion $UserInput.Add("ToolsPackage", $ToolsPackage) if ("" -eq $MigrationInstructions) { $MigrationInstructions = @{} } $UserInput.Add("MigrationInstructions", $MigrationInstructions) $UserInput.Add("ShutdownSource", $ShutdownSource) $UserInput.Add("ShutdownTarget", $ShutdownTarget) $UserInput.Add("RemoveRMSAgent", $RemoveRMSAgent) if ("" -ne $UpgradeOSVersion) { $SourceOSMMapping = Get-RMOSMMappingBySource -Source $Source $OSMLabels = $SourceOSMMapping.keys -join ", " $UpgradeOSVersion = $UpgradeOSVersion.Trim('"') $UpgradeOSVersion = $UpgradeOSVersion.Trim("'") if ($SourceOSMMapping.keys -notcontains $UpgradeOSVersion) { throw "Please enter one of '$OSMLabels' and try again" } $UserInput.Add("UpgradeOSVersion", $SourceOSMMapping[$UpgradeOSVersion]) $UserInput.Add("InPlaceUpgrade", $true) } else { $UserInput.Add("UpgradeOSVersion", $null) $UserInput.Add("InPlaceUpgrade", $false) } $Response = New-RMVSphereMigrationProfile @UserInput $RMLoginResult = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-UserLogin" $Uri = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-ReactorURI" $Headers = @{ Accept = "application/rm+json" "X-Auth-Token" = $RMLoginResult.Value.token } $Params = @{ Method = "Post" Uri = $Uri.Value + "/migrationprofiles/" + $Response.id + "/migrations" Headers = $Headers ContentType = "application/json" } return Invoke-RMRestMethod -Params $Params } function Start-RMInteractiveVSphereOSBasedMigration { param( ) $Entitlement = Get-RMEntitlement $CloudAccountName = Read-Host "Enter cloud account name" $CloudAccount = Get-RMCloudAccountByName -CloudAccountName $CloudAccountName if ($null -eq $CloudAccount) { $ProjectName = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-CurrentProjectName" -ValueOnly $OrgName = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-CurrentOrganizationName" -ValueOnly throw "Cloud account '$CloudAccountName' does not exist in current project '$ProjectName' of organization '$OrgName'" } $RefreshCloudAttributes = $false $ReadValue = Read-Host "Refresh cloud attributes (true/false)[false]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $RefreshCloudAttributes = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($ReadValue) } $CloudAttributes = Get-RMCloudAttribute -CloudAccount $CloudAccount -RefreshCloudAttributes $RefreshCloudAttributes $Source = $null $SourceIP = Read-Host "Enter the IP address of the source machine to be migrated" if ("" -eq $SourceIP) { throw "Source IP address is required to start a migration." } $RefreshSourceAttributes = $false $ReadValue = Read-Host "Refresh source attributes (true/false)[false]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $RefreshSourceAttributes = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($ReadValue) } $Source = Get-RMSourceWithAttribute -IPAddress $SourceIP -RefreshSourceAttributes $RefreshSourceAttributes $TargetInventory = Get-RMTargetInventory -CloudAccount $CloudAccount $TargetVMName = Read-Host "Enter target VM Name" $MountPoints = Get-MountPoint -Source $Source if (0 -eq $MountPoints.count) { Write-Error "Source has no mount points, cannot be migrated" return } $MountPointsAsString = $MountPoints.values -join ", " Write-Output "Mount points to be migrated [$MountPointsAsString]" $ExcludedMountPoints = Get-RMExcludedMountPoint -Source $Source $SelectedMountPoints = $MountPoints if ("" -ne $ExcludedMountPoints) { $ExcludedList = $ExcludedMountPoints.Split(",").Trim() $SelectedMountPoints = Get-RMSelectedMount -MountPoints $MountPoints -DifferenceList $ExcludedList -IncludeEqual $false } $ReadValue = Read-Host "Resize mount points (true/false) [false]" $MountsResize = @{} $ResizeMountsBool = $false if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $ReadValue = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($ReadValue) if ($ReadValue) { $ResizeMountsBool = $true $MountsResize = Get-RMInteractiveMountsResize -SelectedMountPoints $SelectedMountPoints -Source $Source } } if (!$ResizeMountsBool) { $TransferType = Get-TransferType -Source $Source $ReadValue = Read-Host "Enter transfer type (file-based/block-based)[$TransferType]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $TransferType = $ReadValue } } else { $TransferType = "file-based" } $CoresPerSocket = Read-Host "Enter cores per socket" $OverrideMemory = $false $ReadValue = Read-Host "Override memory (true/false)[false]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $OverrideMemory = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($ReadValue) if ($OverrideMemory) { $OverrideMemorySize = Read-Host "Enter the memory in GB" } } $DataTransferPort = 5995 if ($Source.os_type -eq "windows") { $ReadValue = Read-Host "Enter data transfer port [5995]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $DataTransferPort = $ReadValue } } $DatacenterNames = Get-DatacenterList -TargetInventory $TargetInventory $DatacenterName = Read-Host "Enter datacenter name ($DatacenterNames)" $NetworkNames = Get-NetworkName -TargetInventory $TargetInventory -datacenterName $DatacenterName $EnableDestinationNetworkIsolation = $false if ($Source.os_type -eq "windows") { $ReadValue = Read-Host "Enable Destination network isolation (true/false)[false]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $EnableDestinationNetworkIsolation = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($ReadValue) if ($EnableDestinationNetworkIsolation) { $MigrationNetworkName = Read-Host "Enter migration network name ($NetworkNames)" [string[]] $networkNamesArray = $MigrationNetworkName -split "/" if ($networkNamesArray.Count -eq 2) { $MigrationNetworkName = $networkNamesArray[1] $DvSwitchName = $networkNamesArray[0] } $IpType = Read-Host "Enter ip type (static/dhcp)" if ($IpType -eq "static") { $IpAddress = Read-Host "Enter ip address" $Netmask = Read-Host "Enter netmask" $DefaultGateway = Read-Host "Enter default gateway" $PrimaryDNS = Read-Host "Enter primary DNS" $SecondaryDNS = Read-Host "Enter Secondary DNS" } $IsolatedNetworkName = Read-Host "Enter isolated network name ($NetworkNames)" [string[]] $networkNamesArray = $IsolatedNetworkName -split "/" if ($networkNamesArray.Count -eq 2) { $IsolatedNetworkName = $networkNamesArray[1] $IsolatedDvSwitchName = $networkNamesArray[0] } $IsolatedIpType = Read-Host "Enter isolated ip type (static/dhcp)" if ($IsolatedIpType -eq "static") { $IsolatedIpAddress = Read-Host "Enter isolated ip address" $IsolatedNetmask = Read-Host "Enter isolated netmask" $IsolatedDefaultGateway = Read-Host "Enter isolated default gateway" $IsolatedPrimaryDNS = Read-Host "Enter isolated primary DNS" $IsolatedSecondaryDNS = Read-Host "Enter isolated Secondary DNS" } } else { $IpType = Read-Host "Enter ip type (static/dhcp)" if ($IpType -eq "static") { $IpAddress = Read-Host "Enter ip address" $Netmask = Read-Host "Enter netmask" $DefaultGateway = Read-Host "Enter default gateway" $PrimaryDNS = Read-Host "Enter primary DNS" $SecondaryDNS = Read-Host "Enter Secondary DNS" } $MigrationNetworkName = Read-Host "Enter destination network name ($NetworkNames)" [string[]] $networkNamesArray = $MigrationNetworkName -split "/" if ($networkNamesArray.Count -eq 2) { $MigrationNetworkName = $networkNamesArray[1] $DvSwitchName = $networkNamesArray[0] } } } else { $IpType = Read-Host "Enter ip type (static/dhcp)" if ($IpType -eq "static") { $IpAddress = Read-Host "Enter ip address" $Netmask = Read-Host "Enter netmask" $DefaultGateway = Read-Host "Enter default gateway" $PrimaryDNS = Read-Host "Enter primary DNS" $SecondaryDNS = Read-Host "Enter Secondary DNS" } $MigrationNetworkName = Read-Host "Enter destination network name ($NetworkNames)" [string[]] $networkNamesArray = $MigrationNetworkName -split "/" if ($networkNamesArray.Count -eq 2) { $MigrationNetworkName = $networkNamesArray[1] $DvSwitchName = $networkNamesArray[0] } } } else { $IpType = Read-Host "Enter ip type (static/dhcp)" if ($IpType -eq "static") { $IpAddress = Read-Host "Enter ip address" $Netmask = Read-Host "Enter netmask" $DefaultGateway = Read-Host "Enter default gateway" $PrimaryDNS = Read-Host "Enter primary DNS" $SecondaryDNS = Read-Host "Enter Secondary DNS" } $MigrationNetworkName = Read-Host "Enter destination network name ($NetworkNames)" [string[]] $networkNamesArray = $MigrationNetworkName -split "/" if ($networkNamesArray.Count -eq 2) { $MigrationNetworkName = $networkNamesArray[1] $DvSwitchName = $networkNamesArray[0] } } if ($Source.os_type -eq "windows") { $DisableAuthomaticDNSRegistrationOnTheTarget = $false $ReadValue = Read-Host "Disable automatic DNS registration on the Target (true/false)[false]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $DisableAuthomaticDNSRegistrationOnTheTarget = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($ReadValue) } } else { $DisableAuthomaticDNSRegistrationOnTheTarget = $false } $Clusters = Get-Cluster -TargetInventory $TargetInventory -datacenterName $DatacenterName $Cluster = Read-Host "Enter cluster name ($Clusters)" $ResourcePool = Read-Host "Enter resource pool" $FolderName = Read-Host "Enter VM folder name" $DatastoreClusters = Get-Datastore-Cluster -TargetInventory $TargetInventory -datacenterName $DatacenterName $ReadValue = Read-Host "Enter datastore cluster ($DatastoreClusters)[None]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $DatastoreCluster = $ReadValue } $Datastores = Get-Datastore -TargetInventory $TargetInventory -datacenterName $DatacenterName $DatastoreLocations = Read-Host "Enter datastore locations ($Datastores)" $DisksProvisioningType = "thin" $ReadValue = Read-Host "Enter disks provisioning type (Thin_Provision/Thin_Provision_Eager_Zeroed/Thin_Provision_Lazy_Zeroed)[Thin_Provision]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { switch ($ReadValue) { "Thin_Provision" { $DisksProvisioningType = "thin" } "Thin_Provision_Eager_Zeroed" { $DisksProvisioningType = "thin_eager_zero" } "Thin_Provision_Lazy_Zeroed" { $DisksProvisioningType = "thin_lazy_zero" } } } $HardwareVersions = Get-Hardware-Version -CloudAccount $CloudAccount $HardwareVersion = Read-Host "Enter VM hardware version ($HardwareVersions)" $ShutdownSource = $false $ReadValue = Read-Host "Shutdown source after data is fully migrated (true/false)[false]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $ShutdownSource = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($ReadValue) } $ShutdownTarget = $false $ReadValue = Read-Host "Shutdown target after data is fully migrated (true/false)[false]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $ShutdownTarget = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($ReadValue) } $SourceOSMMapping = Get-RMOSMMappingBySource -Source $Source $OSMLabels = $SourceOSMMapping.keys -join ", " $ReadValue = Read-Host "Enter the OS version to upgrade to ($OSMLabels)[None]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $ReadValue = $ReadValue.Trim('"') $ReadValue = $ReadValue.Trim("'") if ($SourceOSMMapping.keys -notcontains $ReadValue) { throw "Please enter one of $OSMLabels and try again" } $UpgradeOSVersion = $SourceOSMMapping[$ReadValue] $InPlaceUpgrade = $true } else { $UpgradeOSVersion = $null $InPlaceUpgrade = $false } $RemoveRMSAgent = $false $ReadValue = Read-Host "Remove RMS agent post migration (true/false)[false]" if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $RemoveRMSAgent = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($ReadValue) } $ReadValue = Read-Host "Enter migration instructions in the format 'key/value' and separated by commas [None]" $MigrationInstructions = Get-RMStringAsHashtable -InputString $ReadValue $ToolsPackage = Get-Tools-Package -CloudAccount $CloudAccount -HardwareVersion $HardwareVersion [System.Collections.ArrayList] $DatastoreLocationsList = @() [System.Collections.ArrayList] $DisksProvisioningTypeList = @() $MountPoints | ForEach-Object { $DatastoreLocationsList += $DatastoreLocations $DisksProvisioningTypeList += $DisksProvisioningType } $HashArguments = @{ CloudAccount = $CloudAccount CloudAttributes = $CloudAttributes Entitlement = $Entitlement Source = $Source TargetVMName = $TargetVMName SelectedMounts = $SelectedMountPoints MountsResize = $MountsResize ShutdownSource = $ShutdownSource ShutdownTarget = $ShutdownTarget RemoveRMSAgent = $RemoveRMSAgent DatacenterName = $DatacenterName EnableDestinationNetworkIsolation = $EnableDestinationNetworkIsolation MigrationNetworkName = $MigrationNetworkName IpType = $IpType IpAddress = $IpAddress Netmask = $Netmask DefaultGateway = $DefaultGateway PrimaryDNS = $PrimaryDNS SecondaryDNS = $SecondaryDNS IsolatedNetworkName = $IsolatedNetworkName IsolatedDvSwitchName = $IsolatedDvSwitchName IsolatedIpType = $IsolatedIpType IsolatedIpAddress = $IsolatedIpAddress IsolatedNetmask = $IsolatedNetmask IsolatedDefaultGateway = $IsolatedDefaultGateway IsolatedPrimaryDNS = $IsolatedPrimaryDNS IsolatedSecondaryDNS = $IsolatedSecondaryDNS DvSwitchName = $DvSwitchName DisableAuthomaticDNSRegistrationOnTheTarget = $DisableAuthomaticDNSRegistrationOnTheTarget Cluster = $Cluster DatastoreCluster = $DatastoreCluster DatastoreLocations = $DatastoreLocationsList FolderName = $FolderName DisksProvisioningType = $DisksProvisioningTypeList TransferType = $TransferType CoresPerSocket = $CoresPerSocket OverrideMemory = $OverrideMemory OverrideMemorySize = $OverrideMemorySize DataTransferPort = $DataTransferPort ResourcePool = $ResourcePool HardwareVersion = $HardwareVersion ToolsPackage = $ToolsPackage MigrationInstructions = $MigrationInstructions UpgradeOSVersion = $UpgradeOSVersion InPlaceUpgrade = $InPlaceUpgrade } $Response = New-RMVSphereMigrationProfile @HashArguments $RMLoginResult = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-UserLogin" $Uri = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-ReactorURI" $Headers = @{ Accept = "application/rm+json" "X-Auth-Token" = $RMLoginResult.Value.token } $Params = @{ Method = "Post" Uri = $Uri.Value + "/migrationprofiles/" + $Response.id + "/migrations" Headers = $Headers ContentType = "application/json" } return Invoke-RMRestMethod -Params $Params } function Start-RMVSphereOSBasedDifferentialMigration { param ( [string] $MigrationId ) Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\..\..\DifferentialProfile\DifferentialProfile -Force $OrganizationId = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-CurrentProjectId" -ValueOnly $Name = "PowerShell - Differential Profile - " + [DateTimeOffset]::UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds() $Entitlement = Get-RMEntitlement $Migration = Get-Migration -MigrationId $MigrationId $MigrationProfile = Get-MigrationProfile -MigrationProfileId $Migration.migration_profile $Source = @{ "host" = $Migration.hostname } $TransferType = $Migration.transfer_type $TargetProperties = $Migration.target.properties $MigrationInstructions = $Migration.migration_instructions $HashArguments = @{ Name = $Name Entitlement = $Entitlement OrganizationId = $OrganizationId Description = $Description ApplianceId = $MigrationProfile.appliance_id Schedule = $Schedule TransferMode = $TransferMode MigrationId = $Migration.id SourceId = $Migration.source_id Target = $Target Source = $Source ShutdownSource = $false ShutdownTarget = $false RemoveTargetAgent = $false PublishMigrationHub = $false TransferType = $TransferType MigrationInstructions = $MigrationInstructions TargetProperties = $TargetProperties TargetIp = $Migration.target.ip } $Response = New-RMDifferentialProfile @HashArguments $RMLoginResult = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-UserLogin" $Uri = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-ReactorURI" $Headers = @{ Accept = "application/rm+json" "X-Auth-Token" = $RMLoginResult.Value.token } $Params = @{ Method = "Post" Uri = $Uri.Value + "/differentialprofiles/" + $Response.id + "/migrations" Headers = $Headers ContentType = "application/json" } return Invoke-RMRestMethod -Params $Params |Out-Null } function Get-RMTargetInventory { param( [System.Object] $CloudAccount ) $RMLoginResult = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-UserLogin" $Uri = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-ReactorURI" $Headers = @{ Accept = "application/rm+json" "X-Auth-Token" = $RMLoginResult.Value.token } $CollectList = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[string] $CollectList.Add("datacenter") $CollectList.Add("cluster") $CollectList.Add("datastore") $CollectList.Add("datastore_cluster") $CollectList.Add("resource_pool") $CollectList.Add("storage_profile") $CollectList.Add("vm_folder") $CollectList.Add("network") $Body = @{ "appliance_id" = $CloudAccount.appliance.id "organization_id" = $CloudAccount.organization_id "objects_to_collect" = $CollectList } | ConvertTo-Json $Params = @{ Method = "Post" Uri = $Uri.Value + "/targetinventories" Headers = $Headers Body = $Body ContentType = "application/json" } $TargetInventory = Invoke-RMRestMethod -Param $Params $Params2 = @{ Method = "Get" Uri = $Uri.Value + "/targetinventories/" + $TargetInventory.id Headers = $Headers } $Response = Invoke-RMRestMethod -Params $Params2 while ($Response.state -ne "success") { $Response = Invoke-RMRestMethod -Params $Params2 } return $Response } function Get-DatacenterList { param( [System.Object] $TargetInventory ) $DatacenterNames = @() foreach ($datacenterName in $TargetInventory.attributes.vSphere.datacenters) { $DatacenterNames += $datacenterName.name } return $DatacenterNames -join ", " } function Get-NetworkName { param ( [System.Object] $TargetInventory, [string] $datacenterName ) $NetworkNames = @() foreach ($datacenter in $TargetInventory.attributes.vSphere.datacenters) { if ($datacenterName -eq $datacenter.name) { foreach($network in $datacenter.networks) { $NetworkNames +=$network.name } return $NetworkNames -join ", " } } } function Get-Cluster { param ( [System.Object] $TargetInventory, [string] $datacenterName ) $Clusters = @() foreach ($datacenter in $TargetInventory.attributes.vSphere.datacenters) { if ($datacenterName -eq $datacenter.name) { foreach($cluster in $datacenter.clusters) { $Clusters += $cluster.name } return $Clusters -join ", " } } } function Get-Datastore-Cluster { param( [System.Object] $TargetInventory, [string] $datacenterName ) $DatastoreClusters = @() foreach ($datacenter in $TargetInventory.attributes.vSphere.datacenters) { if ($datacenterName -eq $datacenter.name) { foreach($datastoreCluster in $datacenter.datastore_clusters) { $DatastoreClusters += $datastoreCluster.name } return $DatastoreClusters -join ", " } } } function Get-Datastore { param ( [System.Object] $TargetInventory, [string] $datacenterName ) $Datastores = @() foreach ($datacenter in $TargetInventory.attributes.vSphere.datacenters) { if ($datacenterName -eq $datacenter.name) { foreach($datastore in $datacenter.datastores) { $Datastores += $datastore.name } return $Datastores -join ", " } } } function Get-Hardware-Version { param( [System.Object] $CloudAccount ) $HardwareVersions = @() $Version = $CloudAccount.vsphere_version switch ($Version) { "VMC" { $HardwareVersions += "19" } "GCVE" { $HardwareVersions += "18" } "ESXi_7_0" { $HardwareVersions += "17" } "ESXi_6_7_U3" { $HardwareVersions += "15" } "ESXi_6_7_U2" { $HardwareVersions += "15" } "ESXi_6_7" { $HardwareVersions += "14" } "ESXi_6_5" { $HardwareVersions += "13" } "ESXi_6_0" { $HardwareVersions += "11" } } return $HardwareVersions -join ", " } function Get-TransferType { param ( [System.Object] $Source ) $TransferType = "file-based" if ($Source.os_type -eq "windows") { $TransferType = "block-based" } else { if($Source.attributes.discovered_features.features_list -contains "linux_block_based") { $fs = @("ext2", "ext3", "ext4", "xfs") $check = $true foreach($Mount in $Source.attributes.storage.mounts.psobject.properties.value){ if ($Mount.nature -eq "disk") { if ($fs -notcontains $Mount.fs_type) { $check = $false; break } } } if ($check) { $TransferType = "block-based" } } } return $TransferType } function Get-Tools-Package { param ( [System.Object] $CloudAccount, [string] $HardwareVersion ) $Version = $CloudAccount.vsphere_version switch ($Version) { "VMC" { if($HardwareVersion -eq "19") { return "vmwaretools-10.3.10.tar.gz" } } "GCVE" { if ($HardwareVersion -eq "18") { return "vmwaretools-10.3.10.tar.gz" } } "ESXi_7_0" { if ($HardwareVersion -eq "17") { return "vmwaretools-10.3.10.tar.gz" } } "ESXi_6_7_U3" { if ($HardwareVersion -eq "15") { return "vmwaretools-10.3.5.tar.gz" } } "ESXi_6_7_U2" { if ($HardwareVersion -eq "15") { return "vmwaretools-10.3.5.tar.gz" } } "ESXi_6_7" { if ($HardwareVersion -eq "14") { return "vmwaretools-10.3.2.tar.gz" } } "ESXi_6_5" { if ($HardwareVersion -eq "13") { return "vmwaretools-10.1.0.tar.gz" } } "ESXi_6_0" { if ($HardwareVersion -eq "11") { return "vmwaretools-9.10.0.tar.gz" } } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-RMInteractiveVSphereOSBasedMigration, Start-RMNonInteractiveVsphereOsBasedMigration, Start-RMVSphereOSBasedDifferentialMigration |