Import-Module -Name @(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot Util) function Get-RMMigrationByIdAndStatus { param( [string] $MigrationId, [bool] $StatusOnly = $false ) $RMLoginResult = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-UserLogin" $Uri = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-ReactorURI" $Headers = @{ Accept = "application/json" Cookie = $RMLoginResult.Value } $Params = @{ Method = "Get" Uri = $Uri.Value + "/migrations/" + $MigrationId + "?status_only=$StatusOnly" Headers = $Headers ContentType = "application/json" } return Invoke-RMRestMethod -Params $Params } function Get-RMMigrationInstruction { param ( [string] $OrganizationId ) $RMLoginResult = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-UserLogin" $Uri = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-ReactorURI" $Headers = @{ Accept = "application/json" Cookie = $RMLoginResult.Value } $Params = @{ Method = "Get" Uri = $Uri.Value + "/organizations/$OrganizationId/migrationinstructions" Headers = $Headers ContentType = "application/json" } return Invoke-RMRestMethod -Params $Params } function Get-RMMigrationInstructionAsHashTable { param ( [string] $OrganizationId, [string[]] $MigrationInstruction, [string] $AccountType ) $Errors = @() $MigrationInstructionsAsHashTable = $null try { $Response = Get-RMMigrationInstruction -OrganizationId $OrganizationId if ($null -ne $Response.$AccountType) { [string[]] $MigrationInstructionResponse = $Response.$AccountType $MigrationInstruction += $MigrationInstructionResponse -replace ":", "=" ` -replace "@", "" -replace "{", "" -replace "}", "" } $MigrationInstructionsAsHashTable = Get-RMStringArrayAsHashtable -InputItems $MigrationInstruction -ParameterName "MigrationInstruction" } catch { $Errors += $PSItem.Exception.Message } return $MigrationInstructionsAsHashTable, $Errors } function Get-RMMigrationListBySourceId { param ( [string] $OrganizationId, [string] $SourceId, [string] $MigrationType ) $RMLoginResult = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-UserLogin" $Uri = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-ReactorURI" $Headers = @{ Accept = "application/json" Cookie = $RMLoginResult.Value } if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($MigrationType)) { $URI = $Uri.Value + "/organizations/" + $OrganizationId + "/migrations?source=$SourceId&migration_type=$MigrationType" } else { $URI = $Uri.Value + "/organizations/" + $OrganizationId + "/migrations?source=$SourceId" } $Params = @{ Method = "Get" Uri = $URI Headers = $Headers ContentType = "application/json" } $Response = Invoke-RMRestMethod -Params $Params return $Response.content } function Get-RMScheduledMigration { param ( [int] $Page, [int] $Size, [String] $Filter ) $RMLoginResult = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-UserLogin" $Uri = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-ReactorURI" $OrganizationId = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-CurrentProjectId" -ValueOnly $Uri = $Uri.Value + "/organizations/" + $OrganizationId + "/scheduledmigrations?size=$Size&page=$Page" if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Filter)) { $Uri = $Uri + "&combined_search=$Filter" } $Headers = @{ Accept = "application/json" Cookie = $RMLoginResult.Value } $Params = @{ Method = "Get" Uri = $Uri Headers = $Headers ContentType = "application/json" } return Invoke-RMRestMethod -Params $Params } function Get-RMMigrationsByFilter { param( [string] $OSType, [string] $CloudType, [string] $MigrationType, [string] $State, [bool] $Archived, [string] $CombinedSearch, [int] $Page, [int] $Size ) $RMLoginResult = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-UserLogin" $Uri = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-ReactorURI" $OrganizationId = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-CurrentProjectId" -ValueOnly $Headers = @{ Accept = "application/json" Cookie = $RMLoginResult.Value } $Uri = $Uri.Value + "/organizations/$OrganizationId/migrations?size=$Size&page=$Page&sort=created_at,desc&archived=$Archived" if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($OSType)) { $Uri = $Uri + "&source_os_type=$OSType" } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($CloudType)) { $CloudType = Get-RMCloudType -Name $CloudType $Uri = $Uri + "&cloud_type=$CloudType" } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($MigrationType)) { $MigrationType = Get-RMMigrationType -Name $MigrationType $Uri = $Uri + "&migration_type=$MigrationType" } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($State)) { $State = Get-RMMigrationState -Name $State $Uri = $Uri + "&state=$State" } if(![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($CombinedSearch)) { $Uri = $Uri + "&combined_search=$CombinedSearch" } $Params = @{ Method = "Get" Uri = $Uri Headers = $Headers ContentType = "application/json" } return Invoke-RMRestMethod -Params $Params } function Get-RMCloudType { param ( [string] $Name ) $CloudType = "" switch ($Name) { "AWS" { $CloudType = "aws" break } "Azure" { $CloudType = "azure" break } "GoogleCloud" { $CloudType = "gcp" break } "vSphere" { $CloudType = "rivermeadow_standalone" break } "OpenStack" { $CloudType = "openstack" break } } return $CloudType } function Get-RMMigrationType { param( [string] $Name ) $MigrationType = "" switch ($Name) { "Workload" { $MigrationType = "full" break } "WorkloadDelta" { $MigrationType = "differential" break } "Continuous" { $MigrationType = "continuous" break } "DOM" { $MigrationType = "data_only_full" break } "DataOnly" { $MigrationType = "data_only_differential" break } "NetAppFilesFull" { $MigrationType = "netapp_full" break } "NetAppFilesDifferential" { $MigrationType = "netapp_differential" break } "OSModernization" { $MigrationType = "in_situ_osm" break } "RevertFromSnapshot" { $MigrationType = "in_situ_osm_restore" break } "RemoveSnapshot" { $MigrationType = "in_situ_osm_cleanup" break } } return $MigrationType } function Get-RMMigrationState () { param( [string] $Name ) $State = "" switch ($Name) { "InProgress" { $State = "running" break } "Paused" { $State = "paused" break } "Completed" { $State = "success" break } "Failed" { $State = "error" break } "Pending" { $State = "pending" break } "Cancelled" { $State = "cancelled" break } } return $State } function Get-RMDisplayMigrationType { param ( [string] $Name, [System.Object] $Migration ) $State = $Name switch ($Name) { "full" { if ($Migration.is_data_only) { if ("data_store" -ieq $Migration.source.collection_type) { $State = "Workload" break } else { if ($Migration.is_vdi) { $State = "VDI Migration" } else { $State = "DOM Setup" } break } } $State = "Workload" break } "in_situ_osm" { $State = "OS Modernization" break } "in_situ_modernization" { $State = "OS Modernization" break } "in_situ_osm_cleanup" { $State = "Remove Snapshot" break } "in_situ_modernization_cleanup" { $State = "Remove Snapshot" break } "in_situ_osm_restore" { $State = "Revert from Snapshot" break } "in_situ_modernization_restore" { $State = "Revert from Snapshot" break } "cold_full" { $State = "Cold" break } "warm_full" { $State = "Warm" } "differential" { if ("continuous" -ieq $Migration.transfer_mode -and $Migration.is_data_only) { $State = "Continuous, Data Only" break } elseif ($Migration.is_data_only) { $State = "data_store" -ieq $Migration.source.collection_type ? "Workload Delta" : "Data Only" break } elseif ("continuous" -ieq $Migration.transfer_mode) { $State = "Continuous" break } $State = "Workload Delta" break } } return $State } function Get-RMMigrationsByIds { param( [string[]] $MigrationIds ) $RMLoginResult = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-UserLogin" $Uri = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-ReactorURI" $MigrationIdString = $MigrationIds -join "," $Headers = @{ Accept = "application/json" Cookie = $RMLoginResult.Value } $Params = @{ Method = "Get" Uri = $Uri.Value + "/migrations?migration_ids=" + $MigrationIdString Headers = $Headers ContentType = "application/json" } return Invoke-RMRestMethod -Params $Params } function Get-RMCurrentStepIndex { param( [system.Object] $Migration ) $Index = 0 switch ($Migration.state) { "success" { $Index = $Migration.steps.Count break } {($_ -ieq "running") -or ($_ -ieq "error")} { while ($Migration.steps.Count -gt ($Index + 1) -and $Migration.steps[$Index + 1].state -ine "pending") { $Index++ } break } } return $Index } function Get-RMFirstPendingStepIndex { param( [System.Object] $Migration ) $Index = -1 foreach ($Step in $Migration.steps) { $Index ++ if ($Step.state -ieq "pending") { return $Index } } return $Index } function Get-RMMigrationProgress { param( [System.Object] $Migration ) $StepIndex = 0 if ($Migration.state -ieq "pending") { $StepIndex = Get-RMFirstPendingStepIndex -Migration $Migration } else { $StepIndex = Get-RMCurrentStepIndex -Migration $Migration } return [int](($StepIndex/$Migration.steps.Count) * 100) } function Test-RMMigrationStalled { param( [System.Object] $Migration ) if ($Migration.state -ne "running") { return $false } foreach ($Step in $Migration.steps) { if ($Step.state -eq "running" -and $null -ne $Step.recoverable_errors -and $Step.recoverable_errors.Count -gt 0) { return $true } } return $false } function Get-RMMigrationsNotFound { param( [string[]] $ReceivedMigrationIds, [string[]] $UserInputMigrationIds ) $NotFoundMigrationIds = @() $CompareResults = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $UserInputMigrationIds -DifferenceObject $ReceivedMigrationIds foreach ($CompareResult in $CompareResults) { if ($CompareResult.SideIndicator -contains "<=") { $NotFoundMigrationIds += $CompareResult.InputObject } } return $NotFoundMigrationIds } function Get-RMMigrationIdFromResponse { param( [System.Object] $Response ) $MigrationId = "" if ($Response.links[1].rel -ine "migration") { return $MigrationId } $SplitData = $Response.links[1].href.split("/") if ($SplitData.Count -lt 7) { return $MigrationId } if ($SplitData[6].Contains("{")) { $MigrationId = $SplitData[6].SubString(0, $SplitData[6].IndexOf("{")) } else { $MigrationId = $SplitData[6].SubString(0, $SplitData[6].Length) } return $MigrationId } function Read-RMOSHardening { param ( [hashtable] $UpdatedUserInput, [System.Object] $Source ) $OSHardening = $null $IsOsHardeningSupported = Get-RMEnableOSHardening -Source $Source -UpgradeOSVersion $UpdatedUserInput['UpgradeOSVersion'] if ($IsOsHardeningSupported) { $EnableOSHardening = $false $EnableOSHardening = Read-RMBoolean -UserMessage "Enable OS Hardening" -DefaultValue $EnableOSHardening if ($EnableOSHardening) { if ("linux" -ieq $Source.os_type) { $Level1 = Read-RMBoolean -UserMessage "Level 1 - Server" -DefaultValue "false" $Level2 = Read-RMBoolean -UserMessage "Level 2 - Server" -DefaultValue "false" $OSHardening = @{ "levels" = @( if (($Level1 -and $Level2) -or $Level2) { "s_l2" } elseif ($Level1) { "s_l1" } ) } } else { $ReadValue = Read-RMBoolean -UserMessage "Do you want make computer configuration?" -DefaultValue "false" if ($ReadValue) { $Level1Computer = Read-RMBoolean -UserMessage "Level 1 - Member Server" -DefaultValue "false" $Level2Computer = Read-RMBoolean -UserMessage "Level 2 - Member Server" -DefaultValue "false" } if ($Level1Computer -or $Level2Computer) { $AdministratorName = Read-RMString -UserMessage "Enter administrator name" -DefaultValue "None" -IsRequired $false ` -ParameterName "Administrator Name" $GuestName = Read-RMString -UserMessage "Enter guest name" -DefaultValue "None" -IsRequired $false ` -ParameterName "Guest Name" $LegalNoticeCaption = Read-RMString -UserMessage "Enter legal notice caption" -DefaultValue "None" -IsRequired $false ` -ParameterName "Legal Notice Caption" $LegalNoticeText = Read-RMString -UserMessage "Enter legal notice text" -DefaultValue "None" -IsRequired $false ` -ParameterName "Legal Notice Text" $OSHardening = @{ "admin_name" = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AdministratorName)) { $null } else { $AdministratorName } "guest_name" = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($GuestName)) { $null } else { $GuestName } "legal_notice_caption" = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($LegalNoticeCaption)) { $null } else { $LegalNoticeCaption } "legal_notice_text" = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($LegalNoticeText)) { $null } else { $LegalNoticeText } "levels" = @( if (($Level2Computer -and $Level1Computer) -or $Level2Computer) { "ms_l2" } elseif ($Level1Computer) { "ms_l1" } ) } } $ReadValue = Read-RMBoolean -UserMessage "Do you want make user configuration?" -DefaultValue "false" if ($ReadValue) { $Level1User = Read-RMBoolean -UserMessage "Level 1 - Member Server" -DefaultValue "false" $Level2User = Read-RMBoolean -UserMessage "Level 2 - Member Server" -DefaultValue "false" $OSHardeningUser = $null if (($Level2User -and $Level1User) -or $Level2User) { $OSHardeningUser = @{ "levels" = @("user_l2") } } elseif ($Level1User) { $OSHardeningUser = @{ "levels" = @("user_l1") } } if ($null -ne $OSHardeningUser) { if ($null -ieq $OSHardening) { $OSHardening = $OSHardeningUser } else { $OSHardening.levels += $OSHardeningUser.levels } } } } } } $UpdatedUserInput.Add("OSHardening", $OSHardening) } function Add-RMOSHardening { param ( [System.Object] $Source, [hashtable] $UpdatedParameter, [hashtable] $UserParameter ) $OSHardening = $null if ($UserParameter["EnableOSHardening"]) { $IsOsHardeningSupported = Get-RMEnableOSHardening -Source $Source -UpgradeOSVersion $UpdatedParameter['UpgradeOSVersion'] if ($IsOsHardeningSupported ) { if ("linux" -ieq $Source.os_type) { $OSHardening = @{ "levels" = @( if (($UserParameter["Level1Server"] -and $UserParameter["Level2Server"]) -or $UserParameter["Level2Server"]) { "s_l2" } elseif ($UserParameter["Level1Server"]) { "s_l1" } ) } } else { $OSHardening = @{ "admin_name" = $UserParameter["AdministratorName"] "guest_name" = $UserParameter["GuestName"] "legal_notice_caption" = $UserParameter["LegalNoticeCaption"] "legal_notice_text" = $UserParameter["LegalNoticeText"] "levels" = @( if (($UserParameter["Level2Computer"] -and $UserParameter["Level1Computer"]) -or $UserParameter["Level2Computer"]) { "ms_l2" } elseif ($UserParameter["Level1Computer"]) { "ms_l1" } if (($UserParameter["Level2User"] -and $UserParameter["Level1User"]) -or $UserParameter["Level2User"]) { "user_l2" } elseif ($UserParameter["Level1User"]) { "user_l1" } ) } } } else { $Errors += "'EnableOSHardening' is not supported for the given source." } } $UpdatedParameter.Add("OSHardening", $OSHardening) return $Errors } function Add-RMOSUpgrade { param ( [hashtable] $UserParameter, [hashtable] $UpdatedParameter, [System.Object] $Source ) $SourceOSMMapping = Get-RMOSMMappingBySource -Source $Source $UpgradeOSVersion = $UserParameter["UpgradeOSVersion"] if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UpgradeOSVersion) -and $null -ne $SourceOSMMapping[$UpgradeOSVersion] ` -and $SourceOSMMapping.Keys.Count -gt 0) { $UpgradeOSVersion = $UpgradeOSVersion.Trim('"') $UpgradeOSVersion = $UpgradeOSVersion.Trim("'") $UpdatedParameter.Add("UpgradeOSVersion", $SourceOSMMapping[$UpgradeOSVersion]) $UpdatedParameter.Add("InPlaceUpgrade", $true) } else { $UpdatedParameter.Add("UpgradeOSVersion", $null) $UpdatedParameter.Add("InPlaceUpgrade", $false) } } function Add-RMMigrationExtension { param ( [hashtable] $UpdatedParameter, [string] $MigrationExtension, [string] $MigrationExtensionOSM, [System.Object] $MigrationExtensionResponse ) if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($MigrationExtension)) { $MigrationExtensionId = Get-RMMigrationExtensionId -MigrationExtension $MigrationExtension -MigrationExtensionArray $MigrationExtensionResponse.content ` -ExecutionStep 3 $UpdatedParameter.Add("MigrationExtension", $MigrationExtension) $UpdatedParameter.Add("MigrationExtensionId", $MigrationExtensionId) } if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($MigrationExtensionOSM)) { $MigrationExtensionIdOSM = Get-RMMigrationExtensionId -MigrationExtension $MigrationExtensionOSM -MigrationExtensionArray $MigrationExtensionResponse.content ` -ExecutionStep 4 $UpdatedParameter.Add("MigrationExtensionOSM", $MigrationExtensionOSM) $UpdatedParameter.Add("MigrationExtensionIdOSM", $MigrationExtensionIdOSM) } } function Read-RMMigrationExtension { param( [System.Object] $CloudAccount, [System.Array] $MigrationExtension, [System.Object] $MigrationExtensionObject, [hashtable] $UpdatedUserInput ) if ($MigrationExtension.Count -gt 0) { $ReadValue = Read-RMString -UserMessage "Enter migration extensions" -Options $MigrationExtension -ParameterName "Migration Extension" ` -IsRequired $false -DefaultValue "None" $MigrationExtensionId = Get-RMMigrationExtensionId -MigrationExtension $ReadValue -MigrationExtensionArray $MigrationExtensionObject ` -ExecutionStep 3 $UpdatedUserInput.Add("MigrationExtension", $ReadValue) $UpdatedUserInput.Add("MigrationExtensionId", $MigrationExtensionId) } else { $UpdatedUserInput.Add("MigrationExtension", $null) $UpdatedUserInput.Add("MigrationExtensionId", $null) } } function Read-RMMigrationExtensionOSM { param ( [System.Array] $MigrationExtensionOSM, [System.Object] $MigrationExtensionObject, [hashtable] $UpdatedUserInput ) if ($MigrationExtensionOSM.Count -gt 0) { $ReadValue = Read-RMString -UserMessage "Enter migration extension name" -Options $MigrationExtensionOSM -ParameterName "Migration Extension" ` -IsRequired $false -DefaultValue "None" $MigrationExtensionIdOSM = Get-RMMigrationExtensionId -MigrationExtension $ReadValue -MigrationExtensionArray $MigrationExtensionObject ` -ExecutionStep 4 $UpdatedUserInput.Add("MigrationExtensionOSM", $ReadValue) $UpdatedUserInput.Add("MigrationExtensionIdOSM", $MigrationExtensionIdOSM) } else { $UpdatedUserInput.Add("MigrationExtensionOSM", $null) $UpdatedUserInput.Add("MigrationExtensionIdOSM", $null) } } function Read-RMReplaceWindowsLicense { param ( [System.Object] $Source, [System.Object] $ProjectSettingsResponse, [string] $CloudType ) $ReplaceWindowsLicense = "" $ReplaceWindowsLicenseKey = "" if ("windows" -ieq $Source.os_type) { $WindowsLicense = Get-RMWindowsKMSKeyMapping -WindowsLicense $ProjectSettingsResponse.$CloudType.windows_license_keys $ReplaceWindowsLicenseKey = Read-RMString -UserMessage "Replace Windows License" -Options $WindowsLicense.keys -ParameterName "ReplaceWindowsLicense" ` -DefaultValue "None" -IsRequired $false if ("" -ne $ReplaceWindowsLicenseKey) { $ReplaceWindowsLicense = $WindowsLicense[$ReplaceWindowsLicenseKey] } } return $ReplaceWindowsLicense, $ReplaceWindowsLicenseKey } function Read-RMOSUpgradeOption { param( [System.Object] $Source, [hashtable] $UpdatedUserInput, [string] $ReplaceWindowsLicenseKey, [System.Object] $MigrationExtensionOSMArray, [System.Object] $MigrationExtensionResponse ) $SourceOSMMapping = Get-RMOSMMappingBySource -Source $Source if ($SourceOSMMapping.Keys.Count -gt 0) { $ReadValue = Read-RMString -UserMessage "Enter the OS version to upgrade to" -Options $SourceOSMMapping.keys -DefaultValue "None" ` -ParameterName "Upgrade OS version" -IsRequired $false if ("" -ne $ReadValue) { $ReadValue = $ReadValue.Trim('"') $ReadValue = $ReadValue.Trim("'") $UpdatedUserInput.Add("UpgradeOSVersion", $SourceOSMMapping[$ReadValue]) $UpdatedUserInput.Add("InPlaceUpgrade", $true) $OSVersion = Get-RMWindowsOSMapping if ("windows" -ieq $Source.os_type -and "" -ne $ReplaceWindowsLicenseKey -and ` $OSVersion[$SourceOSMMapping[$ReadValue]] -ne $ReplaceWindowsLicenseKey) { throw "The selected licence key version ($ReplaceWindowsLicenseKey) does not match the OS Modernization version." } Read-RMConvertFileSystem -Source $Source -UpdatedUserInput $UpdatedUserInput Read-RMMigrationExtensionOSM -MigrationExtensionOSM $MigrationExtensionOSMArray -MigrationExtensionObject $MigrationExtensionResponse.content ` -UpdatedUserInput $UpdatedUserInput } else { $UpdatedUserInput.Add("UpgradeOSVersion", $null) $UpdatedUserInput.Add("InPlaceUpgrade", $false) } } else { $UpdatedUserInput.Add("UpgradeOSVersion", $null) $UpdatedUserInput.Add("InPlaceUpgrade", $false) } if ("windows" -ieq $Source.os_type -and $null -ieq $UpdatedUserInput["UpgradeOSVersion"] -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ReplaceWindowsLicenseKey)) { throw "'UpgradeOSVersion' is required, when 'ReplaceWindowsLicense' is not null." } } function Confirm-RMCloudWatch { param ( [System.Object] $SourceAttribute, [string] $UpgradeOption ) $IsCloudWatchIsSupported = $false $Versions = @("2019", "2022", "2025") if ($Versions -contains $SourceAttribute.os.version) { $IsCloudWatchIsSupported = $true } elseif ("Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" -ieq $SourceAttribute.os.vendor -and ` ("8" -ieq $SourceAttribute.os.version -or $SourceAttribute.os.version -gt 8) -and ` $SourceAttribute.os.version -lt 10) { $IsCloudWatchIsSupported = $true } elseif ("Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" -ieq $SourceAttribute.os.vendor -and ` ("8" -ieq $SourceAttribute.os.version -or $SourceAttribute.os.version -gt 8)) { $IsCloudWatchIsSupported = $true } elseif ("OracleServer" -ieq $SourceAttribute.os.vendor -and ` ("8" -ieq $SourceAttribute.os.version -or $SourceAttribute.os.version -gt 8)) { $IsCloudWatchIsSupported = $true } elseif ("Amazon Linux" -ieq $SourceAttribute.os.vendor -and` ("2" -ieq $SourceAttribute.os.version -or $SourceAttribute.os.version -gt 2) -and ` $SourceAttribute.os.version -lt 3) { $IsCloudWatchIsSupported = $true } elseif ("Amazon Linux" -ieq $SourceAttribute.os.vendor -and ` ("2023" -ieq $SourceAttribute.os.version -or $SourceAttribute.os.version -gt 2023)) { $IsCloudWatchIsSupported = $true } elseif ("Ubuntu" -ieq $SourceAttribute.os.vendor -and ` ("22" -ieq $SourceAttribute.os.version -or $SourceAttribute.os.version -gt 22) -and ` $SourceAttribute.os.version -lt 25) { $IsCloudWatchIsSupported = $true } elseif ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($UpgradeOption)) { $Options = @("ORACLE9","ORACLE8","RHEL9","RHEL8","AMAZON2","AMAZON2023", "UBUNTU22", "UBUNTU24") if ($UpgradeOption -match "2019" -or $UpgradeOption -match "2022" -or $UpgradeOption -match "2025" -or ` $Options -contains $UpgradeOption) { $IsCloudWatchIsSupported = $true } } return $IsCloudWatchIsSupported } function Read-RMConvertFileSystem { param ( [System.Object] $Source, [hashtable] $UpdatedUserInput ) $ConvertFileSystemObject = @{} if ("linux" -ieq $Source.os_type -and ` $Source.attributes.storage.mounts.psobject.properties.value.fs_type -contains 'ext4') { $ReadValue = Read-RMBoolean -UserMessage "Linux filesystem converter" -DefaultValue "false" if ($null -ne $UpdatedUserInput['MountPoints']) { $SelectedMountPoints = $UpdatedUserInput['MountPoints'] } else { $SelectedMountPoints = $UpdatedUserInput['SelectedMount'] } if ($ReadValue) { foreach($MointPoint in $SelectedMountPoints.Values) { $ConvertFileSystemObject.Add($MointPoint, "xfs") } } } $UpdatedUserInput.Add("ConvertFileSystem", $ConvertFileSystemObject) } function Add-RMConvertFileSystem { param ( [System.Object] $Source, [hashtable] $UpdatedUserInput, [string] $ConvertFileSystem ) $ConvertFileSystemObject = @{} if ("linux" -ieq $Source.os_type -and ` $Source.attributes.storage.mounts.psobject.properties.value.fs_type -contains 'ext4') { if($null -ne $UpdatedUserInput['MountPoints']) { $SelectedMountPoints = $UpdatedUserInput['MountPoints'] } else { $SelectedMountPoints = $UpdatedUserInput['SelectedMount'] } foreach($MointPoint in $SelectedMountPoints.Values) { $ConvertFileSystemObject.Add($MointPoint, "xfs") } } $UpdatedUserInput.Add("ConvertFileSystem", $ConvertFileSystemObject) } function Read-RMSQLServerUpgradeOption { param ( [System.Object] $Source ) $SQLServerUpgradeArray = @() $SourceSQLServerMapping = Get-RMSQLMMappingBySource -Source $Source if ($SourceSQLServerMapping.Count -lt 1) { return $SQLServerUpgradeArray } $ReadValue = Read-RMBoolean -UserMessage "Do you want to upgrade SQL server?" -DefaultValue $false if (!$ReadValue) { return $SQLServerUpgradeArray } if ($SourceSQLServerMapping.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($SQLServerObject in $SourceSQLServerMapping) { $Instance = $SQLServerObject.display_name $UpgradeVersion = Read-RMString -UserMessage "Enter the SQL version to upgrade to for $Instance" -Options $SQLServerObject.upgrade_options -DefaultValue "None" ` -ParameterName "Upgrade Version" -IsRequired $false if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($UpgradeVersion)) { $AdditionalProperty = Read-RMString -UserMessage "Enter any additional parameters:" -DefaultValue "None" -ParameterName "Additional Parameters" ` -IsRequired $false $SQLServerMapping = Get-RMSQLServerMapping -GUID $SQLServerObject.guid -UpgradeVersion $UpgradeVersion -UpgradeDisplayName $SQLServerObject.display_name ` -AdditionalParam $AdditionalProperty $SQLServerUpgradeArray += $SQLServerMapping } } } return $SQLServerUpgradeArray } function Get-RMUpgradeSQLServer { param( [hashtable[]] $UpgradeSQLServer, [System.Object] $Source, [System.Object] $SourceSQLServerMapping ) $SQLServerUpgradeArray = @() foreach($Upgrade in $UpgradeSQLServer) { foreach($SQLServerObject in $SourceSQLServerMapping) { if ($Upgrade.InstanceName -ieq $SQLServerObject.instance_name) { $SQLServerMapping = Get-RMSQLServerMapping -GUID $SQLServerObject.guid -UpgradeVersion $Upgrade.UpgradeVersion ` -UpgradeDisplayName $SQLServerObject.display_name -AdditionalParam $Upgrade.AdditionalParams $SQLServerUpgradeArray += $SQLServerMapping } } } return $SQLServerUpgradeArray } function Get-RMSQLServerMapping { param( [string] $GUID, [string] $UpgradeVersion, [string] $UpgradeDisplayName, [string] $AdditionalParam ) $UpgradeDisplayName = $UpgradeDisplayName -replace " -" , "," $UpgradeDisplayName = $UpgradeDisplayName + " : " + $UpgradeVersion $UpgradeVersion = "MSSQL" + $UpgradeVersion $GUID = $GUID.ToUpper() $SQLServiceMapping = @{ "product_family" = "mssql" "guid" = "{$GUID}" "upgrade_version" = $UpgradeVersion "upgrade_display_name" = $UpgradeDisplayName "upgrade_parameters" = @{ "additional_setup_params" = $AdditionalParam } } return $SQLServiceMapping } function Test-RMSourceHasRunningMigration { param( [string] $OrganizationId, [string] $SourceId ) $MigrationList = Get-RMMigrationListBySourceId -OrganizationId $OrganizationId -SourceId $SourceId foreach ($Mig in $MigrationList) { if ("running" -eq $Mig.state) { return $true } } return $false } function Get-RMMigrationExtensionFromStep { param ( [System.Object] $MigrationExtensionArray ) $MigrationExtension = @() $MigrationExtensionOSM = @() foreach ($Me in $MigrationExtensionArray) { if (4 -eq $Me.execution_step) { $MigrationExtensionOSM += $Me.name } else { $MigrationExtension += $Me.name } } return $MigrationExtension, $MigrationExtensionOSM } function Get-RMMigrationExtensionId { param ( [string] $MigrationExtension, [System.Object] $MigrationExtensionArray, [int] $ExecutionStep ) $MigrationExtensionId = "" if ("" -ne $MigrationExtension) { foreach ($Me in $MigrationExtensionArray) { if ($MigrationExtension -ieq $Me.name -and $ExecutionStep -eq $Me.execution_step) { $MigrationExtensionId = $Me.id break } } } return $MigrationExtensionId } function Get-RMEnableOSHardening { param ( [System.Object] $Source, [string] $UpgradeOSVersion ) $Showing = $false if ($null -ne $Source.attributes.os.source_migration_state) { $MigrationState = $Source.attributes.os.source_migration_state | ConvertFrom-Json } $WindowsIsLaterVersion = @("2016", "2019", "2022") [array] $OSUpgradeVersion = $MigrationState.upgrade_options [array] $OSConversionVersion = $MigrationState.conversion_options [double] $Version = $Source.attributes.os.version if ("windows" -ieq $Source.os_type) { if ($WindowsIsLaterVersion -contains $Source.attributes.os.version -or ($OSUpgradeVersion.Count -gt 0 -and $OSUpgradeVersion -contains $UpgradeOSVersion) ` -or ($OSConversionVersion.Count -gt 0 -and $OSConversionVersion -contains $UpgradeOSVersion)) { $Showing = $true } } else { if ('Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server' -ieq $Source.attributes.os.vendor -and ` ((8 -ieq $Version -or 8 -lt $Version) -and $Version -lt 10) -or ` ($OSUpgradeVersion.Count -gt 0 -and $OSUpgradeVersion -contains $UpgradeOSVersion -and !($UpgradeOSVersion -match '7'))) { $Showing = $true } } return $Showing } |