using module '../../Common/Result' Import-Module -Name @(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot .. | Join-Path -ChildPath .. | Join-Path -ChildPath Common | Join-Path -ChildPath Wrappers | Join-Path -ChildPath Wrappers) Import-Module -Name @(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot .. | Join-Path -ChildPath SourceUtil | Join-Path -ChildPath SourceUtil) function Search-RMInteractiveSource { param () $Size = 25 $Page = 0 $PageNumber = 1 $FilterFlag = Read-RMBoolean -UserMessage "Would you like to apply any filtering?" -DefaultValue $false if ($FilterFlag) { $Filter = Read-RMString -UserMessage "Enter Source IP, Source Hostname or Tag" -DefaultValue "None" -IsRequired $false ` -ParameterName "Filter" } $Size = Read-RMString -UserMessage "Page size" -Options "10", "25", "50", "100" -DefaultValue $Size -IsRequired $false ` -ParameterName "Size" return Show-RMSource -Size $Size -Page $Page -Filter $Filter -PageNumber $PageNumber -IsInteractive $true } function Search-RMNonInteractiveSource { param ( [int] $Size, [int] $Page, [string] $Filter ) if ($Size -lt 1) { $Size = 25 } if ($Page -lt 1) { $Page = 0 $PageNumber = 1 } else { if ($Page -gt 0) { $PageNumber = $Page $Page -- } } return Show-RMSource -Size $Size -Page $Page -Filter $Filter -PageNumber $PageNumber -IsInteractive $false } function Show-RMSource { param ( [int] $Size, [int] $Page, [string] $Filter, [int] $PageNumber, [bool] $IsInteractive ) [RMReturn] $RMReturn = [RMReturn]::new() $OrganizationId = Get-Variable -Name "RMContext-CurrentProjectId" -ValueOnly $Response = Get-RMSourcesByFilter -OrganizationId $OrganizationId -Size $Size -Filter $Filter -Page $Page while ($true) { if ($Page -lt $Response.page.totalPages) { $Result = @() foreach($Source in $Response.content) { $MigrationMethod = $null -ieq $Source.collection_type ? "OS-Based" : "vm" -ieq $Source.collection_type ? "VM-Based" : "data_store" -ieq $Source.collection_type ? "NetApp" :"" $CloudSizing = Get-RMCloudSizing -Source $Source $MigrationReadiness = $Source.preflight_state -ine "error" ? $Source.preflight_state : $Source.preflight_error_type -ine "fatal" ? "error" : "warning" $SourceStatus = [SourceStatus]::new($MigrationMethod, $Source.host, $Source.hostname, $Source.os_type, $Source.created_at, $Source.tags, $CloudSizing, $Source.power_state, $MigrationReadiness, $Source.move_group.name) $Result += $SourceStatus } $TotalPages = $Response.page.totalPages Write-Output "Page $PageNumber of $TotalPages" $Result | Select-Object MigrationMethod, SourceIP, HostName, OS, Created, Tags, CloudSizing, PowerState, MigrationReadiness, MoveGroup | Format-Table | Out-Host if ($Result.Count -gt 0) { $RMReturn.SetOutputData(@{"Result" = $Result;}) } if ($IsInteractive -and $PageNumber -lt $Response.page.totalPages) { $NextPage = Read-RMBoolean -UserMessage "Do you want go to the next page?" -DefaultValue $false if ($NextPage) { $Page++ $PageNumber ++ $Response = Get-RMSourcesByFilter -OrganizationId $OrganizationId -Size $Size -Filter $Filter -Page $Page } else { break } } else { break } } elseif((!$IsInteractive -and ($Page -gt $Response.page.totalPages -or $Page -ieq $Response.page.totalPages)) ` -or $Response.page.totalPages -ieq 0) { $TotalPages = $Response.page.totalPages Write-Output "Pages count: $TotalPages" break } } return $RMReturn } function Get-RMCloudSizing { param ( [System.Object] $Source ) if ("vm" -ieq $Source.collection_type -and $null -ne $Source.attributes.vm_perf_metrics -and $null -ne $Source.attributes.vm_perf_metrics.timestamps -and $Source.attributes.vm_perf_metrics.timestamps.Count -gt 0) { $CPU = $null -ne $Source.attributes.cpu ? ($null -ne $Source.attributes.cpu.processors ? $Source.attributes.cpu.processors.Count : 1) : 1 $RAM = $Source.attributes.memory.total_kb/(1024*1024) $RAM = [math]::round($RAM, 2) if ($null -ne $Source.attributes.vm_perf_metrics.ram_95th_percentile -and $Source.attributes.vm_perf_metrics.ram_95th_percentile -gt 0) { $RAM = $Source.attributes.vm_perf_metrics.ram_95th_percentile/(1024*1024) $RAM = [math]::round($RAM, 2) } if ($null -ne $Source.attributes.vm_perf_metrics.cpu_95th_percentile -and $Source.attributes.vm_perf_metrics.recommended_cpu -gt 0) { $CPU = $Source.attributes.vm_perf_metrics.recommended_cpu } return "$CPU vCPU, $RAM GB RAM" } else { if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Source.cloud_sizing) -and $Source.cloud_sizing.IndexOf(":") -ne -1) { $CloudSizingArray = $Source.cloud_sizing -split ":" return $CloudSizingArray[1] } return $Source.cloud_sizing } } class SourceStatus { [string] $MigrationMethod [string] $SourceIP [string] $HostName [string] $OS [string] $Created [string] $Tags [string] $CloudSizing [string] $PowerState [string] $MigrationReadiness [string] $MoveGroup SourceStatus([string] $MigrationMethod ,[string] $SourceIP, [string] $HostName, [string] $OS ,[string] $Created, [string] $Tags, [string] $CloudSizing, [string] $PowerState, [string] $MigrationReadiness, [string] $MoveGroup) { $this.MigrationMethod = $MigrationMethod $this.SourceIP = $SourceIP $this.HostName = $HostName $this.OS = $OS $this.Created = $Created $this.Tags = $Tags $this.CloudSizing = $CloudSizing $this.PowerState = $PowerState $this.MigrationReadiness = $MigrationReadiness $this.MoveGroup = $MoveGroup } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Search-RMInteractiveSource, Search-RMNonInteractiveSource |