
$baseName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($PSCommandPath)
$script:PSModuleInfo = Test-ModuleManifest -Path "$PSScriptRoot\$baseName.psd1"
$script:PSModuleInfo | Format-List | Out-String -Stream | ForEach-Object { Write-Debug $_ }
$scriptName = $script:PSModuleInfo.Name
Write-Debug "[$scriptName] - Importing module"
#region [functions] - [public]
Write-Debug "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - Processing folder"
#region [functions] - [public] - [Invoke-Retry]
Write-Debug "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [Invoke-Retry] - Importing"
function Invoke-Retry {
        Runs a scriptblock with a retry mechanism.

        Runs a scriptblock with a retry mechanism.
        If the scriptblock fails, it will retry the scriptblock a number of times with a delay between each try.
        If a catch scriptblock is provided, it will run that scriptblock if the scriptblock fails.

        Retry -Count 5 -Delay 5 -Run {
            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ''

        # The scriptblock to run
        [scriptblock] $Run,

        # The number of tries to make
        [int] $Count = 3,

        # The delay between tries in seconds
        [int] $Delay = 5,

        # A scriptblock to run if it fails
        [scriptblock] $Catch = {},

        # A scriptblock to run after the scriptblock has run
        [scriptblock] $Finally = {}

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Count; $i++) {
        try {
            & $Run
        } catch {
            Write-Warning "The command:"
            Write-Warning $Run.ToString()
            Write-Warning "failed with error: $_"
            & $Catch
            if ($i -eq $Count - 1) {

            Write-Warning "Retrying in $Delay seconds..."
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $Delay
    & $Finally
Write-Debug "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [Invoke-Retry] - Done"
#endregion [functions] - [public] - [Invoke-Retry]
Write-Debug "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - Done"
#endregion [functions] - [public]

#region Member exporter
$exports = @{
    Alias    = '*'
    Cmdlet   = ''
    Function = 'Invoke-Retry'
    Variable = ''
Export-ModuleMember @exports
#endregion Member exporter