

# Global settings
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$InformationPreference = "Continue"
Set-StrictMode -Version 2

# Add types
Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Web'

# List of library items that can be referenced in Add-ReportRunnerSection
$Script:Definitions = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, ScriptBlock]'

Class ReportRunnerSection

    ReportRunnerSection([string]$name, [string]$description, [PSObject[]]$items, [HashTable]$data)
        $this.Name = $name
        $this.Description = $description
        $this.Items = $items
        $this.Data = $data

class ReportRunnerSectionContent

    ReportRunnerSectionContent([string]$Name, [string]$Description)
        $this.Name = $name
        $this.Description = $description
        $this.Content = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList[PSObject]'

Class ReportRunnerFormatTable

Class ReportRunnerContext

        $this.Entries = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList[ReportRunnerSection]'

enum ReportRunnerStatus
    None = 0


Class ReportRunnerNotice

    ReportRunnerNotice([ReportRunnerStatus]$status, [string]$description)
        $this.Status = $status
        $this.Description = $description

    [string] ToString()
        return ("{0}: {1}" -f $this.Status.ToString().ToUpper(), $this.Description)


Function New-ReportRunnerNotice
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]

        [ReportRunnerStatus]$Status = [ReportRunnerStatus]::None

        $notice = New-Object ReportRunnerNotice -ArgumentList $Status, $Description



Function New-ReportRunnerFormatTable
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]

        $format = New-Object 'ReportRunnerFormatTable'
        $format.Content = $Content



Function New-ReportRunnerContext
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]

        $obj = New-Object ReportRunnerContext



Function Add-ReportRunnerDefinition
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage = "Must be in format")]


        $script:Definitions[$Name] = $Script


Function Add-ReportRunnerSection


        [string]$Description = "",

        [PSObject[]]$Items = [PSObject[]]@(),

        [HashTable]$Data = $null

        # Add the script to the list of scripts to process
        $entry = New-Object 'ReportRunnerSection' -ArgumentList $Name, $Description, $Items, $Data
        $Context.Entries.Add($entry) | Out-Null


Function Invoke-ReportRunnerContext

        $Context.Entries | ForEach-Object {
            $entry = $_

            # Create a list of the scripts to run for this context section
            $scripts = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList[ScriptBlock]'

            # Add any scripts defined specifically for this context section
            $entry.Items | ForEach-Object {
                $item = $_

                switch ($item.GetType().FullName)
                    "System.String" {
                        $script:Definitions.Keys |
                            Where-Object { $_ -match [string]$item } |
                            ForEach-Object {

                    "System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock" {

                    default {
                        Write-Error "Unknown item type: $_"

            # Output a section format object
            $content = New-Object 'ReportRunnerSectionContent' -ArgumentList $entry.Name, $entry.Description

            $scripts | ForEach-Object {
                $script = $_

                Invoke-Command -NoNewScope {
                    # Run the script block
                    try {
                        ForEach-Object -InputObject $entry.Data -Process $script
                    } catch {
                        New-ReportRunnerNotice -Status InternalError -Description "Error running script: $_"
            } *>&1 | ForEach-Object {
                $content.Content.Add($_) | Out-Null



Function Format-ReportRunnerContentAsHtml
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '')]

        [string]$Title = "",

        [bool]$DecodeHtml = $true

        # Collection of all notices across all sections
        $allNotices = [ordered]@{}

        $allSectionContent = New-Object 'System.Collections.ArrayList'

        # Html preamble
        "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC `"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN`" `"`">"
        "<html xmlns=`"`">"
        "table {"
        " font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"
        " border-collapse: collapse;"
        " width: 100%;"
        "td, th {"
        " border: 1px solid #ddd;"
        " padding: 6px;"
        "div.section tr:nth-child(even){background-color: #f2f2f2;}"
        "div.section tr:hover {background-color: #ddd;}"
        ".warningCell {background-color: #ffeb9c;}"
        ".errorCell {background-color: #ffc7ce;}"
        ".internalErrorCell {background-color: #ffc7ce;}"
        "div.section th {"
        " padding-top: 12px;"
        " padding-bottom: 12px;"
        " text-align: left;"
        " background-color: #04AA6D;"
        " color: white;"

        # Generate string content for this section
        $sectionContent = & {
            $notices = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList[ReportRunnerNotice]'

            # Display section heading
            ("<h3>Section: {0}</h3>" -f $Section.Name)
            ("<i>{0}</i><br><p />" -f $Section.Description)

            $output = $Section.Content | ForEach-Object {

                # Default message to pass on in pipeline
                $msg = $_

                # Check if it is a string or status object
                if ([ReportRunnerNotice].IsAssignableFrom($msg.GetType()))
                    [ReportRunnerNotice]$notice = $_
                    $notices.Add($notice) | Out-Null

                    if ($allNotices.Keys -notcontains $Section.Name)
                        $allNotices[$Section.Name] = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList[ReportRunnerNotice]'

                    $allNotices[$Section.Name].Add($notice) | Out-Null

                    # Alter message to notice string representation
                    $msg = $notice.ToString()

                if ([System.Management.Automation.InformationRecord].IsAssignableFrom($_.GetType()))
                    $msg = ("INFO: {0}" -f $_.ToString())
                elseif ([System.Management.Automation.VerboseRecord].IsAssignableFrom($_.GetType()))
                    $msg = ("VERBOSE: {0}" -f $_.ToString())
                elseif ([System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord].IsAssignableFrom($_.GetType()))
                    $msg = ("ERROR: {0}" -f $_.ToString())
                elseif ([System.Management.Automation.DebugRecord].IsAssignableFrom($_.GetType()))
                    $msg = ("DEBUG: {0}" -f $_.ToString())
                elseif ([System.Management.Automation.WarningRecord].IsAssignableFrom($_.GetType()))
                    $msg = ("WARNING: {0}" -f $_.ToString())

                if ([ReportRunnerFormatTable].IsAssignableFrom($msg.GetType()))
                    $msg = $msg.Content | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment

                if ([string].IsAssignableFrom($msg.GetType()))
                    $msg += "<br>"
                    if ($DecodeHtml)
                        $msg = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlDecode($msg)

                # Pass message on in the pipeline

            # Display notices for this section
            if (($notices | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
                "<h4>Notices</h4><div class=`"section`">"
                $notices | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment | Update-ReportRunnerNoticeCellClass

            # Display output
            "<h4>Content</h4><div class=`"section`">"
            $output | Out-String

            "<p />"
        } | Out-String

        $allSectionContent.Add($sectionContent) | Out-Null

        # Display all notices here
        "<h3>All Notices</h3>"
        "<i>Notices generated by any section</i><br><p /><div class=`"section`">"
        $allNotices.Keys | ForEach-Object {
            $key = $_
            $allNotices[$key] | ForEach-Object {
                $notice = $_
                    Section = $key
                    Status = $notice.Status
                    Description = $notice.Description
        } | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment | Update-ReportRunnerNoticeCellClass
        "<p /></div>"

        # Display all section content
        $allSectionContent | ForEach-Object { $_ }

        # Wrap up HTML

Function Update-ReportRunnerNoticeCellClass
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]

        $val = $Content

        $val = $val.Replace("<td>Warning</td>", "<td class=`"warningCell`">Warning</td>")
        $val = $val.Replace("<td>Error</td>", "<td class=`"errorCell`">Error</td>")
        $val = $val.Replace("<td>InternalError</td>", "<td class=`"internalErrorCell`">InternalError</td>")
