
Searches for a repository by name.

The Find-RepoByName function searches for a repository by name in GitHub.

The name words that have to be part of the repo name.

Scope the search for repos of a specific owner.

Find-RepoByName -Name "MyRepo" -Owner "MyOwner"

This example searches for a repository ownered by "MyOwner" that have "MyRepo" in the name.

function Find-RepoByName{
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression', '', Scope='Function')]

    $attributes = 'name,url'

        $command = 'gh search repos {name} in:name user:{owner} --json {attributes}'
        $command = $command -replace "{owner}", "$($Owner)"
    } else {
        $command = 'gh search repos {name} in:name --json {attributes}'

    $command = $command -replace "{name}", "$($Name)"
    $command = $command -replace "{attributes}", "$($attributes)"

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("repo", $command)) {
        $ret = Invoke-GhExpression $command
    } else {
        Write-Information $command
        $ret = $null

    return $ret
} Export-ModuleMember -Function Find-RepoByName