
function Get-RemoteCert {
[parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$port = 443,
    if ($computername.StartsWith("https")) {
        $uri = new-object Uri $computername
        $computername = $
        $port = $uri.Port

    if ($port -in "powershell","rps","winrm") {
        $port = 5986
    write-host "connecting to $computername on port $port"
    $tcpsocket = $null
    try {
        #Create a TCP Socket to the computer and a port number
        $tcpsocket = New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient($computerName, $port)
    } catch {
        write-error $_

    #test if the socket got connected
        throw "Error Opening Connection: $port on $computername Unreachable"
        #Socket Got connected get the tcp stream ready to read the certificate
        write-host "Successfully Connected to $computername on $port" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black
        $tcpstream = $tcpsocket.GetStream()
        Write-host "Reading SSL Certificate...." -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black
        #Create an SSL Connection
        $sslStream = New-Object System.Net.Security.SslStream($tcpstream,$false, {
            param($sender, $certificate, $chain, $sslPolicyErrors) 
            return $true

        try {
        #Force the SSL Connection to send us the certificate
        } catch {
            $ex = $_.Exception
            while($ex -ne $null) {
                write-warning $ex.Message
                $ex = $ex.InnerException

        #Read the certificate
        $certinfo = New-Object$sslStream.RemoteCertificate)

        if ($accept -and $outfile -eq $null) {
            $outfile = "$computername.crt"
        if ($outfile -ne $null) {
            $certinfo | Export-Certificate -FilePath $outfile -Verbose

        if ($accept) {
        if ($certstorelocation -eq $null) {
           $certstorelocation = "Cert:\CurrentUser\Trust"
            Import-Certificate $outfile -CertStoreLocation $certstorelocation

        return $certinfo
