
function Read-DbaXEFile {

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    process {
        if (Test-FunctionInterrupt) { return }
        foreach ($file in $path) {
            # in order to ensure CSV gets all fields, all columns will be
            # collected and output in the first (all all subsequent) object
            $columns = @("name", "timestamp")

            if ($file -is [System.String]) {
                $currentfile = $file
                #Variable marked as unused by PSScriptAnalyzer
                #$manualadd = $true
            } elseif ($file -is [System.IO.FileInfo]) {
                $currentfile = $file.FullName
                #Variable marked as unused by PSScriptAnalyzer
                #$manualadd = $true
            } else {
                if ($file -isnot [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.XEvent.Session]) {
                    Stop-Function -Message "Unsupported file type."

                if ($file.TargetFile.Length -eq 0) {
                    Stop-Function -Message "This session does not have an associated Target File."

                $instance = [dbainstance]$file.ComputerName

                if ($instance.IsLocalHost) {
                    $currentfile = $file.TargetFile
                } else {
                    $currentfile = $file.RemoteTargetFile

            $accessible = Test-Path -Path $currentfile
            $whoami = whoami

            if (-not $accessible) {
                if ($file.Status -eq "Stopped") { continue }
                Stop-Function -Continue -Message "$currentfile cannot be accessed from $($env:COMPUTERNAME). Does $whoami have access?"

            if ($Raw) {
                return (SqlServer.XEvent\Read-SqlXEvent -FileName $currentfile)

            # use the SqlServer.XEvent\Read-SqlXEvent cmdlet from Microsoft
            # because the underlying Class uses Tasks
            # which is hard to handle in PowerShell

            $enum = SqlServer.XEvent\Read-SqlXEvent -FileName $currentfile
            $newcolumns = ($enum.Fields.Name | Select-Object -Unique)

            $actions = ($enum.Actions.Name | Select-Object -Unique)
            foreach ($action in $actions) {
                $newcolumns += ($action -Split '\.')[-1]

            $newcolumns = $newcolumns | Sort-Object
            $columns = ($columns += $newcolumns) | Select-Object -Unique

            # Make it selectable, otherwise it's a weird enumeration
            foreach ($event in $enum) {
                $hash = [ordered]@{ }

                foreach ($column in $columns) {
                    $null = $hash.Add($column, $event.$column)

                foreach ($key in $event.Actions.Keys) {
                    $hash[$key] = $event.Actions[$key]

                foreach ($key in $event.Fields.Keys) {
                    $hash[$key] = $event.Fields[$key]
