
# PSake makes variables declared here available in other scriptblocks
# Init some things
Properties {
    # Find the build folder based on build system
        $ProjectRoot = $ENV:BHProjectPath
        if(-not $ProjectRoot)
            $ProjectRoot = $PSScriptRoot

    $Timestamp = Get-date -uformat "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"
    $PSVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
    $TestFile = "TestResults_PS$PSVersion`_$TimeStamp.xml"
    $lines = '----------------------------------------------------------------------'

    $Verbose = @{}
    if($ENV:BHCommitMessage -match "!verbose")
        $Verbose = @{Verbose = $True}

Task Default -Depends Deploy

Task Init {
    Set-Location $ProjectRoot
    "Build System Details:"
    Get-Item ENV:BH*

Task Test -Depends Init  {
    Write-Host "Hahaha, tests"

Task Build -Depends Test {

    # Bump the module version
    $Version = Get-NextPSGalleryVersion -Name $env:BHProjectName
    Update-Metadata -Path $env:BHPSModuleManifest -PropertyName ModuleVersion -Value $Version

Task Deploy -Depends Build {

    # Gate deployment
        $ENV:BHBuildSystem -ne 'Unknown' -and
        $ENV:BHBranchName -eq "master" -and
        $ENV:BHCommitMessage -match '!deploy'
        $Params = @{
            Path = $ProjectRoot
            Force = $true

        Invoke-PSDeploy @Verbose @Params
        "Skipping deployment: To deploy, ensure that...`n" +
        "`t* You are in a known build system (Current: $ENV:BHBuildSystem)`n" +
        "`t* You are committing to the master branch (Current: $ENV:BHBranchName) `n" +
        "`t* Your commit message includes !deploy (Current: $ENV:BHCommitMessage)"