#Requires -Modules RVR.ScriptAnalyzerRules <# .SYNOPSIS The Pester tests for the test-modulePipline module .DESCRIPTION The Pester tests for the test-modulePipline module Run this via Pester .PARAMETER ModuleName The name of the module #> param( [parameter()] [ValidateNotNull()] $ModuleName ) Describe "PS ScriptAnalyser" { $PSScripAnalyzerSettings = @{ # Roberts custom rule CustomRulePath = @("$($(Get-InstalledModule RVR.ScriptAnalyzerRules).InstalledLocation)\*.psm1") # If not set then only the custom rule is applied IncludeDefaultRules = $true # Enable two rules I like Rules = @{ PSProvideCommentHelp = @{ Enable = $true ExportedOnly = $false BlockComment = $true VSCodeSnippetCorrection = $false Placement = "before" } PSUseCorrectCasing = @{ Enable = $true } } ExcludeRules = @('PSAvoidTrailingWhitespace') } It "Script analyser should be installed" { [boolean](Get-Command -Module PSScriptAnalyzer) | Should Be $true } # Invoke the script analyzer. Please be aware it uses implicit settings. $ScriptAnalyzerResults = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path "./$ModuleName" -Recurse -Settings $PSScripAnalyzerSettings It "No ScriptAnalyzer rule should be violated. Please see the violoations below" { $ScriptAnalyzerResults | Should BeNullOrEmpty } foreach ($Result in $ScriptAnalyzerResults) { It "ScriptAnalyzer rule violation $($Result.RuleName) on Line $($Result.Line) ($($result.ScriptName))" { $Result | Should BeNullOrEmpty } } } |