################################################ # Function - Get-RSCVMwareVMsDetail - Getting all VMware VMs connected to the RSC instance ################################################ Function Get-RSCVMwareVMsDetail { <# .SYNOPSIS A Rubrik Security Cloud (RSC) Reporting Module Function returning a list of all VMware VMs with more detail than returned by Get-RSCVmwareVMs .DESCRIPTION Makes the required GraphQL API calls to RSC via Invoke-RestMethod to get the data as described, then creates a usable array of the returned information, removing the need for the PowerShell user to understand GraphQL in order to interact with RSC. .LINK GraphQL schema reference: .OUTPUTS Returns an array of all the available information on the GraphQL endpoint in a uniform and usable format. .EXAMPLE Get-RSCVMwareVMsDetail This example returns an array of all the information returned by the GraphQL endpoint for this object type. .NOTES Author: Joshua Stenhouse Date: 05/11/2023 #> ################################################ # Importing Module & Running Required Functions ################################################ # Importing the module is it needs other modules Import-Module RSCReporting # Checking connectivity, exiting function with error if not connected Test-RSCConnection ################################################ # Getting All VMware VMs ################################################ # Creating array for objects $RSCVMList = @() # Building GraphQL query $RSCGraphQL = @{"operationName" = "VSphereVMsListQuery"; "variables" = @{ "first" = 1000 }; "query" = "query VSphereVMsListQuery(`$first: Int!, `$after: String, `$isMultitenancyEnabled: Boolean = false, `$sortBy: HierarchySortByField, `$sortOrder: SortOrder, `$isDuplicatedVmsIncluded: Boolean = true) { vSphereVmNewConnection(first: `$first, after: `$after, sortBy: `$sortBy, sortOrder: `$sortOrder) { edges { cursor node { id ...VSphereNameColumnFragment ...CdmClusterColumnFragment ...EffectiveSlaColumnFragment ...VSphereSlaAssignmentColumnFragment ...OrganizationsColumnFragment @include(if: `$isMultitenancyEnabled) isRelic guestCredentialAuthorizationStatus name protectionDate powerStatus replicatedObjectCount slaAssignment snapshotConsistencyMandate arrayIntegrationEnabled cdmId slaPauseStatus vmwareToolsInstalled objectType onDemandSnapshotCount guestOsName guestCredentialId guestOsType vmwareToolsInstalled vsphereTagPath { fid name objectType } primaryClusterLocation { id name __typename } logicalPath { fid name objectType } physicalPath { fid objectType name } snapshotDistribution { id onDemandCount retrievedCount scheduledCount totalCount __typename } reportWorkload { id awaitingFirstFull archiveStorage archiveSnapshots dataReduction complianceStatus physicalBytes provisionedBytes replicaSnapshots totalSnapshots usedBytes transferredBytes replicaStorage replicationComplianceStatus protectionStatus missedSnapshots logicalDataReduction logicalBytes localStorage localSnapshots localSlaSnapshots localProtectedData localEffectiveStorage archivalSnapshotLag archivalComplianceStatus replicationSnapshotLag } agentStatus { agentStatus disconnectReason __typename } duplicatedVms @include(if: `$isDuplicatedVmsIncluded) { fid cluster { id name version status __typename } slaAssignment effectiveSlaDomain { ... on GlobalSlaReply { id name isRetentionLockedSla description __typename } ... on ClusterSlaDomain { id fid name isRetentionLockedSla cluster { id name __typename } __typename } __typename } snapshotDistribution { id onDemandCount retrievedCount scheduledCount totalCount __typename } effectiveSlaSourceObject { fid objectType name __typename } __typename } __typename effectiveSlaDomain { id name } vsphereVirtualDisks { edges { node { datastore { id name isLocal capacity freeSpace } excludeFromSnapshots virtualMachineId size fileName fid } } } latestUserNote { userNote userName time objectId } newestArchivedSnapshot { id date } newestReplicatedSnapshot { date id } newestSnapshot { id date } oldestSnapshot { id date } postBackupScript { failureHandling timeoutMs scriptPath } postSnapScript { failureHandling timeoutMs scriptPath } preBackupScript { failureHandling timeoutMs scriptPath } } __typename } pageInfo { startCursor endCursor hasNextPage hasPreviousPage __typename } __typename } } fragment VSphereNameColumnFragment on HierarchyObject { id name ...HierarchyObjectTypeFragment __typename } fragment HierarchyObjectTypeFragment on HierarchyObject { objectType __typename } fragment EffectiveSlaColumnFragment on HierarchyObject { id effectiveSlaDomain { ...EffectiveSlaDomainFragment ... on GlobalSlaReply { description __typename } __typename } ... on CdmHierarchyObject { pendingSla { ...SLADomainFragment __typename } __typename } __typename } fragment EffectiveSlaDomainFragment on SlaDomain { id name ... on GlobalSlaReply { isRetentionLockedSla __typename } ... on ClusterSlaDomain { fid cluster { id name __typename } isRetentionLockedSla __typename } __typename } fragment SLADomainFragment on SlaDomain { id name ... on ClusterSlaDomain { fid cluster { id name __typename } __typename } __typename } fragment CdmClusterColumnFragment on CdmHierarchyObject { replicatedObjectCount cluster { id name version status __typename } __typename } fragment VSphereSlaAssignmentColumnFragment on HierarchyObject { effectiveSlaSourceObject { fid name objectType __typename } ...SlaAssignmentColumnFragment __typename } fragment SlaAssignmentColumnFragment on HierarchyObject { slaAssignment __typename } fragment OrganizationsColumnFragment on HierarchyObject { allOrgs { name __typename } __typename } " } ################################################ # API Call To RSC GraphQL URI ################################################ # Logging Write-Host "WARNING: This can take a long time in a large environment, use Get-RSCVMwareVMs for a quicker response. QueryingAPI: vSphereVmNewConnection" # Querying API $RSCVMListResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $RSCGraphqlURL -Body $($RSCGraphQL | ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 20) -Headers $RSCSessionHeader # Setting variable $RSCVMList += $ # Getting all results from paginations While ($ { # Getting next set $RSCGraphQL.variables.after = $ $RSCVMListResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $RSCGraphqlURL -Body $($RSCGraphQL | ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 20) -Headers $RSCSessionHeader $RSCVMList += $ } # Processing VMs Write-Host "Processing VMs.." ################################################ # Processing VMs ################################################ # Creating arrays $RSCVMs = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $RSCTagAssignments = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() # For Each Object Getting Data ForEach ($RSCVM in $RSCVMList) { # Setting variables $VMID = $ $VMName = $ $VMCDMID = $RSCVM.cdmId $VMPowerStatus = $RSCVM.powerStatus $VMIsRelic = $RSCVM.isRelic $VMProtectionDateUNIX = $RSCVM.protectionDate $VMToolsInstalled = $RSCVM.vmwareToolsInstalled $VMGuestOSType = $RSCVM.guestOsType $VMGuestOSName = $RSCVM.guestOsName $VMConsistency = $RSCVM.snapshotConsistencyMandate $VMGuestAuth = $RSCVM.guestCredentialAuthorizationStatus $VMArrayIntegration = $RSCVM.arrayIntegrationEnabled $VMAgentInfo = $RSCVM.agentStatus $VMAgentStatus = $VMAgentInfo.agentStatus $VMAgentDisconnectReason = $VMAgentInfo.disconnectReason # Tag info $VMTagList = $RSCVM.vsphereTagPath # Filtering $VMTagCategories = $VMTagList | Where-Object {$_.ObjectType -eq "vSphereTagCategory"} $VMTagCategoryCount = $VMTagCategories | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count $VMTags = $VMTagList | Where-Object {$_.ObjectType -eq "vSphereTag"} $VMTagCount = $VMTags | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count # User note info $VMNoteInfo = $RSCVM.latestUserNote $VMNote = $VMNoteInfo.userNote $VMNoteCreator = $VMNoteInfo.userName $VMNoteCreatedUNIX = $VMNoteInfo.time # Converting dates IF($VMProtectionDateUNIX -ne $null){$VMProtectionDateUTC = Convert-RSCUNIXTime $VMProtectionDateUNIX}ELSE{$VMProtectionDateUTC = $null} IF($VMNoteCreatedUNIX -ne $null){$VMNoteCreatedUTC = Convert-RSCUNIXTime $VMNoteCreatedUNIX}ELSE{$VMNoteCreatedUTC = $null} # SLA info $VMSLADomainInfo = $RSCVM.effectiveSlaDomain $VMSLADomain = $ $VMSLADomainID = $ $VMSLAAssignment = $RSCVM.slaAssignment $VMSLAPaused = $RSCVM.slaPauseStatus # VM location $VMPhysicalPaths = $RSCVM.physicalPath $VMLogicalPaths = $RSCVM.logicalPath $VMHostInfo = $VMPhysicalPaths | Where-Object {$_.objectType -eq "VSphereHost"} $VMHostName = $ $VMHostID = $VMHostInfo.fid $VMClusterInfo = $VMPhysicalPaths | Where-Object {$_.objectType -eq "VSphereComputeCluster"} $VMClusterName = $ $VMClusterID = $VMClusterInfo.fid $VMDatacenterInfo = $VMPhysicalPaths | Where-Object {$_.objectType -eq "VSphereDatacenter"} $VMDatacenterName = $ $VMDatacenterID = $VMDatacenterInfo.fid $VMvCenterInfo = $VMPhysicalPaths | Where-Object {$_.objectType -eq "VSphereVCenter"} $VMvCenterName = $ $VMvCenterID = $VMvCenterInfo.fid $VMFolderInfo = $VMLogicalPaths | Where-Object {$_.objectType -eq "VSphereFolder"} $VMFolderName = $ $VMFolderID = $VMHostInfo.fid # VMDK info $VMVirtualDisks = $RSCVM.vsphereVirtualDisks.edges.node $VMVirtualDisksCount = $VMVirtualDisks | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count $VMVirtualDisksExcluded = $VMVirtualDisks | Where-Object {$_.excludeFromSnapshots -eq $True} $VMVirtualDisksExcludedCount = $VMVirtualDisksExcluded | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count # VM scripting $VMPreBackupScriptInfo = $RSCVM.preBackupScript $VMPostBackupScriptInfo = $RSCVM.postBackupScript IF($VMPreBackupScriptInfo -eq ""){$VMPreBackupScriptEnabled = $FALSE}ELSE{$VMPreBackupScriptEnabled = $TRUE} IF($VMPostBackupScriptInfo -eq ""){$VMPostBackupScriptEnabled = $FALSE}ELSE{$VMPostBackupScriptEnabled = $TRUE} # VM snapshot distribution $VMSnapshotTotals = $RSCVM.snapshotDistribution $VMOnDemandSnapshots = $VMSnapshotTotals.onDemandCount $VMSnapshots = $VMSnapshotTotals.scheduledCount # VM snapshot info $VMSnapshotDateUNIX = $ $VMSnapshotDateID = $ $VMReplicatedSnapshotDateUNIX = $ $VMReplicatedSnapshotDateID = $ $VMArchiveSnapshotDateUNIX = $ $VMArchiveSnapshotDateID = $ $VMOldestSnapshotDateUNIX = $ $VMOldestSnapshotDateID = $ # Converting snapshot dates IF($RSCReportingModule -eq $TRUE) { IF($VMSnapshotDateUNIX -ne $null){$VMSnapshotDateUTC = Convert-RSCUNIXTime $VMSnapshotDateUNIX}ELSE{$VMSnapshotDateUTC = $null} IF($VMReplicatedSnapshotDateUNIX -ne $null){$VMReplicatedSnapshotDateUTC = Convert-RSCUNIXTime $VMReplicatedSnapshotDateUNIX}ELSE{$VMSnVMReplicatedSnapshotDateUTCapshotDateUTC = $null} IF($VMArchiveSnapshotDateUNIX -ne $null){$VMArchiveSnapshotDateUTC = Convert-RSCUNIXTime $VMArchiveSnapshotDateUNIX}ELSE{$VMArchiveSnapshotDateUTC = $null} IF($VMOldestSnapshotDateUNIX -ne $null){$VMOldestSnapshotDateUTC = Convert-RSCUNIXTime $VMOldestSnapshotDateUNIX}ELSE{$VMOldestSnapshotDateUTC = $null} } ELSE { # RSC SDK auto converts $VMSnapshotDateUTC = $VMSnapshotDateUNIX $VMReplicatedSnapshotDateUTC = $VMReplicatedSnapshotDateUNIX $VMArchiveSnapshotDateUTC = $VMArchiveSnapshotDateUNIX $VMOldestSnapshotDateUTC = $VMOldestSnapshotDateUNIX } # Calculating hours since each snapshot $UTCDateTime = [System.DateTime]::UtcNow IF($VMSnapshotDateUTC -ne $null){$VMSnapshotTimespan = New-TimeSpan -Start $VMSnapshotDateUTC -End $UTCDateTime;$VMSnapshotHoursSince = $VMSnapshotTimespan | Select-Object -ExpandProperty TotalHours;$VMSnapshotHoursSince = [Math]::Round($VMSnapshotHoursSince,1)}ELSE{$VMSnapshotHoursSince = $null} IF($VMReplicatedSnapshotDateUTC -ne $null){$VMReplicatedSnapshotTimespan = New-TimeSpan -Start $VMReplicatedSnapshotDateUTC -End $UTCDateTime;$VMReplicatedSnapshotHoursSince = $VMReplicatedSnapshotTimespan | Select-Object -ExpandProperty TotalHours;$VMReplicatedSnapshotHoursSince = [Math]::Round($VMReplicatedSnapshotHoursSince,1)}ELSE{$VMReplicatedSnapshotHoursSince = $null} IF($VMArchiveSnapshotDateUTC -ne $null){$VMArchiveSnapshotTimespan = New-TimeSpan -Start $VMArchiveSnapshotDateUTC -End $UTCDateTime;$VMArchiveSnapshotHoursSince = $VMArchiveSnapshotTimespan | Select-Object -ExpandProperty TotalHours;$VMArchiveSnapshotHoursSince = [Math]::Round($VMArchiveSnapshotHoursSince,1)}ELSE{$VMArchiveSnapshotHoursSince = $null} IF($VMOldestSnapshotDateUTC -ne $null){$VMOldestSnapshotTimespan = New-TimeSpan -Start $VMOldestSnapshotDateUTC -End $UTCDateTime;$VMOldestSnapshotDaysSince = $VMOldestSnapshotTimespan | Select-Object -ExpandProperty TotalDays;$VMOldestSnapshotDaysSince = [Math]::Round($VMOldestSnapshotDaysSince,1)}ELSE{$VMOldestSnapshotDaysSince = $null} # Reporting data $VMReportInfo = $RSCVM.reportWorkload $VMWaitingForFirstFull = $VMReportInfo.awaitingFirstFull $VMProvisionedBytes = $VMReportInfo.provisionedBytes $VMProtectedBytes = $VMReportInfo.localProtectedData $VMLocalUsedBytes = $VMReportInfo.localStorage $VMReplicaUsedBytes = $VMReportInfo.replicaStorage $VMArchiveUsedBytes = $VMReportInfo.archiveStorage $VMLocalSnapshots = $VMReportInfo.localSnapshots $VMReplicaSnapshots = $VMReportInfo.replicaSnapshots $VMArchiveSnapshots = $VMReportInfo.archiveSnapshots # Converting storage units IF($VMProvisionedBytes -ne $null){$VMProvisionedGB = $VMProvisionedBytes / 1000 / 1000 / 1000;$VMProvisionedGB = [Math]::Round($VMProvisionedGB,2)}ELSE{$VMProvisionedGB = $null} IF($VMProtectedBytes -ne $null){$VMProtectedGB = $VMProtectedBytes / 1000 / 1000 / 1000;$VMProtectedGB = [Math]::Round($VMProtectedGB,2)}ELSE{$VMProtectedGB = $null} IF($VMLocalUsedBytes -ne $null){$VMLocalUsedGB = $VMLocalUsedBytes / 1000 / 1000 / 1000;$VMLocalUsedGB = [Math]::Round($VMLocalUsedGB,2)}ELSE{$VMLocalUsedGB = $null} IF($VMReplicaUsedBytes -ne $null){$VMReplicaUsedGB = $VMReplicaUsedBytes / 1000 / 1000 / 1000;$VMReplicaUsedGB = [Math]::Round($VMReplicaUsedGB,2)}ELSE{$VMReplicaUsedGB = $null} IF($VMArchiveUsedBytes -ne $null){$VMArchiveUsedGB = $VMArchiveUsedBytes / 1000 / 1000 / 1000;$VMArchiveUsedGB = [Math]::Round($VMArchiveUsedGB,2)}ELSE{$VMArchiveUsedGB = $null} $VMTotalUsedGB = $VMLocalUsedGB + $VMReplicaUsedGB + $VMArchiveUsedGB # Calculating dedupe for storage jockeys IF(($VMProtectedBytes -gt 1) -and ($VMLocalSnapshots -gt 1)){$VMDedupeRatio = $VMProtectedBytes * $VMLocalSnapshots / $VMLocalUsedBytes;$VMDedupeRatio = [Math]::Round($VMDedupeRatio,2)}ELSE{$VMDedupeRatio = $null} # Primary Rubrik cluster info $VMRubrikCluster = $ $VMRubrikClusterID = $ # Getting URL $VMURL = Get-RSCObjectURL -ObjectType "VmwareVirtualMachine" -ObjectID $VMID # Adding To Array $Object = New-Object PSObject $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "RSCInstance" -Value $RSCInstance # VM info $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VM" -Value $VMName $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMID" -Value $VMID $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMCDMID" -Value $VMCDMID $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Power" -Value $VMPowerStatus $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMTools" -Value $VMToolsInstalled $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AgentStatus" -Value $VMAgentStatus $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "OSType" -Value $VMGuestOSType $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "OSName" -Value $VMGuestOSName # Tags $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMTags" -Value $VMTagCount $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMTagCategories" -Value $VMTagCategoryCount # Protection $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SLADomain" -Value $VMSLADomain $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SLADomainID" -Value $VMSLADomainID $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SLAAssignment" -Value $VMSLAAssignment $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SLAPaused" -Value $VMSLAPaused $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ProtectedOn" -Value $VMProtectionDateUTC $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "PendingFirstFull" -Value $VMWaitingForFirstFull $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IsRelic" -Value $VMIsRelic # VM disks $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Disks" -Value $VMVirtualDisksCount $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DisksExcluded" -Value $VMVirtualDisksExcludedCount # Storage usage $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ProvisionedGB" -Value $VMProvisionedGB $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ProtectedGB" -Value $VMProtectedGB $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LocalUsedGB" -Value $VMLocalUsedGB $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ReplicaUsedGB" -Value $VMReplicaUsedGB $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ArchiveUsedGB" -Value $VMArchiveUsedGB $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "TotalUsedGB" -Value $VMTotalUsedGB $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DedupeRatio" -Value $VMDedupeRatio # VM snapshots $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "OnDemandSnapshots" -Value $VMOnDemandSnapshots $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LocalSnapshots" -Value $VMLocalSnapshots $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ReplicatedSnapshots" -Value $VMReplicaSnapshots $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ArchivedSnapshots" -Value $VMArchiveSnapshots # Snapshot dates $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LatestSnapshotUTC" -Value $VMSnapshotDateUTC $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LatestSnapshotUTCAgeHours" -Value $VMSnapshotHoursSince $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ReplicatedSnapshotUTC" -Value $VMReplicatedSnapshotDateUTC $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ReplicatedSnapshotUTCAgeHours" -Value $VMReplicatedSnapshotHoursSince $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ArchivedSnapshotUTC" -Value $VMArchiveSnapshotDateUTC $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ArchivedSnapshotUTCAgeHours" -Value $VMArchiveSnapshotHoursSince $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "OldestSnapshotUTC" -Value $VMOldestSnapshotDateUTC $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "OldestSnapshotUTCAgeDays" -Value $VMOldestSnapshotDaysSince # VM note info $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LatestRSCNote" -Value $VMNote $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LatestNoteCreator" -Value $VMNoteCreator $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LatestNoteDateUTC" -Value $VMNoteCreatedUTC # Misc info $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "GuestAuth" -Value $VMGuestAuth $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ArrayIntegration" -Value $VMArrayIntegration $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Consistency" -Value $VMConsistency $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "PreBackupScript" -Value $VMPreBackupScriptEnabled $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "PostBackupScript" -Value $VMPostBackupScriptEnabled # Rubrik cluster info $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ObjectID" -Value $VMID $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "RubrikCluster" -Value $VMRubrikCluster $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "RubrikClusterID" -Value $VMRubrikClusterID # VM Location information $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMFolder" -Value $VMFolderName $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMFolderID" -Value $VMFolderID $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMHost" -Value $VMHostName $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMHostID" -Value $VMHostID $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMCluster" -Value $VMClusterName $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMClusterID" -Value $VMClusterID $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMDatacenter" -Value $VMDatacenterName $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMDatacenterID" -Value $VMDatacenterID $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMvCenter" -Value $VMvCenterName $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMvCenterID" -Value $VMvCenterID # URL $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "URL" -Value $VMURL # Adding $RSCVMs.Add($Object) | Out-Null # End of for each object below } # End of for each object above # Returning array Return $RSCVMs # End of function } |