
# Function - Test-RSCEmail - Sending test emails from the RSC Reporting module
Function Test-RSCEmail {

Tests the ability for you to be able to send emails via a local SMTP server given the parameters you specify.
A wrapper that sends a test email using the PowerShell Send-MailMessage default function.
Specify the email to send to I.E recipient@lab.local
Specify the email to send from I.E reporting@lab.local
Specify your local SMTP server name or IP address which will accept you relaying/sending emails through it from the host/user running your script.
Switch to enable or disable SSL on the SMTP connection, only enable if required.
Returns the result of the attempt to send an email.
Test-RSCEmail -SMTPServer "localhost" -EmailTo "recipient@lab.local" -EmailFrom "reporting@lab.local"
This sends the email to a locally installed SMTP server relay on the host running the script (I.E hMailServer with basic Windows Mail Client)
Author: Joshua Stenhouse
Date: 05/11/2023

# Paramater Config

# Hard coding test
$EmailBody = "This is a test email from the Rubrik RSC Reporting reporting PowerShell module.."
$EmailSubject = "PowerShell Test Email"
$Attachments = $null

# Checking function hasn't been passed multiple To emails in a string, formatting if so
IF($EmailTo -match ",")
$EmailTo = $EmailTo.Split(",")
# With SSL
IF ($SSLRequired)
# Checking whether attachment has been specified
IF ($Attachments -ne $null)
# Sending email with attachments
Send-MailMessage -To $EmailTo -BodyAsHtml -Body $EmailBody -Subject $EmailSubject -From $EmailFrom -Attachments $Attachments -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -UseSSL
$EmailSent = $TRUE
Catch{$EmailSent = $FALSE}
# Sending email without attachments
Send-MailMessage -To $EmailTo -BodyAsHtml -Body $EmailBody -Subject $EmailSubject -From $EmailFrom -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -UseSSL
$EmailSent = $TRUE
Catch{$EmailSent = $FALSE}
# No SSL
# Checking whether attachment has been specified
IF ($Attachments -ne $null)
# Sending email with attachments
Send-MailMessage -To $EmailTo -BodyAsHtml -Body $EmailBody -Subject $EmailSubject -From $EmailFrom -Attachments $Attachments -SmtpServer $SMTPServer
$EmailSent = $TRUE
Catch{$EmailSent = $FALSE}
# Sending email without attachments
Send-MailMessage -To $EmailTo -BodyAsHtml -Body $EmailBody -Subject $EmailSubject -From $EmailFrom -SmtpServer $SMTPServer
$EmailSent = $TRUE
Catch{$EmailSent = $FALSE}

# Writing status
$EmailStatus = "EmailSent: $EmailSent"

# Returning status
Return $EmailStatus
# End of function