################################################ # Function - Get-RSCAWSEBSTagAssignments - Getting All RSCAWSEBSVolume Tags connected to RSC ################################################ Function Get-RSCAWSEBSTagAssignments { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns all AWS EBS tag assignments seen by RSC. .DESCRIPTION Makes the required GraphQL API calls to RSC via Invoke-RestMethod to get the data as described, then creates a usable array of the returned information, removing the need for the PowerShell user to understand GraphQL in order to interact with RSC. .OUTPUTS Returns an array of all the available information on the GraphQL endpoint in a uniform and usable format. .EXAMPLE Get-RSCAWSEBSTagAssignments This example returns an array of all the information returned by the GraphQL endpoint for this object type. .NOTES Author: Joshua Stenhouse Date: 05/11/2023 #> ################################################ # Importing Module & Running Required Functions ################################################ # Importing the module is it needs other modules Import-Module RSCReporting # Checking connectivity, exiting function with error if not connected Test-RSCConnection ################################################ # Creating Array ################################################ $RSCTagAssignments = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() ################################################ # Getting All AWS EC2 instances ################################################ # Creating array for objects $CloudDiskList = @() # Building GraphQL query $RSCGraphQL = @{"operationName" = "AWSEbsVolumesListQuery"; "variables" = @{ "first" = 1000 }; "query" = "query AWSEbsVolumesListQuery(`$first: Int, `$after: String) { awsNativeEbsVolumes(first: `$first,after: `$after) { edges { cursor node { id volumeNativeId volumeName volumeType region sizeInGiBs isRelic isExocomputeConfigured isIndexingEnabled isMarketplace ...EffectiveSlaColumnFragment awsNativeAccount { id name status __typename } slaAssignment attachedEc2Instances { id instanceName instanceNativeId __typename } ...AwsSlaAssignmentColumnFragment __typename tags { key value } awsAccountRubrikId availabilityZone awsNativeAccountName cloudNativeId effectiveSlaDomain { id name } iops name newestSnapshot { date id } oldestSnapshot { id date } slaPauseStatus physicalPath { objectType name fid } attachmentSpecs { awsNativeEc2InstanceId isExcludedFromSnapshot devicePath isRootVolume } nativeName objectType onDemandSnapshotCount } __typename } __typename pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage startCursor hasPreviousPage } } } fragment EffectiveSlaColumnFragment on HierarchyObject { id effectiveSlaDomain { ...EffectiveSlaDomainFragment ... on GlobalSlaReply { description __typename } __typename } ... on CdmHierarchyObject { pendingSla { ...SLADomainFragment __typename } __typename } __typename } fragment EffectiveSlaDomainFragment on SlaDomain { id name ... on GlobalSlaReply { isRetentionLockedSla __typename } ... on ClusterSlaDomain { fid cluster { id name __typename } isRetentionLockedSla __typename } __typename } fragment SLADomainFragment on SlaDomain { id name ... on ClusterSlaDomain { fid cluster { id name __typename } __typename } __typename } fragment AwsSlaAssignmentColumnFragment on HierarchyObject { effectiveSlaSourceObject { fid name objectType __typename } slaAssignment __typename } " } ################################################ # API Call To RSC GraphQL URI ################################################ # Querying API $CloudDiskListResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $RSCGraphqlURL -Body $($RSCGraphQL | ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 20) -Headers $RSCSessionHeader # Setting variable $CloudDiskList += $ # Getting all results from paginations While ($ { # Getting next set $RSCGraphQL.variables.after = $ $CloudDiskListResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $RSCGraphqlURL -Body $($RSCGraphQL | ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 20) -Headers $RSCSessionHeader $CloudDiskList += $ } ################################################ # Processing AWS EBS Volumes ################################################ # For Each Object Getting Data ForEach ($CloudDisk in $CloudDiskList) { # Setting variables $VolumeID = $ $VolumeName = $ $VolumeNativeID = $CloudDisk.volumeNativeID $VolumeType = $CloudDisk.volumeType $VolumeRegion = $CloudDisk.region $VolumeSizeGB = $CloudDisk.sizeInGibs $VolumeIsRelic = $CloudDisk.isRelic $VolumeIsExocomputeConfigured = $CloudDisk.isExoComputeConfigured $VolumeIsIndexingEnabled = $CloudDisk.isIndexingEnabled $VolumeSLADomain = $ $VolumeSLADomainID = $ $VolumeSLAAssignment = $CloudDisk.slaAssignment $VolumeAccountInfo = $CloudDisk.awsNativeAccount $VolumeAccountID = $ $VolumeAccountName = $ $VolumeAccountNativeID = $ $VolumeAccountStatus = $VolumeAccountInfo.status $VolumeTags = $CloudDisk.tags | Select-Object Key,value # Adding To Array for Each tag ForEach($VolumeTag in $VolumeTags) { $Object = New-Object PSObject $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "RSCInstance" -Value $RSCInstance $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cloud" -Value "AWSRDS" $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Tag" -Value $VolumeTag.value $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "TagKey" -Value $VolumeTag.key $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Volume" -Value $VolumeName $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VolumeID" -Value $VolumeID $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VolumeNativeID" -Value $VolumeNativeID $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Account" -Value $VolumeAccountName $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AccountID" -Value $VolumeAccountID $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AccountNativeID" -Value $VolumeAccountNativeID # Adding $RSCTagAssignments.Add($Object) | Out-Null # End of for each tag assignment below } # End of for each tag assignment above # # End of for each object below } # End of for each object above # # Returning array Return $RSCTagAssignments # End of function } |